So the couple who tried to blow up the parliament in victoria, canada in 2013 are walking free today with the judge claiming the rcmp entrapped them. cant make this up
So the couple who tried to blow up the parliament in victoria, canada in 2013 are walking free today with the judge claiming the rcmp entrapped them. cant make this up
>VANCOUVER - Two people found guilty of terror charges will walk free after a British Columbia Supreme Court judge ruled they were entrapped by the RCMP in a police-manufactured crime. Justice Catherine Bruce said police instigated and skillfully engineered the very terrorist acts committed by John Nuttall and Amanda Korody, who believed they were planting pressure-cooker bombs that would blow up at the legislature on Canada Day in 2013.
>“The world has enough terrorists. We do not need the police to create more out of marginalized people,” Bruce said in a landmark ruling Friday.
“The defendants were the foot soldiers but the undercover officer was the leader of the group,” she said.
“Without the police it would have been impossible for the defendants to carry out the pressure-cooker plan.”
Bruce said RCMP officers overstepped their authority during a months-long, undercover sting and their actions were egregious.
>“To say they were unsophisticated is generous,” she said, adding there was no imminent threat to the public from a pair who demonstrated they were not intelligent but naive.
>A jury found Nuttall and Korody guilty in June 2015 of three terrorism-related charges, but Bruce delayed registering the convictions at the request of defence lawyers, who wanted to argue the Mounties had entrapped their clients.
>An entrapment finding means Bruce will issue a stay of proceedings, which throws out the jury's guilty verdict.
>It won't appear on any criminal record and can't be used against the couple in the future. Had they been convicted, Nuttall and Korody would have a maximum sentence of life in prison.
>A stay of proceedings has the same end result but is different than an acquittal, which is a finding of not guilty.
>This is the first time in Canada the legal defence of entrapment has been successfully argued in a terrorism case. Three previous attempts failed.
Cops should have just shot them
That's total bullshit
This is the type of stuff that would get you labelled as a paranoid schizo conspiracy theorist
No one would EVER trust someone saying this was true in a scenario that didn't involve a protected species, how can people be so blind to this?
>cops should someone in the process who is planning on killing hundreds of innocent public servants
>cops dont use force and go undercover and use good investigative techniques
Our Based SAS just double tap terrorists .
>canada wants to look "tough on terror" to big bro USA
>find a couple of metheads
>feed them drugs and money
>brainwash them into putting pressure cooker bombs in some trashcans for Canada Day in Victoria
>arrest them
>being surprised the RCMP are corrupt and incompetent
welcome to the future, citizen of 1870
It's 2016.
They literally intended to blow up innocent people. They thought the bombs were real and we're going to try kill a load of people. The RCMP were fucking smart to do this cause they caught terrorists before they got to do damage. If it wasn't the cops that caught them they would have got bombs eventually. If they have the intention of being terrorists and it's proven, lock them up and throw away the key.
tl;dr RCMP coordinates and carries out a terrorist attack and blames it on easily susceptible and manipulated henchmen.
The whole issue is the fact the the cops made them terrorists, they were just run of the mill druggies before the rcmp came along, that's the issue. The police manufactured their own terrorists instead of trying to catch really ones
In this era when so many "terror attacks" are actually false flags you should be glad of this development you moron
The based judge probably avoided us turning into another France with state-sponsored happenings every two days
There's no shortage of mentally ill and violent people, giving them the means to act upon this violence and then swoop in claiming le ebil terror plot has been averted is one step further into totalitarianism
>about to make an Operation Gladio joke
>realize the flag is Ireland and not Italy
fuck you Sean
When can we fight the good fight?
The gov't has the media in their pocket and uses them to repeat subtle messages in order to control public opinion
There are actual real paid shills that are paid to go on to social media to subvert opposing opinions
Counter-intelligence is a major tactic used by gov'ts now, many of the concepts expressed in Orwellian novels are becoming reality in 1st world communities
Well now they're free. If Sup Forums is right, they'll go out and make some real bombs and kill people. However, Sup Forums is never right and so these two peaceful Canadians will simply go back to living their daily life in peace.
Once again, Sup Forums is proved wrong and refuses to admit it.
Sorry leaf
But hey you could make endless IRA jokes
>throwing cops in jail for doing their jobs
>throwing men in jail for rape on no hard evidence
>bestiality legal
>freeing terrorists
Yet, great place to live?
They double tap terrorists half a world away while other terrorist rape your country and your military does nothing to stop it.