So is this worth a read or is it filled with left wing propaganda? I want to really get into a CA book

So is this worth a read or is it filled with left wing propaganda? I want to really get into a CA book.

it's left wing propaganda

Left wing propaganda

Where did you hear it was left wing in any sort of fashion?

no propaganda at all, mein friend

Just remember, user. If are anti-immigration the you're a follower of a nazi superhero.

what if we're pro-immigration but want it regulated and only want legals to have any rights while illegals have none and cant complain at all about what happens to them?

read cap vol 3.

This is the first Captain America image with left-wing propaganda

>it's a modern marvel book


Sounds pretty nazi to me.


It's neither left- nor right-wing.
Cap doesn't even have wings on his helmet.

Why does everyone act like there's just one Cap

Wasn't the point of that page to show how bad guys can use legitimate issues to inspire extremism?

National SOCIALISM is not right wing.

Because there is. Thats Falcon.

> I want to really get into a CA book.
just read Brubaker's run, senpai

You're giving the writer way too much credit if you think that's case.

>american stuff


And you sound like you're being overly cynical because you want something to whine and bitch about.

Im see Capitalist propaganda. A capitalist right wing soldier attacking a left wing politician that didnt do anything wrong at that point, aside from the night of the long blades

It'll basically brain-wash you into voting for Bernie. Like, just, wow. How could they get away with this blatant SJW pandering garbage. I can't believe they literally called Trump Hitler. Those bastards.

It's one issue. Just fucking pirate the first issue and decide for yourself. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, who gives a fuck you didn't waste any money on it.

All that aside, Brubaker for some modern Cap and Gruenwald's Cap for something a bit more classic are both good ways to go.

I'm on Sup Forums am I not. What else would I do here?

user, please. His Falcon title was stolen by a Mexican.

I guess you think north Korea is a democratic Republic right?

>Americans talking about politics
>americans talking about right and left


>So is this worth a read or is it filled with left wing propaganda?

It's written by Nick Spencer and published by Marvel, so that would be a big yes to the left wing propaganda question.

straight outta gaia

What happened, Sup Forums?

Obama is far more right wing than hitler you pleb, if anything Hitler was extremely centrist and he was part of the right wing of national socialism.

H. Clinton wpould be considered a far right politician in most countries. Fucking americans think Fag rights have anything to do with Left or right politics.

>It'll basically brain-wash you into voting for Bernie
You've never seen Spencer twitter have you?
He supports hillary and thinks bernie is an NRA hack

Sometimes something can be good despite being propaganda. A lot of fantastic movies are explicitly propaganda.

>reading comic writers' twitters besides Hickman, Johns, and Steranko
The fuck are you doing?

>and thinks bernie is an NRA hack


Doesn't change the fact that it clearly has a heavy leftist slant. Which is what asked about.

I heard that Ellis' twitter was good too.

What has Obama got to do with anything?
Yes hillary would be considered right, so would Obama, Infact most of the western world thinks America has no left wing.
Also you've ignored the question.

The question wasnt direted at me.

In his defense, Spencer was an absolute madman on twitter about the Cap reveal.

How did Steve Rogers survive Civil War again?

Did you forget the whole "I'm a Nazi" thing? America personified=fascism is leftie as hell.


Hydra isnt nazi, and america is to the right of Fascism, neoliberalism is a far right ideology

Oh he is a Hillary shill. That's even worse.

Lmao, is he for real?

it's a nick spencer book, so there's gonna be tons of overwritten dialogue and leftist propaganda

i'm intrigued, what other examples are there of him pushing an agenda?

It's nothing but left-wing propaganda to an embarrassing degree. It's not even subtle with its political preaching.

>How did Steve Rogers survive Civil War again?

He beat up Iron man with help from his metallic friend. In the movie he just fucked off at the end to do things his own way and in the comic he realized the havoc he had caused and surrendered.

It's the worse thing you can be.

Hydra is a Nazi sub-group.

You don't say.

No it isnt. Hydra is a totalitarian group that has infiltrated and joined forced with several organizations including the nazi party

I think user was asking how he survived the boom headshot at the end.

I think the explanation was "time bullet" and "he got better", think RIP Batman but poorly written.

If you want to read older Cap books, read vol 3 (Waid) otherwise read vol 7 (Remender). Captain America Steve Rogers has only been out for one issue so it's hard to tell if the series is going to be shit.

I thought the gun used to shoot him sent his soul somewhere in the universe or some shit, while his body appeared to be dead.

Was that it?
I pretty much dropped out of Marvel comics for a few years following Civil War.

That was after Civil War and I prefer to be a smartass. Crossbones was going to shoot a security member and Cap noticed, intercepting the bullet. Something so meager would not be enough to kill the Star Spangled Avenger, but his lover Sharon Carter, who was under mental conditioning by Dr. Faust, stepped forward and shot him with a special time gun, that replaced his body with a cheap clone and sent the real Captain America hurtling through his own history. He ended up on Normandy, at the White House, his mother's death bed, etc. before getting his bearings during the Kree-Skrull War and planting a coded memory in The Vision to alert the Avengers in the future.

The plan was for Dr. Doom (by way of Norman Osborne) to help the Red Skull, whose body was dead and was himself inhabiting a Zola drone, in order to retrieve Rogers' body from the time stream and allow the old Nazi to take it over. Stormin' Norman believed he was going to act as a revived Captain America to lend some credence to his terrible Avengers team, but more likely the Skull was going to get up to his own fascist plans. It all failed, Rogers reasserted dominance, Skull was put back in his robot body, which was enlarged accidentally by Sharon with some Pym particles, and the two Captain Americas (Steve and Bucky) destroyed it. The ensuing blast seared off Sin's skin, making her appear to have a Red Skull of her own. Legacy.

Man, Trump's spray on tan gets worse every time I see him.


>is it filled with left wing propaganda?

It's fucking Marvel. What do you think?

It was pretty great. Honestly I don't see how anyone can bitch about it after reading.

>spencer supports an actual criminal becoming president
Red Skull was right

>Sup Forums on my Sup Forums!?

Why are you so much against a female president.

Because in this case she's legitimately a criminal

>read a comic book
>america is the bad guy

That's something Drumpf supporters say. Don't believe them.

>see plain as day evidence that Hillary has committed criminal acts
>oh but you have to ignore it because "drumpf" supporters believe it
Have you considered taking your elections seriously?

Eh, is that really so out there? I mean we are in the real world too. Just look at all the people voting for Trump.

Bernouts also believe that she is a criminal. As do those tinfoil hat wearers in the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Go back to /r/mensrights you neanderthal. We both know it's smear campaign. You provide proof, go ahead I'll be waiting.

Those people hate America. They want to shift blame onto someone else like a god damn European would.

Can someone storytime it please? I missed the initial ones.

I do want to know why everyone is so up in arms about this, its obviously a fake out

literally just google read captain america 1

His Captain America: Sam Wilson is a very political book. He fights villains disguised as minutemen style border patrollers. The big bad of an arc declares that they will "Make America Marvelous". It's very much a left leaning book in general. That doesn't make it bad though. The lackluster writing and unoriginal plots make it bad.

Kek, he looks exactly like Ultimate Cap.

You can be right wing and hate Hitler.

Normies are up in arms because they've never read a comic book, Sup Forums is up in arms at normies for having never read a comic book, then normies are up in arms at people being up in arms at them for being up in arms about a comic book, then Sup Forums are up in arms about normies being up in arms about them being up in arms about normies being up in arms, etc etc.

Its an endless cycle of pointless rage





Isn't it also the book where Sam protects illegal immigrants.



Most of Sup Forums isn't on that reading level yet. Which is why so many agreed with red skull without understanding what he was really about


Next page was posted here


yup, that's part of the whole minutemen issue










