Red pill me on traffic lights

Red pill me on traffic lights

Red means stop
Green means go
The Jews intended for yellow to make people speed to generate tickets

I've heard they have CCTV cameras near them in a small white box/inside them in Manhattan.
Not sure about inside them, but it's possible. I saw some circular white things near them in NYC.


(((Traffic lights)))

They may be sensors for emergency vehicles. They have them where I live. They automatically turn all the lights red if ambulances or police cars are coming with their lights on.

>obeying the illuminated jew

Don't you have fully automatic speeding cameras in Israel? The shit is on the post beside the road, ticketing everyone who's speeding and sending letters automatically. They fired thousands of cops because of this lel

That's clever

This fucking thread kek

I think we have them on some places, how's that related to my post?

Not really

Anyone could think of that


ah yes, the flashing jew.


yes some[most city lights] have sensors in the IR spectrum that change signals when emergency vehicles are approaching AND when the vehicle strobes at a certain pattern. You can make a device called a 'chrome box' that does this for you. Any oldfags might remember this.


not rare, kill yourself

The undisputable sign of civilization
>India has little to no traffic lights

I don't wanna sound paranoïd or anything but why do we use orange for transitioning between red and green light while our eyes detect better blue colours?


it's a subliminal order given to the white man by the Jews.
Red - kill the Indians
Yellow - halt the Asians
Green - accept the reptilian

Because the colours are inherited from the early days of railroads. Red and green can't be mistaken for another and meant exactly what they mean now. One of the reaso nwhy they were picked is that they are still distinguishable under all sunlights you get throughout the day while blue can be harder to see in the twilight.
Also blue at the time was sometimes used to tell that a specific way in a train station was meant to stay empty, so there is that too. It was a rare case which is why they didn't bother using a very visible colour.

>this thread
