Bryan Singer Says He's Stepping Away From The X-MEN Franchise, But Not Forever

>Now, after the release of his most recent installment, X-Men: Apocalypse, Singer is looking to take a break from the film series. "I recently met [Oscar-winning director] Danny Boyle -- he and I have known of each other for many years but never met. He was prepping 'Steve Jobs' at the time and I was doing this and he said, 'Are you going to be doing 'X-Men' movies forever?' And I didn’t actually say no. The reality is, even though I’m very desperate to jump to something completely different, I’ve spent so many years in this universe and I love this cast and the characters so much, I just don't see myself abandoning them forever. Perhaps as a consultant, as a producer, even as a director, I could see myself returning in the future. Just right now, once this one is done, I’d like to do something really different."

He should be arrested.



Based Singer, knowing when it's time to leave.
What's Snyder's excuse

Good. This franchise needs new blood. Desperately.

Those boys won't molest themselves, the needs a clear schedule.

>What's Snyder's excuse
That he's a good director.

Go to bed Snyder.

Can anyone name another franchise that will allow him to casting couch so many attractive men age range late teens-early twenties?


Agreed. In fact, one day he might even direct a good movie.

>consultant or producer
Y'know what? This is fine.
He's got two great movies, a good movie and an okay movie under his belt so he doesn't really have to stay on unless he wants to.

I can think of no better time to bring in new blood than the next movie with Jean, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver and maybe Jubilee as the main heroes.

Just find a good director and a script thats not crapgarbage so we don't have to relive X3 The Last Stand again.

I'm all too happy to inform you that he already has, multiple times in fact.

Vaughn is busy with Kingsman.

Let him finish out a trilogy of those. The sequel looks amazing from the cast alone.

I'd love to see Vaughn come back for another go. Or give the reins to someone entirely new (Lexi Alexander, maybe? She's good with action). But, at any rate, while Singer has made some good films in the franchise, I do think his aesthetic has gotten a little tired. He's directed four films, and been involved with the production of two more, over a sixteen year period. Time to move on and let the franchise move beyond its turn of the century/post-Matrix roots.

Put him on the Batman franchise

We could use some sexy Robins

Reminder that FC was bad.

They should get F. Gary Gray to direct the next one.

He did the Italian Job, Straight Outta Compton, Set It Off, Be Cool and is currently doing Fast 8. He could add some real physicality to the action scenes, something I always felt was missing from Singer's movies.




His wife

My first thought was power Rangers, but that's taken.

He could always do Runaways for Disney.

If they can't get Vaughn, they always go to the source and just hire Guy Ritchie.

>F Gary Gray

That's not a bad choice.

's son

>Yfw he starts "directing" a teen titans movie

That's actually a good idea. Singers type seems to be pale black haired twink's (see Beast, Nightcrawler).
Next movie opens, its Batfleck with Dick Jason and Tim draped over him artfully.
>Makes Batman & Robin look straighter than Rambo in comparison.

Vaughn busy making Kingsmen with the milf writer with the enormous boobs. In fact I think Jane Goldman's absence from Apcolysple cost the movie seeing how DotF was originally going to be directed by Vaughn.

I'm not a gay-basher by any means, but I hope they stop giving gay directors superhero movies. They inject too much of their own sexual preferences and political motivations into their work.

>I'm not against "x" but I wish "x" would stop getting work.

X-Men has been gay as fuck before Singer came around. Just saying.

Same here. Bryan fell into the horrible habit on hiring talentless fuckboy twinks as eye candy instead of actually good actors.

>implying a group of twinks and a qt trap Starfire would be a bad thing

>I can't read

VAUGHN is simply too straight to do X-men stuff. The reason he didn't return is probably because he didn't want to participate in Singer's pedo parties

Fuck you. Don't take our hot guys away from us while you get your female fanservice

Thanks for sharing that with us.

nice 1

There was nothing gay in DOFP or Apoc, unless you want to count Angel being shirtless.

And considering they squeezed Olivia Munn into that Psylocke outfit, I'd say it was pretty even.

I guess those weren't shown in theatres.

Let the twinks hit the floor

maybe not for you

>Beast Boy
Aw yeaaaaaaaaaah

Pretty Mmm Boys and... Decent Women.

How? Haven't seen Apocalypse yet, but I don't see what was overtly gay about DOFP.

I wonder what the deal with his 20,000 Leagues movie is.

It was greenlit but there hasn't been news in a while.

I agree. I think he should still be involved with the overall franchise, but it'd be fine to have someone take over as the director. Not Vaughn, though. I liked First Class a lot, something about the way it looks feels out of place compared to the other films in the franchise. But as everyone's already mentioned, he's busy anyway.

There's like five 20,000 Leagues movies in development right now.

Haven't watched First Class in a while, but one thing that stood out were the tongue-in-cheek moments like Emma Frost picking ice off an iceberg. Those moments work in Kingsmen, but not in something as dramatic as First Class.

Oh yeah Raven and Starfire too

My bad user



that tomato meter has gone up 12% since i last saw it

That pic was made about a week ago.

it's not exactly a closely guarded secret that to get the budget for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Singer had to direct Apocalypse

these comic movies are a machine someone else was always going to direct the 2018 X-Men movie.

Good, it was very obvious he was tired of X-Men and completely half assed Apocalypse to get budget to movies he actually wants to do.

hopefully they wont go to dark phoenix without singer again. that dude has no right to complain about last stand or whatever fox shits out next time. he has had two chances now to do dark phoenix and both times didnt want to do it.

They should get Joss Whedon to direct the next mainline X-Men film.

>Whedon directing '90s-era X-Men

Wouldn't be terrible.

Whedon's Breakfast Club X-Men?

And rest of the non autist population.

ok bud

These movies feel more and more like comic books to me. You have the tie-ins that don't really tie-in (Agents, Netflix series) the cool alternate universe that doesn't get many readers (Cwverse) and the writer that needs to get the fuck of a book cause he's been there to long (Singer)

I know what you mean. It is kind of interesting to see the Movies and tv shows take on comic book metatraits.

>The one time Whedon's quips and downtime would serve a purpose

No universe to really build, not demands to be met. Just you, Tim Miller, and some guy doing New Mutants.

and yet it's the best xmen ever made

>Bryan Singer directs 2 x-men movies
>Bryan Singer introduces the Phoenix in the second movie
>Bryan Singer leaves after 2 films and introducing the phoenix.

God dammit we're getting ANOTHER X-Men 3.

>great movies
You're talking of Usual Suspect and Apt Pupil, right?


o no

Bump to halt the rapture

Twink Titans

This is a hollow victory

Kinberg will still have his grubby hands over every flick

The guy aint shit