What's up with decent shows losing all creativeness...

What's up with decent shows losing all creativeness, subtlety and turning into some half-assed attempt at social commentary?

Homeland and House of Memes are extreme examples.

Did the novelty wear off? Or did the creators just run out of good ideas?

House of Cards started out as an American adaptation of the original UK House of Cards.

The original is far better regarding the plot progression and primary protagonist from the start.

Honestly HoC lost me in the first season. There's no way he'd have gotten away with fucking up the debate with the teacher union guy. I stuck with it for a while longer but it kept happening, the show just isn't as smart as it thinks it is and that became more and more apparent as they continued to pull things out of their ass.

They're well past the point of the source material, so they're just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

S1 and the first episode of S2 are good. Everything else is just awful, because they've stretched out the rest of the story so fucking far that it's incomprehensible.

Robin Wright became executive producer in 2016. That's all you need to know about the downfall od HoC.

So how is season 5 of hoc? Any good or shit?

Le madame president at the end

Whatcha you think?

>Madam Secretary
literal fan fiction about Hillary Clinton.

the problem is that all the political dramas got sidetracked by Trump plotlines, and then Trump winning.

Have I gone onto the wrong episode of is my netflix gone weird? Is S5E2 a flashback episode showing what happened?

That sucks but I'll still give it a look.

no mara no care-a

Nah, Claire Underwood actually has a spine.

The presidential win of Trump has driven lefties in Hollywood to lose their minds and focus. That is the only explanation.

Holy fuck

>Frank resigns amid murder scandals
>Claire, his VP, steps in
>Frank has to do damage control behind the scenes because she's an incompetent slag

Sound familiar?

Not even 20 minutes into the first episode and this shit is garbage. Season 4 was bad enough, but this is just dogshit. Way too fucking pretentious and the dialogue sounds like it was written by a 14 year's vision of how politicians must talk.

House of Memes was never good

>hes never watched the uk original

kuk. there are 0 original ideas here.

It was laughable because if that would work why don't all politicians do that? Why didn't Paul Ryan just bait Nancy Pelosi into punching him then twist her arm on healthcare?

This entire script was written by (((them))) and was based on hillary 99% chance winning statistics which is hilarious because Trump BTFO this show on a multidimensional level.

The entire drama built around election anticipation may have worked with OBAma

btw now the Democrats are actually villains in the show as they did rig the election and murder Zoey Barnes(Seth Rich) and basically everything Frank does.

>person: Frank can u do this thing for me
>frank: okay
*freeze frame*
*looks into camera contemptuously*
>Kevin spacey in an "IM ACTING" southern drawl, monotone: I'm not gonna do the thing

WOW!!! Powerful stuff. Politicians lying to achieve power? Simply revolutionary story telling. Netflix is TRULY the next step in television

write something better, i'll wait.

It ran out of steam after the first episode of season 2 when it jumped the shark. Since then it's been a mixture of fun and hokey versus boring and self-important. I may give the new season a watch at some point but I'm in no rush.