But how does Russia have an elected president if they communist?

But how does Russia have an elected president if they communist?

They aren't

Can I masturbate to your pic?

How does america have an elected president if they communist?

They're not communist. The communist party still exists though.

In real HD you can count her pubes, this is pretty LD.

Russia is an oligarchy dingus

No pablo get back to cleaning my pool

>Immediate goals of the party include the nationalisation of natural resources, agriculture, and large industries within the framework of a mixed economy that allows for the growth of small and medium enterprises in the private sector
>According to the party there comes a "confrontation between the New World Order and the Russian people with its thousand-year history, and with its qualities", "communality and great power, deep faith, undying altruism and decisive rejection of lures mercantile bourgeois liberal-democratic paradise".
>The party supported a ban on the "promotion of non-traditional sexual relations to minors", mostly named a ban on "homosexual propaganda to minors" in Western media.
>Left-wing nationalists. CPRF leader Gennady Zyuganov is from this tendency. The left-wing nationalists in the party identify Socialism historically with Russia, and Russia culturally with Socialism. They are influenced by the writings of historian Lev Gumilev, and see class struggle as having evolved into struggle between civilizations.
"""""Communist""""" party.

Only if you make your weed wacker into a weenie jacker.

this is probably among the worst baits i have seen.

The communist party on Russia only has 10% of support

idk man I'm gonna fap to this pic also so wouldn't that be kinda gay if we're both wacking it at the same time to the same thing/

Who dis fuh muh dik?

Nice job answering the question, svenhammed

>United Russia (Putin's party, centrists) 35%
>Communist Party of the Russian Federation (socialists, retarded nationalists) 11%
>Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (populists, nationalists) 9%
>A Just Russia (social-democrats) 3%
>Communists of Russia (communists) 1%
>Civic Platform (classical liberals, opposition to Putin) 1%
>Civilian Power (small businesses) 1%
>the rest is parties with less than 1% of support or won't vote

Nigger Jews

Is your poll based on voters or citizens ?
What about the other 38% ?

>the rest is parties with less than 1% of support or won't vote

That's a lot of blank vote, we had 20% abstain in 2012 and we consider it's a lot

Enjoy you're ban pisstits

Hard abstain is 14%. Some people don't know who they want to vote for, some vote for microscopic parties. We have shitloads of them, something like 60.