Why is Batman separate from DC?
I guess DC stands for DC's current universe and the Batman logo is for the Nolanverse Batman
>Star Wars
I hope they were all for Lucas SW and not for nu-SW.
>Lord of the Rings
Why did Harry Potter only get 1 single Oscar?
fucking shrek won, HAHAHAHAH
aka hasnt sold out to the jews the least
clearly this
the rest is wanna-be-tier
If this is a list of all the Oscar-winning franchises, why is Marvel featured if it hasn't won any?
And why is it so big and front and center of the image?
Are you trying to say something OP?
Why does Marvel have 0? I could've sworn I remember Avengers, Civil War, and Doctor Strange winning a couple.
Doctor Strange was nominated for visual effects which is bullshit when it looks dogshit in comparison to BvS released the same year.
0.01 DC™ credit transfered
kee up the good work
why do any of you care about oscars again? Why do I post on this site? Why do i care about the manufactured bullshit rivalry between comic book making movie studios?
Too dull
DC are paying off criti.. sorry... The Academy
And here we see the drone in his usual state when he cannot win: upset and crying. Sad!
Yeah? Well my dad could kick the shit out of your dad
Actually, my dad beat a guy so hard once (the guy tried to rob us by forcing our back door) the guy pooped his pants.
My dad LITERALLY beat the shit out of someone.
Well if you know anything about the politics of the awards world then this means nothing.
Because you made it clear that Pixar and PoC are separate from Marvel because they are all owned by Disney and you wont see Marvel win an award till they see a noticeable dip in ticket sales.
The only reason you have posted this is to start your flame war nonsense.
Fellowship was robbed though, could have been over 20.