
Is this how you'd react to this situation when you were a child? Always felt that Judy was a bit too resilient here.

Also, $1,000,000,000 soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gideon is the worst character in the movie.

No shit shirlock....

It could be you know ... it's just a fucking movie?

Fucking furfaggots

Sad thing to note, despite the imminent $1,000,000,000.00, this will be the last top 10 grossing week for Zootopia unfortunately.

FUUUUCK, this BluRay quality is fucking killing me. It's waay better than I expected!

>too resilient

So I guess 90% of this board would have just backed the fuck up when threatened

Around those ages, sure.

Realistically speaking, some kids will simply march into challenging situations, emboldened purely out of the blissful ignorance for the dangers they're taking on. Judy's case is arguably rarer, since she remains resolute even when cold hard reality scratches her in the face. Though to be fair to her characterization, she is reasonably shaken and even mentally scarred by the experience.

>Unironically enjoying multicult propaganda

Stayed cucked furfags

I woudn't react that way, but there was a weird "cop kid" (tiny uniform, pretended to uphold justice and shit) who would.
It's too bad he took that nosedive in high school and got arrested for fucking a horse, he was a nice kid.

>he think's it's antiracism propaganda

that's just to distract conservitards from the furry agenda, conservitard