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That looks kinda yummy


I agree, I'd probably dip it in marinara or ketchup, though, because the biscuits look a bit dried out or just overdone in the video

should've had a marinara dipping sauce

Are you trying to give tourists from /ck/ a heart attack?

Looks good but 8 isn't enough. If you're fat enough to have eaten mac and cheese within the last 5 years you probably agree that you need more.

Look, I'd never recommend anyone eat frozen food.

But Stouffer's Mac and Cheese is actually pretty good.

He should have breaded them with panko and deep fried them.

Because cheese and noodles are two foods that don't change a whole lot when frozen, they thaw out practically to just as they were before.

>double cheese
>double bread
Don't forget the mayonnaise.

Yuropoor here, I've never eaten Mac and Cheese but that looks good as fuck. Would probably pass out afterwards though as my body attempts to figure out what to do with all that processed sugar

>never eaten Mac and Cheese
what the hell

>The crispy bits around the edges

I'm sure your body is used to consuming carcinogenic trash.

but Mac and Cheese is poor people food do they just not have it where you live

There was a period where I ate too much frozen food. Stouffer's was consistently better than average.

That's too much cheese

>frozen foods r durr devil
You're autistic.

No one is stopping you from chowing down on that Banquet meal, brah.

>frozen food = tv dinners
Jesus Christ!

Look out, we got a Hungry Man XXL here!


>tv dinners aren't frozen food


Man, I'm doing keto and would eat the hell out of this right now if I could

>All those carbohydrates at same time

Better do work out later or get fat forever you piece of shit


Let me guess, you have no qualms with people clogging their arteries with cholesterol and you're an IIFYM goon?

fuck millennials

How old are you?

Carbs are irrelevant, it's a caloric surplus over a period of time that causes weight gain. "At the same time" is also irrelevant, because if you simply eat less later on, the surplus cancels out.

>Americans have mac and cheese as a side dish

Defend this. RIGHT NOW.

Old enough to be a millennial, doesn't mean I can't hate the majority of us

i'm always tempted to do this because i'm an alcholic and i love grilled cheese

Wa la