Ghostbusters, whaddya want?
Ghostbusters, whaddya want?
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I have a ghost that won't stop giving me blowjobs, it was pretty great at first but she just doesn't give me a moment's peace.
................Ultimate power~
oh baby oh baby oh baby
moshi moshi desu kawaii~~
And don't fucking tell the police, ya hear us?!
I want to be the best character in the show
A funny reboot
Why would you want a reboot at all?
>Ghostbusters, whaddya want?
I'm going to see it for Kate McKinnon.
No one cares, Sup Forums
No one cares.
I wanna the fat one
Do ghosts poop?
I care, user. ;_;
What's yer offer?!
Chris Chan made a new video involving sex positions and I can never unsee it. Could you collect my soul after I promptly kill myself?
I want you for dinner in the bath.
What do you think ectoplasm is, Luffy?
Ghost jizz.
What a coincidence! Just what I need.
Wait, you mean this isn't that new pizza place everyone was talking about?
dem trips
dammit i read that in his voice
Remember how that one guy went nuts over the joker changes in the dark knight?
I can only imagine what the opening day for this is going to be
Personally requesting Janine to come into my house.
Sorry. Not open for business yet.
Lost my shit as I scrolled down I lost even more, I have very little shit left
I wanna be under that desk.
Got your tickets reserved already, cuck?
Penis, penis penis penis penis.
Beat me to it. Dammit.
Is Amanda Huggenkiss there?
Hello! I'm Teddy! Would you like me to tell you a story?
I got your number, and I'm calling just to say fuck you!
Listen up straight, y'all biscuitheads,
I'd like a piece o' dry toast wit' two scrambled eggs!
Order o' hash browns, make 'em extra crisps,
A glass o' orange juice an' a bowl o' cheese grits!
>The only one who remotely warrants a genuine laugh
I feel you.
Well la de frickin da.
Did you just order breakfast?
I'd like to purchase a ghost like this, please.
Shame they're gonna give her a shit script. I love her on SNL, and she seems to be the only one in the cast that knows that humour isn't just alluding to their vaginas, but I expect Pixels-level jokes and situations in the script.
Well the only one that looks to be enjoying themselves in all the group shots deserves support.
Which actually happened in the first ghostbusters movie.
>Makes a general declarative statement and gets bashed from one side to the other.
They want the Narrative to remain what it is. Which is the reason they've not really talked about what is in the movie or shown any real plot (if there even is one).
So when it does poorly they can blame a segment of the population and likely double down on James,
Janine in shorts. Very yes.
Place need more of her and Kylie.
I just hate this art style so much.
So preferred the original before things got weird and she started selling off bits of her soul to change herself.
Still one of the best explanations for a design and VA change.
I miss the shoulder pads too user
A good reboot and not that piece of shit with the gorilla.
I actually completely forgot that this comic existed. My post was originally a reference to the scene in the movie.
But James, she's from the good movies/cartoons.
RIP long john
i was amazed the guy who did teddy's voice was still alive and did that episode
A reminder that this is a GB reboot genuinely 124,3249,52355 better than that piece of shit being released this summer.
What is his position on the cartoon I wonder. I know of some that are fans of the films that despise the cartoons for whatever reasons.
>attacking the kindest faggot on the internet right after he held a children's hospital charity
And following the formula that has now been followed by films like Star Wars, Jurassic World and to some extent Star Trek '09.
Introduce a new set of characters while keeping it within the current continuity and maybe a passing of the torch or as with Star Trek '09 even though things change around them the core of the characters and friendships remains the same, and still pass the torch.
The first couple of seasons are fine. Anything with the "Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters" marquis is garbage.
Well that's a shared mentality.
Syndicated Season (though the animation is spotty in places) And then the First season or so when it was picked up by ABC when they had yet to really set S&P on them.
They do remember hearing a bit of interviews about when things started to change over and J. Michael Straczynski left has head writer.
lotta people not happy with the new direction it took.
good interpretation of the "End Theme" From Ragnarok and Roll.
When they think everything's going to end and the only way to save the universe is to self destruct their packs.
his charity work doesn't suit their narrative. nerds are bogeymen and dispoasble consumers
I find it funny that none of these people complaining about how James is a man-baby for complaining about the new Ghostbusters makes them seem childish as well.
I mean shit, some of these people literally just insult him in their articles just because he doesn't like a thing.
And Sup Forums is any different, how? Most of you were screeching for his blood at the beck and call of your SJW masters just like these degenerates.
>I don't want to see Ghostbusters because the preview looks bad
>I prefer really good movies, like Warcraft and Star Trek V.
And these people wonder why others don't believe their denials.
>It's another boys vs. girls episode.
Just patented Sup Forums hypocrisy man
>Sup Forums is a single person
I never wished any ill on the guy.
I want to marry Janine
I hope Sony's home offices are flooded with Russian nerve gas
The Burger King Kids Club was strong in the cast.
>things that never happened
I have never seen anybody say a positive thing about this movie on Sup Forums that wasn't obvious bait.
Greetings, Miss Janine. It's Stan Lee again. I require another shipment of souls.
Have the ever dauntless Ghostbusters recently visited any orphanages or abandoned kindergartens? I'd like some really fresh ones this time.
Funny then how after James said what he did Sup Forumsmblr went full triggered and started screeching about being mansplained by that sexist white male man baby. I guess we can just pretend that didn't happen though :)
post proof faggot
This whole board is proof
You wanna what?
>shit that didn't happen
>I have no proof
alright then
>implying tripfag opinions matter
You're retarded
>one post
ok. Now compare the near constant Fembusters hate threads
You stupid fucking nigger
>provide proof
This is about how Sup Forumsmblr dogpiled James, mostly for being white and male
>one tripfag is all of Sup Forums
The fat one.
Hello Ms. Melnitz. I have it under my best suspicion that the Riddler is in cahoots with you Ghostbusters. This must be one of his fiendish riddles. Now lets see, ghosts which are associated with the afterlife. The definition of bust is to break, split, or burst. The last part, want, when the people of Gotham City want something where do they go? The mall of course. That settles it, the Riddler is hiding in the new mall that was built on top of the old abandoned cemetery.
Sure seemed to speak accurately for this place during that time.
After all James is like poison to Sup Forums considering nostalgia (aka things made before 2007) is Sup Forums's antithesis.
Whaddayamean, "Ghostbusters?" DIS is da Ghostbusters!
An all-female remake where she and Kylie are the new team leaders. Also Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy NOT anywhere near the team. Wiig can be a canon immigrant, she's topcute.
I love the first 4 and Extreme Janine.
From annoying receptionist to cute geek to ugly uptight geek to finally intelligent bitchy looking book reader.
Nice development.