Anyone seen the new poptart commercial? I can't find a clip online, but our favorite mass pastry killer and eater is at it again
Anyone seen the new poptart commercial? I can't find a clip online...
Tell me more, OP
>That moan she makes right before it cuts to the parents.
No one ever has gotten that much pleasure from food ever.
She hijacked a convenience store and posed as a clerk to stuff 2 teenagers full of soda before consuming them, and of course stated a very seductively phrased pun before cutting away the commercial.
Yup, that sure sounds like her!
The orange crush poptarts are really good. Haven't seen the commercial though.
>Soda poptarts
My mind's telling me no. But my body
My body's tellin me yes.
Rootbeer ones have a fairly strong licorice/sassafras taste to them compared to a&w root beer itself. They're interesting, but I don't like them as much as the orange ones which manage to capture their soda taste perfectly minus the carbonation and the flat taste you would expect from a lack of carbonation.
Why is she such a slut?
Wouldn't the poptart be a slut since it was consumed by so many different individuals?
>not finishing the job
She must have thought she heard the cops or something
She wasn't in it for the meal, she was in it for the domination. She took the first bite, then left that poptart to the animals. She probably watched as it was eaten.
>the year is 201X
>our country has completely integrated society with a species of sentient, living pastries
>however, there are people who struggle with welcoming them as equals
>there are also many who value these sentient strudels as nothing more than a snack
>against the law, hundreds, thousands of living pop tarts are consumed every day by people who see no trouble with removing a toaster pastry from the face of the earth
>they say that the flavor of one is so addictive, it would lead a person to do terrible things for a morsel of a bite
>this is the story of one woman who's life has been consumed by her addiction
>led by her subhuman desires to reach that next buzz, she lies, cheats, hijacks, and steals her way to eat the best (and rather fattening) treats she can slaughter
>sentient, living pastries
>Not just pop tarts
Now I'm imagining her hunting down that one Twinkie from the Sausage Party trailer.
Why dose this fit my sick sick fetishes
Masterful. I like how relatively casual the jelly is about the whole thing too.
Those comments, all the triggered mothers, this is amazing.
This isn't a new commercial though... this was one of the first ones with her in it.
Found it.
>Can't hold your soda boys?
Why is this bitch so fucking seductive no matter what she says?
Does anyone have that like, fanfic of the baby eatting one where its a court transcript about her murder trial and the ladys like a crazy serial killer?
we need to do it, Sup Forums
i've become enlightened, suddenly
we'll pull a fucking ccba tier project
altogether, we write an erotic novel detailing janice (that's what we should call her for now) seducing the ceo of poptarts co. into letting her get the entirety of the poptart surplus
tl;dr Sup Forums we should write an m rated fanfic about her
I don't, but here's this one.
>You will never go on a decadent killing-spree with her, ending the night fucking like animals on all fours ankle deep in jam
might as well kill myself
I'm ashamed of it.
I really am.
But I came.
She's too good at this.
e-hentai comic links for popgirl when
When do we decide on a name for her?
It's getting frustrating just referring to her as "her".
When do we bestow a title unto thee?
yes, this pleases me
damn shame. I'd rather her stuff and eat girl poptarts
I thought she was Poptart Nurse, but I guess that wasn't really her job. Nurse is a cute name though.
Something about seeing it in comic form makes it feel a lot darker
Artist is mangneto
I prefer her to remorselessly eat small children while the parents look on in horror
And then she eats the parents too, right?
Not before raping them, while remains of their child fall from her mouth on top of them while she moans
Does her debauchery know no bounds?!
These are my favorite threads
Remember this?
same company that thought haggis poptarts would be a hit
I wanted to caller Poptart Patty
I'd at least try rootbeer poptarts.
I don't like orange soda though.
>Aw jam it!
Laughed like hell.
these poptart commercials are so weird it reminds me of the jelly filled eggo commercials
I rewatched those online a couple months ago
Those were horrifying to me and my older sister would always make fun of me saying that the waffles would come and get me in my sleep
Bump for interest
Yeah, these used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. Same with the honeycomb commercials.
Is that supposed to be a pregnant brownie?
>that voice
Everything she says sounds hot.
Is it this one, OP?
>More art of the gluttonous adventures of Poptart Nurse
That was just a disguise. The Poptarts girl has been around ever since the whole "Let's ripoff Hertzfeldt" commercial series started
I just don't get it.
What is Sup Forums's obsession over this woman?
Are most of you vore fetishists or what?
Shit, she didn't even have a name until you guys started drawing and fantasizing about her.
sges got a fat ass
I'm a straight up vore fetishist, yes.
To each his own. Not into vore but I'm just into a girl with a ravenous sweet tooth
The same people who think a root beer float and orange julius are good desserts.
Combination of the vocal performance and the "Naughty Nurse" look in that ad.
Following's a mix of vorefags and people rationalizing that eating sentient food doesn't really count as vore because vore's primarily a jerking off to cannibalism fetish
Pop-Tarts don't have feelings Billy, they're made of corn syrup!
it's partially hydrotinated!
Oh. Well in that case I wasn't too far off.
I remember someone where she eat his dick, but i'm not sure if that was the same toast character.
>that moan
holy fuck this is so close to being asmr
There will never be enough
> telling people your wish
it's like you don't want it to come true