has anyone spoken about this piece of shit yet? It legitimately the worst Dredd comic i have ever read, even more so than the Mark Millar stuff (Which wasnt ever BAD just mediocre).
But this really takes it, clumsy social commentary, a mischaracterised Dredd thats not even in tune with the previous established version of IDW Dredd. Not to mention the newest issue is subtlety titled #notallmen. Guess what that entails.
>tfw all that gorgeous Jesus Redondo art wasted on this janky jerky awkward as all fuck story I didn't even know Redondo was still alive...
Tyler Perry
He did a strip in the christmas special this year, im a big fan of his art tho. Is it really as bad as op says?
Mason Sanchez
It's awkward as fuck. A bunch of mysoginistic cunts have created a virtual matrix based on the 50s that they've hooked people into to create a perfect world where men are men and women are slaves. The problem, as usual with IDW's main Dredd ongoing, is that they've churned out twenty pages of something that wouldn't have filled more than four or five pages in the progs. It insists upon its point over and over and over again. And Dredd himself reads more like a mouthpiece than a character and is terribly passive to boot. There's some very slight actual plot development, but it's way too short, especially compared to last issue's. Just plain terrible pacing all around.
Noah Bell
Why th hell does Ulises Farinas still have a career? Surely that online lych mob he stirred up a year or so ago proves that he's not professional?
Gabriel Powell
Its Dredd stretched painfully across 20 pages.
Its not a format people are used to writing the character in and it shows. The tumblr fag writers don't help either.
Having Pug Dredd be rehashed again just goes to show they have absolutely zero new ideas.
Luke Garcia
what he do? oh dear... at least it explains why redondo half assed it
Matthew Hernandez
I don't really think people care about the IDW... I'm quite a big Judge Dredd fan and I can't imagine ever touching one of these.
Ian Cox
Where the fuck are the last 11 issues of 2000AD?
THIS garbage gets scanned but not the actual progs?
Julian Davis
>Having Pug Dredd but the minis, especially city of courts are great man