Where does Lex Luthor and Brainiac among Marvel's most intelligent ranking...

Where does Lex Luthor and Brainiac among Marvel's most intelligent ranking? Obviously both of them are beneath Reed Richards.

>below Reed Richards

Luthor maybe, but no way is Reed smarter then Brainiac. Brainy is a level 12 intelligence, that's approaching Galactus level.

Luthor is above Stark and Pym bellow Richards. Maybe slightly lower than Doom.

Luthor would probably be #3 in Marvel behind Richards and Doom (4th if you count Valeria)

if he's so smart why's he constantly getting his alternately robotic and coluan ass kicked?

>Luthor is above Stark and Pym bellow Richards.
When Lex invents a magic particle that allows him to transverse the multiverse or a magic reactor that generates limitless power, I will consider it. So until than, nope he isn't. Definitely rank higher than Beast and Black Panther though.

He's a nerd, and nerds get bullied. Brainiac is the biggest nerd in his universe, so he gets bullied the most.

Is Doom really officially #2?

He already took the power of the gods and the Zone Child. Pym Paricles? You mean that shit that even Richards know how to use better?

That's kind of Doom's thing, no matter what, he will always be second fiddle. Reed is smarter than him, Strange is a better wizard, and so on and so forth.