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A fucking leaf

So the consciousness of racists have ascended to a multi-dimensional quantum level of observance and knowledge? Good to know.

God confirmed as racist.


Alter the lips on black

I remember there was a lot more dislikes.


Muslims don't have a brain though.

jew brain needs to be bigger
black/hispanic brain needs to be smaller

by the way, the immage suppose that white men are the racist, nice propaganda justin faggoteu

>evolution had no impact on the brain

This shit is so anti-science that I'm surprised all the lefty atheist hat tippers willingly buy in to it.


you are anti-science.

great song



Racist is just a stand in word for white male. You guys realize that right?


the $?


I bet you must be one of those bigots who thinks punk rock is a lifestyle choice huh?

I would explain how its an uncontrollable lifestyle from birth to genetics, but youd probably just mutter some horse shit about "pray the punk away" or some bullshit.

>still punk shaming
I bet you dont believe in punk rights, I bet you even think they shouldnt be allowed to be married.

God. I cant wait until hillary gets elected and puts you all in camps.

Found the punk enabler.

>We-We're all the same, goy!

Gotta love rich as fuck pretentious """music""" artists acting like they give a fuck about beaners and niggers
You'd think it was ironic.

Yeah, so some of us like to shoot heroin and get neon green mohawks and listen to shitty music about how mean conservatives are. What of it?

I bet youre just gonna say "oh, you just have an opiate addiction and hang around that genre because it makes you feel accepted"

Newsflash biggot, its not 1980 anymore, its almost 2017. Scientists working at the heisenburg and goldstein company isolated the punk gene, the esenburglestein science news monthly published it.

So stop holding me responsible for my decisions! If I wanna shoot smack and get spit on by 40 people wearing fake vynyl leather trenchcoats in a moshpit while the drummer has a siezure and the singer OD's on some bad junk its not my fault, my genes made me do it and you have to accept that!

She's so fucking ugly and I hated her since that first shitty song she put out years ago.

Glad to know I was right.

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