Lebanon is seeking to ban the new Wonder Woman movie because its lead actress, Gal Gadot, is an Israeli

>Lebanon is seeking to ban the new Wonder Woman movie because its lead actress, Gal Gadot, is an Israeli


wtf I love Lebanon now

> ban because of jews
have they considered that every movie studio in Hollywood is owned and operated by jews? Might as well ban the Hollyjew in it's entirety. Fucking shitskins need to do some basic research ffs

not only because she's Israeli, but because she posted a facebook message a while back where she supported IDF and called the Palestinians a bunch of terrorists.


Still gonna see this shit tomorrow. my gf got tickets, there's any good streaming shit? i want to make a thread here and just stream it.

they really fucking hate israel

it clearly says Israeli though, not "jew".

They specified Israeli you moron.

Israelis aren't Jews. lt's a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer. He's a nomad. He's got no roots and no attachments so he universalises everything. He can't hammer a nail or plough a field. All he can do is buy and sell and invest capital, manipulate markets and it's, like, all mental. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture, based on books and numbers and ideas. You know, this is his strength. Take the greatest Jewish minds - Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us? Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. ln the three centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe, they've ripped us out of a world of order and reason, thrown us into class warfare, irrational urges, relativity, into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question! Why?! Cos it's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life till there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.

Oh great, watch the fucking epic tidal wave of cringe faggotry now. Since Muslims and SJW's are now against this shit film that means reddit, thedonald, boomer cucks GavinMilo and all the other faggots will now praise based Murican Patriotic Israeli Comic Book cape trash, free speech and the glorious defence of western gays and woman from the barbaric muslim horde and the anti free speech SJW


it's just because she's a jew, it's because she is very vocally pro israel.

Which in turn is an assault in feminism and stronk womyn in general. Which equals more support for WW. Jews can really turn a shit sandwich into shekels.

Didnt she celebrate their death's anyway?

This is why we can't coexist. How can Israel coexist with people who want tnem dead?

>Jews can really turn a shit sandwich into shekels.

The Holocaust gas literally made them millions in movies and other media.

>I watched "Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) and now I'm an expert on stuff!

You can't even think for yourself, some of your phrases are from straight out of the film.

All of Lebanon? Wow, that will really hurt Wonder Woman's profits.

>>I watched "Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) and now I'm an expert on stuff!
>You can't even think for yourself
the irony


Jews != Israel

Israel shits all over Lebanon and palestine on a regular basis

It's blatant Satanism. Putting a woman in a Christ-like role. Which in turn riles up war and disgust in the Middle-East. Jewish Luciferianism in Hollywood, is literally willing to denounce a 2000 year old kingdom to protect it's box office income.

They did the same publicity stunt when that other crappy blockbuster NOAH was banned from Egypt. Basically the message is, look, the arabs don't like it, you have to support this movie...Reverse psychology