Green Arrow looks great.
Green Arrow looks great
how would you rate the issue out of 10?
Nigga post the full issue
Goddamn that's worse than the shitty preview
It's perfectly okay for people to live comfortably, even opulently, and still advocate for equality. It's called ethical capitalism.
I'm never going to call Bill Gates a heartless bastard because despite all the shit he owns, he still donates absolutes gobs of cash to charities worldwide.
how? they're rebuilding the character by pointing out his flaws so that they can improve him down the line. this whole arc seems like it'll be about ollie fixing his shortcomings
>there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism
>You can only think poverty and equal rights are wrong if you're poor.
I bet she didn't make those clothes herself either.
>inb4 Green Arrow lets Black Canary cuck him with some minority
goddamn dat Canary is hot