Venezuela brings back actual serfdom to fight capitalism

Welp, Venezuela has moved on to the forced conscription of labor phase of communism.

>President Nicolás Maduro signed a decree at the end of last week that gives powers to the labor ministry to order "all workers from the public and private sector with enough physical capabilities and technical know-how" to join a government drive aimed at increasing food production.

>Antonio Pestana, chief of Venezuela's farming association, told reporters last month that only 25 percent of agricultural land is actually being farmed. Last week's decree promises to boost production by increasing the workforce of companies in the sector.

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gommunism :DDDDDDDDD






Pol Pot was infinitely worse. People were shot for picking berries or trying to see their families.

Forgot a great line
>The decree states its aim is to "guarantee food supply, social justice, and democracy"

Maybe I'm being morbid but doesn't it seem like the "government shoots everybody" phase is really late in coming down there?

Fuck off nazi Polpot was a liberator


You can't put into the pot the Pol Pot!


"never been tried!"

>this fucking country
>communism in general

>People who want to elect Sanders
>Socialism is totally different to communism


How the fuck does forcing people to pick corn at gunpoint "guarantee social justice and democracy"?

Daily Reminder: The lie that Venezuelan "communism" caused it's collapse is created by the US kikes. The CIA controlled drug lords actually control the country and they forced the Venezuelans to stop producing food and exporting their oil so America could profit. This collapse is 100% artificial and America-created.



The ideology that has never been tried before strikes again!

I think it's hilarious that crapitalists don't see the irony here. What Praxagora is LITERALLY saying here is the exact same as the truth that automatio will make capitalism obsolete. Slaves were not considered real people back then. He is arguing for the benefit of the citizens at the expense of something akin to what we would replace with machines.

You mean corporate welfare? The ideology that disrupts foreign government to benefit corporations?

Basing your whole ideology on altruism just doesn't work in reality. Greed is a wonderful incentive

>dead kennedys
Ahh to be 14 and know it all again

This is what we should do to our Bourgeoisie traitors.

Oh look its a delusional redditard defending gommunism how quaint

Hmm...If I didn't know any better, I'd think that was retarded. Oh wait.

Venezuela: Sometimes your purpose in life is to be a bad example to others.

After Cambodia, there was never another Communist revolution. Maybe Venezuela will do the same thing to Socialism.

Another failed attempt at communism eh?

Communism the quickest way to go from an egalitarian open free market society back to the dark ages and a Caste society based on feudalistic oppression. Nice job! Well done everybody!

I'm not a communist. You fucking reaganite shills are simply lying, as usual, about what is actually happening in Venezuela. YOU are the EXACT ones who caused this problem, then you blame it on your economic enemies. You're evil as fuck and it's amazing you haven't all lost your heads by now.

Then, where is my incentive? What are you going to do to incentivize me?

Hey, that is counter revolutionary talk, now 10 years in the gulag for you and all immediate family. Don't question the utopian ideal of Social Justice and Democracy. Marx and Lenin would not approve.

>I'm not a communist.
yea and im not a nazi sure thing guy.

Someone needs to make a Youtube video of this. It'll make it easier to share on other platforms.

this but im computer illiterate so i cant

Kill you for pushing trickle-down and wrecking the economy.

You're not, you retarded faggot. You don't even know what a Nazi is. You think it's an American hypercapitalist. The Nazis would have executed you as a seditious element, which you are.

We have a saying in Hungary and it reminds me of it.

"Minden ember jó valamire. Ha másra nem, elrettentő példának."

"Every human being is useful for something. If not for anything else, then to serve as a negative example."

Perhaps the same applies to countries as well.

Presumably you will be incentivized in the same manner those in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, current Venezuela etc, were.

With starvation and death.

Not if I string you up first
Competition is a natural human drive, and degree of ambition is unequal
You're pushing the delusion of altruism, and assuming everyone's going to all of a sudden feel inspired to do shit rather than laze about. Learn to human nature.

Lol faggot commie doesnt know about how Nazi Germany was mixed market and free enterprise was allowed it was socialist insofar as it nationalized the central bank the only one going to the gas chambers for sedition would be you for pushing your kike communism on the people

oh and it had social programs

>Not if I string you up first
Good luck with that, when the majority is already against you. The difference between me saying you're going to be hanged, and you saying I am is it might actually happen to you and soon. The West is tired of dealing with having to give every penny to the rich, then being expected to sit through austerity so the kikes and White traitors can get ever fatter.

>Ignoring the very words and beliefs of the Nazis themselves
>No, let me tell you what Hitler and Goebbels meant. They really were Thatcherites, you see.
No. They fucking were not. And I'm as much a communist as you are a National Socialist.

>and they forced the Venezuelans to stop producing food
The socialist gov started to nationalize all the industries, including food, energy and water, and almost all of them went bankrupt, you stupid champagne socialist fuck

Seriously, how in the fuck did JIDF so flawlessly come to control Sup Forums. This board is a total disappointment.

And THEN did what with them? Hmmm???

Geophysicist here. There oil production became undesirable nearly a decade ago because it is extremely heavy crude - meaning it is mixed with mud and other things. It is very "young" oil. US and other purchasers stopped buying it because it was too costly to refine during the gas price spike year and it is still too costly to refine now because you lose your margins. It has nothing to do with Venezuela and more to do with that entire oil producing region. It's absolutely crap.

It's less costly to ship light/sweet crude form around the world that takes zero effort to refine or even from Canada that can get a higher quality product from Oil sands despite energy needed for refinement.

Not to mention that are domestic production is way up and refining capabilities of our own sub-par products has improved greatly in the last decade.

tl;dr - nobody needs to buy the shit they're selling any more.

have they forced you into the fields?

that is incorrect. feudal lords were obligated to protect their serfs

That's not even a real Hitler quote, what the fuck are you doing nigger.

Hierarchy is an ineluctable part of the human condition
There will always be rich and there will always be poor
There will always be a natural aristocracy


I hate phones...probably other typos

>told reporters last month that only 25 percent of agricultural land is actually being farmed
Well.........yeah! Thats because they took the land and gave to poor peasants who didn`t have experience farming land. Thus the crops failed.

Now they are literally finding a solution to a problem that they created in the first place to fight a bigger problem of social mobility in Venezuela. Now everyone is poorer and hungry. It sounds like Maos great revolution all over again.

So, literal slavery? Get it out to BLM and laugh at their racism.

>And THEN did what with them?
What did the gov with the industries?
They drive them to the bankrupt thanks to corruption and bureaucracy
>Café fama de américa
>Lacteos los Andes

By the way, I know you're an American in Venezuela.

Sure, sure. That's why fracking and tarsands are all the rage, right? Because sweet crude is so abundant now. You need fired and put into a nice position as a Wal*Mart cashier.

I see now it's misattributed to him. It's a Gregor Strasser quote. Still a Nazi. And there are PLENTY of quotes from Nazis about how bad capitalism is. Don't pretend, monkey nigger.

That's nice. What does that have to do with giving everything to the rich and expecting to keep your head? Ask the French monarchy how that ended.

>There will always be a natural aristocracy
Here's a clue: you're not it. The current "aristocracy" is extremely artificial. That is PRECISELY why it is about to collapse.

Thanks. Everything's a bit more clear now

>Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not
>t hitler
He also allowed private banks to exist seems like a real maoist to me you fucking retard Strasser was purged because he believed to deeply in left wing economics when Nazi Germany was a mixed market system.


>I know you're an American in Venezuela.
Yeah, because we venezuelans love socialism. ooooh boy we love it, we love it almost as much as north koreans

Well, I need to see whether you'll be a worthy successor after the Jews are overthrown. You may end up casting us into famine and chaos if your economic policies fail, and you may be too eager to kill off your dissenters

B-but it's not really socialism, it's just State-Capitalism you fools!!! Don't let this dishearten you, GET READY FOR THE REVOLUTION GODDAMMIT

>Mixed Market
Half of why people put the Nazis in power was because the believed that the Nazis were the only thing standing in the way of Bolshevik domination of Europe.
>Crucial emphasis on hierarchy
>Staunchly anti-communist and anti-Soviet (why do you think people were surprised at the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?)
>Literally killed off the SA because its views were becoming too socialist
They were a mixed market. Not some socialist utopia that worked because they were "oh so white!"

I wonder what Owen Jones and the likes of him would have to say about this.

Sometimes I wish Jeremy Corbyn would become PM and force all the weak leftists to do some forced manual labour.

We need to try it again!!

Sweet crude is abundant as many ME countries + Russia have ramped up production despite falling price. Also, tarsands and shale create cleaner/better products. Do you not understand that buying and processing essentially mud into gasoline and other petrochemical products is more energy intensive, and therefore costly, than processing higher grade precursors?

Fracking is primarily for natural gas - a completely separate product line. Tar sands are economical because the intelligent Canadians streamlined production.

US gulf oil is superior in quality because we are able to drill deeper to much older deposits in the rock/sediment layer.

Our trchnilogical advancements have made us more competitive and others obsolete.


Hmmmm...wonder what position I can get with two NASA Mars mission under my belt, 4 degrees including a master's from the best school in the world for my field, two lucrative patents, and multiple consulting successes???

You could learn something if you weren't such a narcissist getting kicks off of manufactured outrage

>literally every Communist movement in history has been subverted by Jewish capitalists
Oh wow how come all the mass arrests, executions and secret police can't keep those saboteurs out?

Fail again
Fail better
t. Steve Jobs

>Hmmmm...wonder what position I can get with two NASA Mars mission under my belt, 4 degrees including a master's from the best school in the world for my field, two lucrative patents, and multiple consulting successes???



I live next to these fuckers. They got the world's largest proven oil reserves, massive tracts of fertile land, and they can't feed their people.
Meanwhile my shitty ass tiny island is one of only 3 arid islands in the Caribbean. We can't grow enough food to feed the people, so we import it. And we can do that, because we weren't dumb enough to put a commie in power.

God damnit Venezuela. Please keep failing so I can be entertained.


>two NASA Mars mission under my belt