What was marvel thinking

What was marvel thinking


Why do you have two of these webms saved on your phone? Are you that much of a chronic shitposter, sven?

Weren't you doxxed pajeet?


they were thinking idiots love memes and pacman and they were right

Quinn only has a memories of games from the eighties. At the time Pacman was the most OP video game character. Add in the fact he's a man child it's not surprising. I didn't like the gag but I understood it.

I upvoted this. In fact I even know the reference :=)

Wow. I haven't seen the movie, but that's a straight plagiarism of the end of "Off to Be the Wizard" by Scott Meyer.


Its a 5 second gag that makes for something more visually interesting than just another big looking dude.

Its pretty simple DCucks

>ITT: people who are too poor to watch this movie

Holy shit it looks so cheap.
That's what happens when you outsource all your post-prod to India and Vietnam, I guess.

I thought it was pretty funny.

It was even foreshadowed earlier where he was only going to build weird shit.
The two giants clashing trope is fucking annoying too so this was nice.

starting to believe that film truly did peak already and we're just going to have pop-reference filled quipfests and Idiocracy-tier KICKED IN THE NUTS shows soon

>that cgi on the guy's face at the begining

the only moment in the entire movie where I smiled

did you even pay attention user

he just learned how to use his powers and thus far he had only been able to make a sphere, vs ego who has been doing this shit for eons. it would have been boring if he just made a giant ball with no unique features, so they went with the gag. plus it's in-character for him to do this and weirder things have been done during combat in the comics


>so quirky and fun!

Looks like a Spy Kids movie. Did Machete cameo? I love Robert Rodriguez!

>it's a Sup Forums overlooks the best characterization and dialogue we've seen in a marvel movie because of a few silly moments episode

Gee, I wonder.

it's obviously a meme off and ego a shit

Holy shit i thought it had underpreformed.