Churchill's Racism

''The Russians I have been told are not human beings at all, they are lower in the scale of nature than the orangutan'' - Winston Churchill

explain yourselves, anglos

you're not going to find perfection in history
he did some great things and he did some shit things
he was a bit of a prick but got us through the war, as soon as it was over he was voted out, that's just humans for you man

>said a fat smoking alcoholic with inferiority complex
Why only untermenchen call russians "non human"

dehumanising people is a pathetic way of justifying actions against them
that's all it is

Whatever mane, Churchills long dead and we got back at anglos by making our spy their PM.

He was a warmongering prick owned by (((them)))

You forgot to include Lenin in that list.

That's how it is.

You sure got back at them by raping their language

I love Anglos and all but I don't bear their hatred for Russia.

churchull was a high degree mason

fuck that cocksucker

Don't break your lungs Nikita, you still have russian posts to reply to

Hitler was awesome though,

if not for Hitler kacap population would have been on par with china.

it would have been an even more fucked up world than it already is.

Hitler wanted to genocide all of you though

I wouldn't go that far and it's certainly unjust to slap such a label on any number of people but considering some shit I see coming from Russians here and in real life I can kinda see where he was coming from.

Russia is a death cult masquerading as a nation.

They need to be dealt with before they blow the world up with nukes (bound to happen eventually, no matter the timeline).

I dont blame him

this place still needs a proper ethnic cleansing all the way from east germany to moscow and beyong

Concept of an enemy are important for most political agendas.

Draw a nice picture of them and use it to unite your followers and justify your actions.

It can be jews, russkies, bolsheviks, nazis, capitalists, commies, nips, immigrants, nationalists, muslims, reactionaries, antifa, facists.

Whatever, everyone does it because it works and not always but often it contains a grain of truth somewhere.



this is how I know nuclear weapons are a massive lie.

if r*ssians possessed such weapons, and in the numbers they claim they do, this world would have already been long scorched.

nuclear weapons are a lie.

*citation needed

nuclear weapons are not russian.

They belong to europeans and brits.

wake up

what is wrong he said?

shut up kacapie

«У Eвpoпы тoлькo oднa aльтepнaтивa: либo пoдчинитьcя вapвapcкoмy игy cлaвян, либo oкoнчaтeльнo paзpyшить цeнтp этoй вpaждeбнoй cилы — Poccию».

There's the secons alternative. Give his anglowife to pajeet. They are pretty much in it now.

You can start ethnic cleansing with yourself

>what is wrong he said?
Judging by you post his words are absolutely correct.

Virgin neets talking about inferiority. Pathetic.


I mean, the quote says "I have been told" not "I think".

He was told by top racialologist anglologist anthropologist Anglo-Saxon scientists, the same which came up with the breakthrough Nobel Prize winning discovery that Irish were Negroids.

So technically, he was correct and informed.

>>incoherent inferiority complex
True heroes are always that, while ours was dimwit diligent autistic. Sad story.

>Irish were Negroids.
Well aren't they?

Everyone is a negroid compared to the Anglo, slave.

t. hereditary prisoner

>The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the face that he is not a European, but an Asiatic and therefore thinks more deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all-out son of a bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk. We have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war.


Seems accurate.

Looking back at all those speeches, lack of respect towards others and especially at that one hospital episode, Patton was more russian than some russians.

lmao is that a picture of a japanese general?

>you're not going to find perfection in history
Cyrus the Great set the bar way too high way too early, it's not fair.

He is true

He is true


"true" is used when referring to a statement, as in "what he's saying is true"
When you wish to refer to person who said something that is true, you can say "he is right"

(although in this case saying that they're right would be unfair to the decent Russians that exist in Russia.)


здecь нeт никaкoгo non-human

wtf I love him even more now?

i like russians desu.
too bad that other polaks think otherwise.

Achually typing
>me think they is true
reinforces how right those guys were(and are)

Russians must be burned with napalm to benifit the civilized, progressive, developed, multicultural western world.

>the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all-out son of a bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk.

That's harsher text than what Hitler said about them, goddamn.

Saint Nuno Álvares Pereira was better then jesus.

We hate the usa more to be fair

He sounds so cringy wannabe bad ass wtf. Duke Nukem tier quote

What do you expect from amer*cans ?

I've read his WWII history. Based man. He never would have said this you stupid shill.

He could've been more polite, but he's not wrong.