What is she doing here?

Will she be ok? Is she dying?

Other urls found in this thread:


Just reptillian things

she is just acting surprised stop being so desperate for something to attack her for

She's often confused.

the bitch is schizo

>presidential material

no you sperglord it's jut terrible acting. we already know that hillary doesn't feel emotions, so she just fakes them but exaggerates too much

a little over-dramatic, don't you think?

She looks like she's having an acid flashback

>first seizure
>then the tongue
>then this
I think her brain isn't handling those control techniques very well, whatever they are.

She's always been this way.

She saw a fly.

look at her eyes go, lol, that's not a natural movement.

for real though, we know that Hillary has had medical conditions related to her brain in the past and probably has gone to therapy/training to suppress it.

she had a blood clot in 2011/2012 and then suffered a concussion. the seizures or light strokes she's been getting twice now she has received training to suppress/minimize, and if they happen, to 'mimic' surprise or astonishment to mask them.

as for her coughing fits, Hillary has goitre. whenever it flares, she get a swelling and a coughing fit, which is why she wears high collar dresses in association with her coughing fits etc.

i'd say I'm worried for her health, but i'm not. let this bitch burn in hell.

This thing is literally going to be USA's president

>that reporter girl reeling back in horror than nervous laughing.

I legit looks like a form of tourettes.
That sucks for her but good for us I guess, I bet you those coughing fits are related.
Hopefully she has a full on sperg out during a debate

>This is what happens when Monarch programming goes awry

Minor seizure. This is at least the second caught on camera. This should disqualify the candidate.

> If you can lose your driver's license for it, you shouldn't be able to run for President.

she thinks her overreacting is somehow funny


>in the middle of asking a question
>goes into a spaz attack and talks about chai.

what the fuck?

She's just so fake....

>not a bbc

That does look like a supressed seizure

I think the theory is solid and it's lame on her part.

How can a woman be so limited both physically and mentally (technology illiterate) yet amass so much power?


>knows the convention center should be half empty
>knows her people filled the seats
>knows the whole country is tuned in
>sarcastically pretends to be amazed at a full convention center at the expense of everyone watching

It's either ptsd or reptoid shit.

She's never served, so what could have conditioned her for that response, I wonder?

>supressed seizure
You cannot supress those

>the one shill instinctively recoiling in horror before asking "you ok?", then going along with Hillary playing it off as a laugh

It's not over acting m8, YouTube full bodied tourettes
She's fucked

Same thing as Victoria Justice, being around Jews too long.


I think he didn't phrase that correctly, she had the spas out but tried playing it off like she was in control of her body and not having a tourettes twitch party

the spells are working


guy in the back is a Sup Forumsack

Well, in the way she "does" you can, my grandfather had the same "ticks" from alzheimer and always played it cool and pretended it didn't happen.

You guys are reaching a bit with the whole 'she secretly has some life threatening illness'
Seems like a huge red herring to me to take the pressure off the shit she's willingly fucked up as opposed to stuff that's out of her control

take my energy

She is trying to mimic normal human reactions to seem down with the plebs but she is such an autistic sperglord she over does them and just ends up looking weird



holy fuck thats hilarious


She's trolling. She may have genuine medical problems, but that wasn't a display of them, just a bit of overacting.

those reporters had literal hyenna laugh

Is she a cokehead?

He looks to the sky for god's hand reaching out to welcome him in.

There is no God, only balloonz.


You can disguise it as an exaggerated overreaction, which is what she does

they look like hyenas.

She looks like my grandma whenever I opened a present at Christmas even though she knew exactly what is was.

Her face reminds me of Terry Schiavo. The way her eyes move is so drugged out.

She looks like she thought something was falling on her from the ceiling, caught it quickly and tried to cover it up with a fake reaction. It's so fucking obvious to anyone who can pick up on social cues

Memeing for more health catastrophes for Illary

How do you do, fellow kids?

She's so fucking weird man

Fucking weird


That could explain the ruthlessness and the psychopathy too

Stuff like this almost wants me see her become president. The weekly Hillspasms will be too entertaining.

yep that's what I spot too


Drugs. Perhaps a prescription stimulant.

I wanna meet her drug dealer.

>yfw she bums bills painkillers

I kinda wanna fuck her.

>listen to this
>open WEBM
>just when Chorus starts she makes weird movement in WEBM

wew laddy, are these the new ways of KEK?

It's because everything is scripted down to a tee and she s told how she is to act at every moment. Problem is she's a really shitty actress.

>ok Hill, make sure to look surprised when the balloons come out

>listen to this * youtube.com/watch?v=8JjVPiDLdH4

>yfw Lewinsky's hummer was the last piece of action you saw be4 your wife put chastity undies on you


Perhaps she was just clearing her throat. Official reports say she cleared her throat 22 times during her speech.



This is obviously from when the balloons started coming down, she's overreacting like she didn't know it was going to happen

even though he is a psychopathic maniac, I feel so bad for him.

why do you quote yourself?
how much do they pay you?

so many questions

>It's because everything is scripted down to a tee and she s told how she is to act at every moment. Problem is she's a really shitty actress.
I think this is true btw and not the "something falls of the ceiling" shit

And btw : this is also the reason why Trump will win, Trump is always best when holding non-scripted speeches or public appearances
people see this


that cunt is an INSANE DEMON.

A fucking webm and not a gif

get help

I forget to put youtube link man... my joke just didn't went well
I didn't quote myself, I corrected myself
I did not have sexual contact with that woman


Bullshit try 50+



Of course it's obvious. Why did you feel the need to caption the image at all? Maybe add that it's Hillary Clinton, too.

These digits confirm a stroke or seizure during the first debate



That's where she got show by an arrow and acquired her stand

check my douplettes, they confirm a whine-cramp in the last debate against the trumpster

>I'd screencap this post already

She is just like us, fellow human. These are human emotions, yes. Yessss.



She was reacting to the pyrotechnics display.

>tfw you actually liked Slick Willie while he was in office

In fairness though I was only a kid and the Clinton Body Count was something I had never heard about.

She is tripping out on those balloons

I remember our ancient prime minister being so good with him because of EU things but thats it
>1993 here

Bill Clinton is an Illuminati sacrifice to Moloch. Hillary will sacrifice him to ensure her presidency.

Get to Kek'n tadpoles.

Tep kok


fuckin noice


how fucking fake can that bitch get.

everyone who has ever worked with her and talked about it called her a complete asshole.

Are american women's expressions usually so theatrical?

Here's another edit of the gif. Enjoy