Ghost Light Edition
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Ghost Light Edition
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actually The Massacre edition. talk about The Massacre ONLY
Welcome to the realm of doctor who, one of the most poorly thought out series of all time. A series funded by the British tax payer that in no way represents the British taxpayer
Another example of the governments methos da of cronyrollong trhe British public through rocaille misting and poor plot oprogression
As the only show I watch on BBC
All I wanted was a food sci fi adventure but this is not what I receivers.
2nd for best companion
>this is unsearchable
The Silurians is on in casual stream if anyone wants to drop in - ep3 just started
No it isn't?
How about you all learn that canon and consistency is important and you are all focussed on special effects and restarted scndciots from the mouth of the bcc when the make no dense
Point out the title for me, next Doctor
You having a stroke?
are they secretly the monks?
Don't do anything your Queen wouldn't do. The cameras are watching.
Thank you all very much for aknckoldgeing that we are in probably the darkest hour of dsocotor how so far. Is this worse than the 80s! Could be but maybe now?
At least the 80s shaved a better creams of what was donny and what was not. This is not doonny this is dumb.
>a food sci fi adventure
I did a thread too and fucked up the name as well but didn't link it
You shouldn't had either
this tbqh
good fucking god
>a food sci fi adventure
get off /who/, hurndall
you're supposed to be dead
Seriously al you guys want to do is Prost stupid images and not even discuss doctor who which is the program we are discussing
This is bullshit you don't even want to criticise the new episodes
Jsutsd becuae it is fiction doesn't mean that this is undue of the crisitiidxkf that the older woaidoes receivers and ethics endned up in their cancelling
I alosmiftnsiwsh that it would get wlcanclled ebecuae becausbut is wakeful tounnkwni? Very little effort is or in to each episdos
please never stop posting, here's a Nichola
>tfw that Cockneys vs Zombie movie where the nigga from My Parents Are Aliens (and Saturday's episode) got eaten is on the Horror Channel now
What is going on with this guy, he's honestly on everything now. Could he be No. 13?
phuck opherino
You sad losers need to get a grip because otherwise I wit haunt you while you sellpz
This is very bad discussion for. A show that has had Moore than 50 year of BBC dedication
Why not make this as good as buddy for many of the other long runout sco fi shows
That trek has a Breyer fan comdmibity rhantod
Trump is that you?
What does she even mean?
"You can't see me, can you? You look at me and you can't see me."
Stephanie's hymen is wet
Who is it his whusperymenace tat is pulling affronts to the Doctor Who multiverse without proper authorising toon from me - the lord of tlll discord who productions since 2005?
he's pretty
These costumes look fucking terrible.
Much better animated Zoe than pic related
Do you have any lewds of Leela?
GB is saying that Capaldi will temporary regen or metacrisis into Samantha Spiro
you don't want them. trust me
There are some relatively lewd ones and there is one with a titty in it, but the titty is not a titty you wish to see.
already confirmed shes playing the female ice warrior in Mark's ep
You mean the time she scandalously wore men's trousers?
no these
thanks for putting me off my dinner
have a v. lewd Katy
>I have yet to see a robot
>that can climb!
I'm part of it! I'm part of the simulation! /who/, I'm not real!
All joking aside, how do you have enough confidence to be an actor when you have tits like that? I'm not taking the piss here, by the way. If you're a woman, how can it not destroy your confidence to be that flat-chested? It would be like a man with a micropenis. How do you maintain the confidence to do something that requires as much confidence as acting when your tits are so flat?
at least she's sorta thicc
Don't get me wrong – I would have engaged in sexual intercourse with her instantaneously, given the chance. She would have just had to keep the clothes on. Same with Clara desu.
Also, does anyone have any clear, HD promo pics of Leela? I can't find any anywhere.
found a few
Do you trust me, /who/?
I've also got a sort-of lewd Carole-Anne Ford for people if they want it later
As a writer, not particularly, but probably quite good at casting actors and promoting the show itself
Thank-you, kind user!
No, but the bar is set ridiculously low and I welcome the change.
>series 11 finale
>it's gonna be a whopper
>already teased
>never seen this before
The Jesus Doctor forgives you, /who/.
Dr. Basil Funkenstein sonicing something
Anyone else here used to run an autistic blogspot blog about Doctor Who?
relatively rare nichola
Nah. Probably would have done if I hadn't found this place, though.
We're almost there, the last Moffuck.
>the last Moffuck
The eternal Moffuck: Moffat leaves as showrunner, but continues to write episodes for Doctor Who after his departure.
Here's all the lewds I've found in an album - if anyone has anything not in here drop the link into the casualwhostream chat and I'll add them in as well
What does she mean?
>could easily have been one
>their method of invasion really interested me
>first half hour dragged, but I enjoyed the last 15 mins or so
>really satisfying climax
Haven't a clue.
>3.5 stars
I really doubt it could be worse than the last episode.