Was it autism?
Was it autism?
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Haven't watched it yet, but getting sick of old man Brad Pitt taking on war movie roles with the same Inglorious Basterds accent he ca 't drop.
I'm afraid I'll hate Bradd as a person after this if it's pure propaganda, so Im giving it time.
You don't get to higher positions in the US military (officer or enlisted) without being perceived as an odd person by non-military members.
The scenes where he was left alone with his wife were excruitiating. Can a relationship like that even truly be defined as marriage beyond the legal sense?
And that robo-jog, my god...
This film and his performance are nothing like either of those things, rest assured
It was a sincere desire to help colonize iraq and secure a place in history for himself.
It was actually pretty solid flick about McChrystal
>that nonstop claw hand gesture
>that one eyed all-perceiving gaze
I can't remember the last time my kino falcon related this much to an onscreen character
Glen McMahon did nothing wrong.
>Special Forces
They are
Rangers are not Special forces.
If you served in both units you are allowed to wear both patches
Oh, you mean Green Berets, I thought you meant in the SF community. My mistake.
Tabs =/= scroll
shit was kino
The vast majority of SF are Ranger qualified so they get to wear both.
You don't have to be in the 75th Ranger Regiment to go to ranger school or wear the tab...
Yup... he's gone Clooney
>(Get it looney )
I hate to say it, but Pitt was the pits in this movie. It had some decent commentary, but the lead's performance made him seem like a MadTC character.
I'm on retard pills, wym
That's real shit, though. It's pretty common for men in the service to go six months at a time without seeing their wives. The applies even more to those with kids in school. My coworker worked in Japan while his wife and kid were in San Diego. He hadn't seen them in a year and a half.
Shit, if you're an officer nowadays everyone will think you're a failure if you don't get a Ranger tab by the time you make CPT
probably the best acted out scenes in the movie desu.
And as someone who runs on a treadmill frequently, he'd have to be running for like 2-3 hours to run 7 miles at the pace he was running
watching it now
pretty shit movie desufam
so much fucking voice over exposition then brad pitt says some scratchy shit.
>if it's pure propaganda,
The Iraq war was actually a total clusterfuck though I'm not sure how you could possibly view it's depiction of mismanagement as propaganda
It's pretty pro-America and pro-military propaganda if anything.
Mostly seems like a Pitt vanity project gone awry. Him trying to do the Ernest goes to Iraq voice with his claw hand and forced expressions and shit, is pretty fucking shit.