I was at the DNC protest last night

I was at the DNC protest last night

this sign


do we want Israel to die and jews to disperse?

Other urls found in this thread:


We want Islam and Judaism to die, user.
But I think Isreal must die first.

Those are Jews against Israel, by the way.

They're sick of having their people used as a bartering token.

Judaism IS Zionism.

Fuck Palestine

I dunno user,

these Jews say it's illegal for jews to have a homeland according to the Torah

Ah, the old Israel vs Palestine.

Do not partake in it anons, make sure your own elected representatives aren't bankrolled by either side.

>palestinians having money to bankroll

i want jews right where they are. its a shitty little spec of land far away from me. I also support their land grabbing on the gaza strip and endless conflict with durka durkas

Most of the members of Palistinian Liberation front are actually from Lebanon. Then they'll tell Arabic Christians to move out...

Oh the irony...

Jews are already fucking everywhere, there are more Jews in America than Israel

This changes everything! I'm a #CruzMissle now! *Random airplane noises*

This is the most shill of a disinfo post I have ever seen
Many Palestinian liberation organizations have full support of Muslims and Christians alike
PFLP itself was founded by George Habash, a Palestinian Christian, and Christians have good reason to oppose Israel and fight for Palestinian liberation. They have been losing their lands and homes for decades, while Zionists try and make it look like it's a simple case of Muslim vs Jews/Christians/Western world.


All Western Christians need to read this.

Tbh, i'll defend Israel when its against these retarded bernouts

Palestinians also asked the world to boycott Rhodesia and South Africa. They also helped fund rebels that slaughtered innocent white farmers (women & children. Palestinians celebrated the election of Mugabe and the exodus of the whites.
They're subhuman.

That was most likely because Rhodesia and South Africa were supporting Israel

Even if that were true - which it isn't - still tells you a lot about their savagery. I'm not surprised as Palestinians are just Arab dregs from Jordan and a few other Islamic countries. Their first contact with African rebels was before Israel's involvement too - Palestinians don't like white men having power in brown men's land. Same as ZANU and all the other nogs out here in the bush.

It's a well known fact that Rhodesia and South Africa were proud supporters of Israel, and very much well allied with them. It isn't surprising that Palestinians didn't like SA and Rhodesia for that, and were celebrating when Mugabe came into power.

Just because SA and Rhodesia were allied with Israel, and I believe that Israel was unjust and wrong, doesn't mean I am against SA and Rhodesia, atleast, certainly not Rhodesia. Don't try and compare yourself with Rhodesia, they were a pluralist society that held whites and blacks in the same status, unlike SA.

Rhodesia was founded by colonialist whites, but later on detached from the UK, and made itself as it's own country with it's own system. Zimbabwe was an unjust mistake, led by a power hungry man who used racial differences and prejudice to gain power. Blacks in Zimbabwe admit that they had it better in Rhodesia, than today. Blacks in South Africa are not saying this, so don't try and lump yourself with Rhodesia.

Also you can't compare Israel with SA/Rhodesia either
Those two countries were mostly uncivillised shitholes before the Whites came, and whites made it into modern nations.
Palestine however, was quite developed before Israel happened, and had huge thriving cities and towns.

nah, judes are as divided as other races
check for example the opression of yiddish jews by the hebrew jews

All that text for nothing.
Again, Palestinians sought out a relationship with the rebels BEFORE Israel's involvement. Palestinians trained and armed rebels.
Not sure why you need to ramble about the differences between SA and Rhodesia - everybody with brains knows the difference.
I don't need your history lesson - I know far more than you. Stick to the topic as well: Palestinians, along with soviets helped rebels - before Israel's involvement.

To be honest, as long as Russian "Jews" like Big Bono control Israel, American Jews seem split on what to do, because he runs that shit like Rhodesia. And frankly, I think that's hilarious. That the last bastion of colonial values and racial nationalism of classical Europe is in a Jewish state founded 70 years ago.

I'm not shilling either, Israel made blacks infertile, takes what is strategically important, and is able to manipulate the system so that it's far right wins and liberal faggot ashkennazi get blown the fuck out every time. Because of this, Israel is probably as culturally conservative and nationalist as Poland. And the Jews here ridicule it for that and some have called for its destruction. All we had to do was btfo Arabs several times and give them a state (we should deport all our Jews to Israel ) and they turn scheming merchants into a hyper nationalist traditionalist state. The Hasidics and Haredis now constitute the biggest voting block and they keep growing

my basic understanding of this branch of orthodox jewish theology is that they were cast out for a reason and aren't supposed to return until the messiah comes

user kun, why do you abandon me like this?we used to think jews = whites, but i am trying to redpill more and more people about this.
So far its working and my family thinks im a nazi.

So jews are AGAINST Israel?
wtf I love Israel now.

Ultra Orthodox ones are. The ones who follow the Torah word for word - since the Torah forbids the Jewish people from having a homeland.

Still doesn't take away from the fact that Ultra Orthodox Jews are dirty as fuck and even worse welfare parasites than blacks.

These guys get around... They were the only protestors when I saw Trump in Portsmouth NH