RON PAUL Sup Forums

RON PAUL Sup Forums,

What happened? You guys you used to be about freedom and less government until the newfags took over.

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Donald Trump is the only truly Libertarian candidate of the last 20 years

Yes, fascism was never popular on Sup Forums

Donald trump is a populist that wants to vastly expand the size of government. I don't think you understand what libertarianism is about.

>Trump is a more libertarian candidate than Ron Paul
I don't even like Gary Johnson but you're retarded.

Libertarianism is about closing up borders and not about throwing George Washington's old gun into a dumpster

Yep, the true pro open borders, pro gun control, pro TPP libertarian. Don't Tread On Hill- I mean me!

that's batshit retarded

Actually Libertarianism is generally for open borders.

thats the dumbest shit ive ever read on this board

>0.00000001 Trump Coin has been deposited into your account

>Libertarianism is about closing up borders
Is North Korea libertarian?

People grew up

Libertarianism only works peacefully when there's a homogeneous society

I don't see how that is relevant

This guy is a fucking Democrat in disguise. Open borders, TPP, and enjoys the concept of gun control.

The guy is a fucking worthless meme, much like the Libertarian concept as a whole.

this desu senpai

That's an ancient meme right there

Johnson is NOT pro gun-control. I don't even know where this meme comes from.

>Sup Forums

it's the only comeback they have

i'm not voting for someone who called enforcing border laws "racist". the main thing we need in a president right now is someone who isn't politically correct

/new/ has always been national socialist

had there been a strong anti-immigration candidate, Sup Forums would've supported him back then over the Paul meme

most libertarians here nowadays realised that only white people vote for small government and therefore it's important to have as high of a percentage of whites as possible.

>this somehow means he's pro gun control


Well someone had to remind these newfags that Sup Forums has always been libertarian. I bet they don't even remember it.

he didn't want his photo taken with a loser's cap gun, and he had a flight to catch

big fuggin deal

>trying this hard to parry the gary

Libertarians : power is bad
Not realising power actually exists.