In light of the recent horrifying Cap twist, I have seen far too many “stop saying they made him a nazi...

In light of the recent horrifying Cap twist, I have seen far too many “stop saying they made him a nazi, HYDRA aren’t nazis!!!11!1″ so I thought I would bring back this scene to remind everyone that yes they are

Other urls found in this thread:


Red skull didn't found hydra though


in the movies. though he seemed above Nazis by the time of the movies.

>using Agents of Non-Canon as your source

>using live action shit in a discussion about the comics
Get the fuck out.

It's gotten better.

She didn't really hear him out.
Just because the founder of the organization was a bad guy doesn't mean it's still bad, things change

Except even that went on to show that the idea of Hydra predated the Nazis, with Red Skull merely adopting and adapting it to what Captain America would later fight. Adding to that, even in the movie, Red Skull denounces the Reich, along with the rest of the Nazi party, to be independent.
Sky was just butthurt because just about half of the organization that she started to call family and home turned out to be double agents.

AoS is only canon to the MCU. Not 616.

I mean, this is from the first season. By the third season they learn the true origin of HYDRA and realise that, no, they're not a nazi organization. They're an inhuman death cult.

And either way, this is for the MCU. The MCU =/= the comics.

Neither 616 nor Ultimate HYDRA are explicitly Nazis.

Hate when people do this.
>"If Steve is Hydra, imagine what Bucky will think when he's part of the group that tortured him! :("
But 616 Bucky was never Hydra, he was KGB.

I'm getting sick of hearing this too. It's obvious which people only got into comics because of the movies, but I don't begrudge new fans. Just when they try to argue comics stuff using only movie knowledge.

But I do wonder if Bucky will feel betrayed. He did join the war as a teen to be Captain America's partner, and died because of it.

Between Bucky and Sam though, I could see Bucky being more down with whatever Cap is doing since Bucky tends to be a little shadier in his methods. I can't see Sam being good with this at all. I wonder if Sharon will either straight up leave him because of it or join him herself, but this seems to go against what she's always stood for as well.


In the MCU, Hydra was originally an Inhuman sacrificial death cult that has changed names and symbols many times over the thousands of years it fed tributes to it's god, Alveus.

At some point in the 20th century, the Red Skull co-opted Hydra's ideals and turned it into "modern" Hydra, the antagonistic entity we see in the First Avenger onwards.

Gideon Malik's branch was the last to die off some years after the events of Winter Soldier, and his power structure and the rest of Hydra's remaining outposts were destroyed by the ATCU and its allies. Meanwhile, the now freed Alveus converted a number of Hydra agents and used it's wealth to fund the rise of his restored Inhuman death cult until being defeated at the hands of some exceptional ATCU agents.

After 2016/2017 in the MCU, Hydra as an organization no longer exists. It will be some time before they ever become a serious threat again.

Point is, "modern" Hydra is very clearly born from the Nazis, as well as being a death cult. OP's pic isn't wrong.

>tfw Ward's Wild Ride is over

Red Skull founded Hydra, the death cult before him wasn't called Hydra.

It's all the same idea though, use ancient alien shit to take over ze world. One death cult leads to another.

Video of the scene:

AoS isn't canon

Hydra might not have originally been a Nazi organization, but it was more or less defunct until the Axis forces revived it for their own purposes

It's like the swastika. That shape wasn't originally a Nazi thing, but unless you're looking at it specifically in the context of some Buddhist shit, no one would blame you for assuming it's super Nazi-y

>Just because the founder of the organization was a bad guy doesn't mean it's still bad, things change

Except that is clearly not the case, you shitposting moron. Context is still important, and they still fashioned a lot of their tactics from Nazi's. Her calling them such is valid.



still not canon

>They're an inhuman death cult.
that's our perlmutter

MCU isn't 616 though, so it has nothing to do with Hydra Cap

Hydra weren't Nazis or they would have used the Nazi Salute or worn Nazi uniforms. They were a military branch using Nazi funding and protection to propel their movement forward.

Many people back in WW2 helped and funded the Nazis because they assumed they were gonna win. Doesn't make them bad people.

Then you wouldn't know what he was describing as "horrifying."

It's really not surprising that Jack Kirby had the right idea with this. Say what you will about him but that man understood fascism to its core.

LMAO I bet you're like that crazy "disabled vet" that send a death threat to Brevoort.

And in the movies Cao wasn't always Hydra, or as far as we know, he's not. Marvel comics and films do not mirror one another, they are vastly diffrent.

How does it feel to be wrong?

>But I'm not a Nazi, I'm a National-Socialist! No bully pls
That scene was so fucking good.

You know I am going to miss that bastard cause man Sky is a fucking cry baby and Colson is getting that way.

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created HYDRA as a ripoff of SPECTRE. It wasn't remotely Nazi.

Jim Steranko added Nazis to the group but they are not a Nazi group - they'll take anyone of any race, color or creed, as long as they're evil.

The movie used them instead of the Nazis because it's no longer PC to have Nazis in family films. Which is a major weakness of the first Cap movie. It would be so much better with actual Nazis a la Indiana Jones.

An accessory to the crime is still guilty.

Try again.


Strucker did, who was also a Nazi.

>implying we are not preparing for the coming of RoboWard