No Country for Old Men

Just saw this
is Anton Tommy Lee's son?

btw the film is an absolute masterpiece, fuck I enjoyed every single minute of it

I have never heard this theory before

yes it's heavily implied that Anton is the Sheriff's son. Pretty much confirmed by the dream at the end.

Kind of dissapointed how after everything that happens he just kills the guy and his wife in like the last 5 minute even though it looked like he escaped him for good

Llewellyn was killed by random Mexicans not Anton

couldnt it also be that (mind the super tinfoil theory) the sheriff is in reality Anton?

That could explain why Anton said to the accountant "can you see me?" as If he knew that being a sheriff granted him a lot of cover to do whatever he pleased

>random Mexicans
There was nothing random about it. Llewelyn stole money from the Mexicans, presumably the Cartel. He knew what he was getting into, and it was heavily implied that the end was near when a random Mexican in a suit was so perfectly positioned to help his family with their luggage. They had a plan.

>heavily implied
Fucking where, you stupid faggot? The sheriff was just an impartial figure meant to portray inevatibility.

What was the relation between Anton and the two guys that are investigating the mexican shooting? They gave him the radar to check where the suitcase was, so I presume they were DEA agents?

It was supposed to show an angle in on the war on drugs. There is no war, the two sides are working together to gain profit from it

They orchestrated the cartels to kill themselves off, so they get both the money and the drugs. Chirgurh was a part of that, but turned on them in the end.

seriously where is it implied?

I meant it wasn't any main character

OP here
what I think hes trying to say is the film is implying with the actions of the sheriff
hes always covering up Anton, for example:

- He knew how he killed one of the man he encountered in the road, he told the woman how animals were killed and how it didnt leave any bullet nor trail

- He invented a theory for that death saying the assasin extracted the bullet from the victims head

- He knew that Anton would come back to the crime scene and he knew the detail on the lock in the door, while other cops were thinking it was shot

there could be a thousand reasons for covering up anton besides a father son relationship between them

for all i know the sheriff understands what is happening around him and he knows at the same time that he is powerless and to old do really chance the course of events. Thats why he talks about ending his career

jesus it is in the title

OP is a fool

Many anons missed the point of Anton's character and the whole narrative

illuminate us

He's the embodiment of forces outside our control. The chaotic nature of life. The coin symbolizes that even further.

The core crux of the narrative is about the random nature of fate, and the hubris/vanity implicit in a lot of stories' heroes. That the good guy will win no matter what, and that the story won't continue without them. Anton is supposed to be an agent of random fate, slaughtering people at the toss of a coin or just for being there at the wrong time, but he himself is slave to that same randomness. The sheriff is a meditation on the horrors of violence and the randomness of it. He is rebuked by the old man near the end when people have been acting like the violence is shocking and unfathomable when in actuality that sort of horror has been going on forever. There is no relationship between TLJ and Anton outside of TLJ struggling to grasp what IS a senseless hurricane of violence.

It's more about the destruction of expectations regarding the plot and the futility of trying to completely analyze what IS mindless violence operating under a pretense of purpose. It's also about how even in a monstrous unpredictable and dark world good must go on in its attempt to start a fire in "all that cold, all that dark"

kino post

additional you have the woody harrelson guy - "Dangerous compared to what? - The bubonic plague?" The bubonic plague was historicly seen as an act of god because there was no telling if somebody had an immunity to it or would succumb to it

No. Anton is not Sheriff Bell's son.

I don't understand why there is always somebody asking about plot points and characters in NCFOM... the movie is linear as fuck.

Any film that resembles this kind?
I actually want to see another film of this genre / deep movie that is entertaining and not super slow

>there could be a thousand reasons for covering up anton besides a father son relationship between them

name 5 good reasons