So, any hopes for Arrow season 5?

So, any hopes for Arrow season 5?

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>that S4 finale rating


Not a Chance.

the foundation is broken
too many permanent changes that fuck up any future story telling
if it was a comic, they'd just retcon all the shit stuff, but sadly they can't

>season four finale
holy shit

every person who keeps watching this thing deserves the suffering they've been subjected to.

Damn, season 4 was already ridiculously terrible and the finale was significantly worse? Just what the fuck happened? I was actually planning to catch up with the last 5 or so episodes that I was behind.

>Just what the fuck happened?

Final fight was absolutely pathetic, even by S3/4 standards.
Oliver killed Damien, completely destroying the season's entire thematic arc
Felicity magically destroyed the nukes
Thea and Diggle are gone
Final scene was Felicity saying: "Think I'm leaving? Not a chance". Basically, the writers told the audience to get fucked

Dhahrk launches something like 1500 nukes. Felicity redirects one of them to god knows where and the rest into space (off screen mind you). Oliver and Dhahrk just kind of punch each other in the face for a few minutes until Olliver stabs Dhahrk with an arrow. Thea and Dig leave because of reasons but Felicity stays.