Go to NYC for the first time

>go to NYC for the first time
>in downtown Manhattan
>get lost and see to cops so decide to ask them for directions to a subway
>cop tells me to fuck off, and knocks my hat off my head
>his buddy whistles at my girlfriend after we walk away

>see guy jerking it on the subway
>rats everywhere
>some guy tried to lure my girlfriend into a van full of purses
>saw 3 fights on the subway platform in 5 days of visiting there
>everyone bumps into you and is rude

are all New Yorkers like this?

That whole city smells like shit. I had to wash my clothes twice to get the smell out

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fuck new york

you know what fuck every city but like, boise

& mcminnville, its pretty comfy here

You're obviously not white.

>some guy tried to lure my girlfriend into a van full of purses


I'm white, she's Mexican

>get lost in NY
That's how I know this is fake.

I wish they had shot you both dead!

>are all New Yorkers like this?
Yeah, fuck off; if you're not from the NYC area you're a foreigner on par with the Paki cunts and illegal slimebags

>get lost in a grid city with numbered streets

I bet the cops told OP and his beaner bimbo "Whaddaya, this ain't no information booth heah, we're plice offisuhs, get outta heah, what's wrong wid yous."

Fake maybe if you were in the Bronx, but Manhattan soft cops wouldn't dare.

>be chicagofag
>phone dies, drunk, lost
>ask cop for directions
>Sees I'm drunk and just drives me home
>talk guns and shit on the way there.

The one good thing about this hell hole are the cops are cool guys.

Yeah i had a chicago cop that played in our poker game a couple times. He was pretty based. The host is some government worker who isn't allowed to discuss anything about his job whatsoever.

>>cop tells me to fuck off, and knocks my hat off my head
>>his buddy whistles at my girlfriend after we walk away
didnt happen

Your post is literally 100% accurate. NYC is a complete shit hole. Lived there for 2 years. Never going back.

>>see guy jerking it on the subway
>>rats everywhere
>>saw 3 fights on the subway platform in 5 days of visiting there
niga take subway. nigs eat chicken wings on subway. nigs leave bones on and around subway. brings rats. other nigs get jealous they dont got chicken wings. brings fights.

>>everyone bumps into you and is rude
you were going slow in their way. its not rude they just dont have time to wait for you to move

>wearing a hat in the summer
There's your problem. Not only were you a naive tourist in the rudest city on the planet but you probably look like a douche too.

I heard the Brooklyn accent has basically disappeared, and with it, any desire I had to visit New York.

If i went there and nobody called me a fucking mook I would be severely disappointed

oh its here, its just spread out throughout the metro area now since brooklyn got infested with hipster transplants

It's not gone just yet, I'm 20 and I have a pretty thick accent. However, it'll be basically dead by the time I have grandkids

>are all New Yorkers like this?

All, no. But depends on the day. You had a bad experience. IMO, the city is worthless and overrated unless you have a plan of attack. With phone and GPS you can't fuck up and get lost. Cops are jaded, they're conservative and don't like millennials. However I've had some good experiences with them. It's great to hear the oldschool new Yorker accent.

Museums, theater, comedy, shopping, food. All close together.

I hate it, too expensive and in a way, you ought to know, that the rich don't want you there. They're turning it into a gated community with no interesting culture.

Did you travel 30 years into the past?

>getting lost anywhere
>with a cell phone


I met officer Michael and officer James at Time's Square a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Michael looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Mike you found another goofball?", "Yeah James, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment officer Michael jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but James jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Michael undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Michael just kept pushing her head down. Michael looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as the officer then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Officer James who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Jame's boner pushing into my back... I blacked out."

>on Sup Forums
>finding a woman who'd even agree to have a pity fuck with your neck bearded storm weenie ass

I've heard that people aren't as inviting or nice in NYC. but I find it hard to believe a cop said fuck off and knocked your hat off your head.


I went to NYC for a few days when I was 18, didn't like it very much. Too many homeless crazies and the art museums were all extremely overhyped. And everything else was way too expensive. DC has more and crazier homeless though in my experience

>get lost in NYC

Hit the bricks stupid. Chumps like you don't belong in the city. Go back to living in the sticks.

when they gave her the goofballs did one of them shout "ITS BLOOMBERG TIME"?

>All this projection

>are all New Yorkers like this?

You need to understand that for more than 100 years, more than 50% of the population of New York City has been foreign-born.

Iv'e been p[laying the division and new york looks easy to navigate around.

Its full of poor people and swindlers and if you stray from the good parts its pretty uncomfortable.

Didnt have your experience with the police though, they were very helpful. You're not white are you?

> Have smart phone
> Getting lost in a grid based, numbered streets
> Doesn't get the fuck out of the way when people approach from the other direction
Continue collecting your unemployment checks, trash

not gr8 b8 m8

this user is a new yorker
in a post-bloomberg nyc any cop in manhattan doubles as a tourist aide

It's been dying for 20 years but you can still find it
globalism doing its thing, killing new york neighborhoods since the 80s.

>Too many homeless crazies
>the art museums were all extremely overhyped

these are both true. tourists have killed any major museum in nyc outside of a few hours on a random weekday morning or something

I'm really sorry that happened to you. It was wrong.

GPS doesn't work in some places with skyscrapers.

Still should be able to read a map though.

You don't need a fucking map to count numbered streets

Man, I hate NY. Went there for a week last year with my family to see my mother's side of the family for Christmas. Hated every second of it, will never return there. Only good thing about it was that we got to celebrate my cousin getting married to a pretty cool Italian guy who's family owned a five star restaurant. Most expensive meal I will ever eat for sure.

>greentext post

this meme needs to die

New York is great if you're rich and therefore never have to actually interact with the local trash. Otherwise it's a cess pit of niggerdom, smelly foreigners, and white trash. Even the middle class people in New York live like white trash in shitty studio apartments that stink of piss yet cost 2,000 dollars a month rent

> Le rare frog pic meme

fuckin yankees man


nyc cops are tourist information centres

but then again how tf can u get lost in ny
its a grid system lol

That's what you get racetraitor

>>cop tells me to fuck off, and knocks my hat off my head

He did you a service.

Holy fuck is it really that shitty? It seems like the best fucking city in the world. Would love to go there

Everywhere is like that if you are a limp wristed beta male if you are big and good looking like me nobody fucks with you

>storm weenie

What is this, 2008?

The only reason to go to New York is if you are rich, or for school or work.

Jealous irrelevant flyovercuck detected. Doubt you've ever left the woods where your dad raped his mom and gave birth to you.

t. Trump Tower employee

New York fag here what do y'all wanna know


It's a multicultural behavioral sink. Of course it's shitty. The only good thing is there is a lot of high paying jobs.

Did Dubya actually do 9/11?
What's the consensus over there?

Exactly what is happening. As a broke kid born+raised in far out Queens, I'm getting the fuck out as soon as possible.

My part of the city is turning into an extension of Brooklyn, which if you don't know is a massive HQ for social justice idiots and extremely impoverished knuckleheads. Also it's extremely overpriced everywhere (even in poor areas, because business owners know they can get away with it due to all the rich yuppies, hipsters, and Asian/Russian foreigners with lots of $$$.)

In other words, NYC =/= America and never think otherwise.

New Yorkers are for the most part, shitty fucking people. Fuck up their own city and vote for leftists.

They come to Texas and think it's cool to act like ass holes, and find out no one fucking likes their Yankee asses. NY stay on your shitty wop island. I actually had a new Yorker tell me he didn't like Texas because the people weren't ass holes. Must be a real fucked up life to live, when you want to surround yourself with shitty people.

Hardly anyone believes the official story, kek

They are so sick of nigs that they just want to be left alone

lol, land of the free my ass!

NYC cops are fucking pigs for the most part. They're one of the rudest and vile gang members in the city. I remember one time I asked a cop if this train was working and he literally screamed at me roid rage style.

I don't interact with cops at all unless I absolutely need them.

>things that never happened
Keep making up your sob stories, nigger.

>She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!
>She's getting the goofballs

Oh fuck. Lost.

>things that never happened

Nice try, JIDF

No, GOAT city is ATX, home of divine angels.

This is horse shit, I live in NYC and go to. Manhattan constantly and I've never seen any of this happen, save for a fight or two on the subway. And you should have reported those cops because most NYPD are based

>actually Liking Brooklyn or Boston accents

Total pleb

>ever visiting jew york
>being a race traitor piece of shit

How about you just kill yourself and your spic girlfriend?

>go to america
>go to the street
>get shot
>talks to the cops
>get beaten


Try getting lost in Venice... There are no street names at all.

Just in case there are any doubters I lived there for 10 years and also agree ops post is 100% accurate

I bring donuts and coffee to my cities police station every week.

Got pulled over going 70km over the limit.

Cop recognizes me

knows that if I get as much as a warning the donut train ends and all his coworkers would be pissed at him.

Free to go.

>things that never happened

fucking duh
When I was 18 I wanted to move there just to get away from my small town. Glad I avoided that shithole

Wow, do you wear your pretty little dress when you deliver them, you fucking cucked little pussy sheep faggot?


When you're a tourist and do tourist things you see all of this.

Are DC cops still bro tier?

Last time i went to DC was when i was 5,like 4 months before 9/11

The SS k9 cops on penn. avenue were cool,they let me sit in their car and wear their hat while my mom used the bed of their suv to change my cousin's diaper.though i never got to pet their cute pupper.

The white house was boring as fuark tho desu.and it smelled like a retirement home,or maybe that was just the other tourists

This desu senpai

The most unbelievable part is OP having a girlfriend.

>putting good deeds on the line because you got a ticket for actually doing something wrong
I fucking hates leaves so much.

t. lying transplants



What was NYC like in the 90's lads? It looks like something out of a movie I wish I could have seen it


You forgot annoying Brooklyn hipsters and the trash bags that are thrown onto the street.

I bet New York high society is awesome though. Beautiful penthouses and offices elevated far above the riff raff.

Get your fucking shit together.

Never had an issue going to NYC when my company sent me to a conference there for free.

It does stink like rancid ass. Even in Manhattan.

It is mildly humorous that businessmen in obviously very expensive suits are walking around in such a dump.

This, it's a numbered grid ffs

I'm not sure how I feel about this


OK cockroach go mow that 1×1 Moss patch you call your front lawn


I am now a redneck rapper

include me in the screencap

>Two family members go to New York years ago
>Ask a guy for directions
>'Go buy a map.' as he walks off


He would have had more success if he asked her to help him lift a couch into it.