Honest opinions on the spectrum? Was it a good idea or did it ruin GL for you?

Honest opinions on the spectrum? Was it a good idea or did it ruin GL for you?

I enjoyed it and brought some great stories. The problem is that writers couldn't get away from them. For organisations that could be galaxies apart everything was small because they kept tripping over each other

Instead of immediately destroying them after Johns left they should have just been placed to the side. Relic design just isn't very interesting either.

It's a good idea, but it's way overused.

A fairly limited idea that should have been discarded straight after Blackest Night.

Probably one of only "new ideas" in mainstream comics that has any lasting potential

>inb4 yellow lanterns and star sapphire are from the silver age
You know what I mean

It was cool until they brought in other DC heroes, it felt like they did that for the shekels

>Wonder woman, star sapphire
>Because she's a woman

>all the cool lanterns are yellow

I really enjoy it

>Honest opinions on the spectrum? Was it a good idea or did it ruin GL for you?
Nice idea, but as it's Johns it's poorly executed.

Problems, listed.
>willpower as an emotion
>life in the DCU started on earth
>everyone is an antihero
>literally no villains except black hand
>everyone has tragic background to make them sympathetic

johns just can't do villains

What makes a good villain?

>no Star Sapphire gangbangs to deliver amplified shockwaves of love throughout the known universe
They need to give this to a better writer

It was a mind blowing idea, like something everyone wondered about and they finally did something with. It expanded the Green Lantern mythos and redesigned things enough to basically revitalize the character. I like how it had the effect of getting more people into GL as a whole.

However. I think there are some serious flaws. For instance, I think the spectrum is kind of limited actually. Why is Greed automatically bad? I love Larfleeze but the writers seem to confuse greed with just been stingy. You can have rational, controlled and even mutually beneficial greed. Ever bought... anything... ever? There you go. I'd bring the Controllers back and have them use the Orange Light on a new team of Darkstars instead. Basically telling Larfleeze with CONTROL Greed isn't some destructive evil force.

And willpower isn't exactly an emotion like this other user pointed out. Then we have love and compassion. They're practically the same emotion, but we get two different corps out of them. Could they not think of other emotions to use?

That's where I want to write GL. I want to make the Grey Lantern corps. The emotion is either apathy or no emotion or stoicism, they are "the Greys" of our mythology. The mysterious big headed, black eyes, little-mouthed aliens we seem to have a fascination with. Well the Greys actually came before Oa but the Grey Light manipulates memory. So they basically come and wipe out all the corps, not killing them just erasing their memories of it ever happening. This give us a chance to sort of rewrite them too. Also the Brown Lantern corps for Bravery or Courage. Those are emotions.

>that part with the greys
Someone fucking hire this guy

They could do the whole spectrum with just earth characters :
>Green : Hal Jordan
>Blue : Superman
>Yellow : Batman
>Violet : Wonder Woman
>Indigo : Ray Palmer
>Orange : Lex Luthor
>Red : Jason Todd ? (i'm not sure)
>White : Kyle Rayner
>Black : John Stewart

please replace johns

While Willpower as an emotion is silly it did basically turn into courage so I thought it was largely fine.

The Love/Compassion is true but I feel with the Purples actual backstory it was more useful to have em split.

The downright fucking refusal to put Males in the Sapphires was silly.

>John Stewart

Love and Compassion aren't the same thing

>never read the comics before
>google star sapphire
>find this
>now i'm aroused
Thanks OP

>love and compassion
>the same
Nah. So, for example, a Yandere would go pink/Star Sapphire because muh love, but that may not have compassion.

Also willpower essentially in the context of the spectrum became bravery/being able to believe. Sorta like some kind of super robot anime.

I think it's a great idea. It's nowhere near as limited as the people here make it seem; the problem rather was once the ideas were not being used by Johns/Tomasi and just by writers who weren't that good which kinda lead to the whole thing falling apart.

They destroyed the GL books. It wasnt bad but after sinestro corps it all went to shit fairly quiclky

>everyone is an antihero
Also gonna comment on this in that the color spectrum also made the characters be some sort of variation of the part of the spectrum they are, so not everyone's straight up good or evil.

so.. was sinestro corps bad too?

How about make love more about love in general and not almost female exclusiv sexual love.
One can love in so many different ways.

Also >Making Earth the center of attention
We have everyone else for that. Lanterns are supposed to watch their sector so that no interstellar warlord or cosmic thread obliterates their part of the galaxy(yes only make it only a glalaxy large or so. Otherwise its just too much space for too few lanterns).

>black: Jon Stewart

top keke.

should be Deadman

God no. They were the only good ones.

is was good, until the corps started to stop being corps anymore, i hated how they did nothing with the blue lantern corps only to have them all killed later.

They're what got me into Green Lantern in the first place but the series definitely ended up revolving around them too much and being a common cause of going from large scale mini-event to large scale mini-event with no breathing room or simple space cop stuff. Although the latter complaint may just be due to Johns and Venditti being a shit writer trying to ape Johns' style and one-up his mythos.

As for the lore itself I liked it, except the Indigo Tribe just being reformed/brainwashed psychos, I was hoping for some legit compassion bros like Palmer was in Blackest Night.

pretty neat idea, I liked the mythos behind it.
though I always thought it a little weird that they never made any human lanterns other then green and violet.

some of them felt underdeveloped and we never got full answers of how all the colors work.
Hell this pic for example is super old but it might as well still be applicable since they never really developed the other corps that much.

Reds got a brit later on.

Reading this image on here back around 2007 is one of the things that really got me into comics, just the idea behind it sounded so cool.

Earth is like literally the center of the DC universe. Plus most of the names i have chosen have already been done actually.

That's just "The Silence" from Dr. Who

Great idea.
Compleatly overused
GL my favourite superhero, now you can only find comics about this, no variety.

6000000 times this

> I want to make the Grey Lantern corps
> The emotion is either apathy or no emotion or stoicism
Hold on, let me just hop into my time machine.

It's why I said "practically" the same thing. I should of said "sort of". I totally get the difference I'm just saying it's like having mashed potatoes and french fries on the same dish. There similar enough to not really warrant too different corps.

On that note too, the Corps need to have their jobs or roles defined a bit more. That's why it's such a cluster fuck. If the Green Lanterns are space cops or law enforcers, then the Blue Lantern corp should be like the firefighters of the universe and just focus on saving things from natural diasters, the Purple corps could just be EMTs/Medics.

Not sure yet about the others but you get my point.

Thanks for the encouragement! The Grey Lanterns manipulate memory AND time. Their constructs involve making you see or feel or sense things. This also provides a narrative vehicle for easy retconning. If something doesn't add up in the DC universe, it was probably the Greys fucking with events and even with the readers memory if you want to get all Morrison here. It'd be fun to draw big events that happened in the green lantern mythos but there are grey quietly observing it. The Greys usually don't trust anyone else with their power, so all Greys are USUALLY the same Grey species (which is varied, some are tall, some are small, etc).

However they do have one member who's an Earthling. Of course being A Grey Lantern implies that you may or may not even know you are one. But this Earthlings Earth name is Alfred Pennysworth. He keeps an eye on ever crazy, universe breaking messes that the Earth pulls everyone into.

The Greys are getting really slightly annoyed with our shit. The emotional spectrum is way off balance because of the Lantern Corps and there only "goal" is to restore the balance. What that means to the rest of us is kind of a mystery.

good times, anyone got that pic of that chick from BTAS from the Creeper episode as a grey lantern?

Who would be your female grey lantern and male star sapphire?

Where do you think I got the idea from?

>>life in the DCU started on earth
I still laugh out loud when I remember how stupid this was. They built it up as some terrible secret that will wipe away any shred of authority the Guardians have left, and in the end it's something literally nobody cares about.

Stupidest plot twist since the silver age ended.

The females are of their one race. Maybe they're the taller ones and the males are shorter ones. There is only one human Grey Lantern, anything more is unnecessary seeing how too many Lanterns from Earth is what appears to be causing the problems.

The idea is great but not in the DC setting. Since, as you point out, it kind of destroys the authority the guardians built by being the oldest fuckers out there.

>Atrocitus is a one of the five inversions, demon sorcerers that ruled over a magical empire
>his rings are powered by blood magic
>yet no Space wizardry
Am i alone in wanting this?

What if they made Simon Baz a terrorist?

>Have a power ring
>Can slam multiple construct planes into buildings

didn't we already did the grey lantern corp thing some years ago?

It's a pretty stupid idea, the only time I've ever really enjoyed it was the Green Lantern Animated Series because it works in a Saturday Morning Cartoon way. I don't mind having a rival color corps such as Red or Yellow, but having them so tied in to various emotions is silly. I think Rage is the only one that really works as an analogue to Willpower. The whole thing really dilutes from potential Lantern stories and the DCU in general because instead of having to create new worlds, cultures, and characters as settings and enemies/allies you can just slap one of the many colored rings on them instead and be done with it. Also never really liked how Sinestro and the Star Sapphires got swept up in the whole thing, they lost some of their character in the process. Saint Walker's pretty cool though, but the Blue Lanterns are the most superfluous of all and there's no reason he couldn't be Green.

That's awfully racist user.

>While Willpower as an emotion is silly it did basically turn into courage so I thought it was largely fine.

They mentioned this in Rebels; willpower was basically the ability to supress your emotions in order to get shit done.

In that context it makes sense that it is in the "middle" of the spectrum, and is affected differently by all the actual emotions (courage weakens it, hope boosts it, rage burns through it, etc).

I really like the idea of them having independent jobs. The status quo right now feels like either "no, OUR way to protect the universe is right!", doing pretty much nothing, or whatever the hell Reds motivation is this week. They wouldn't even have to get along.

However, it doesn't feel like there's enough to go around for every corps without making them seem too specialized. You'd have one corps want to police+protect the universe, great. One to fight natural disasters, great. Healers, also good. But from there where do you go without impeding on local governments? Using the infinite power of your rage just to make sure space traffic is clear? And you can't do something like SWAT since that would create overlap or at least require them all to operate out of some gay ass space rainbow HQ.

Honestly I feel like the Corpse was the last really good idea to come out of the GL universe in the last 15 years.

Muh cosmic ninja SEAL team when?

ah yes the black ops of the corp, i remember them and the swallowable rings which was a bit silly now that i think about it, the butterfly chick was hot though.

Blue Lanterns are definitely the worst neglected, considering that they're supposed to be the most powerful when around Greens. I guess they'd be too game-breaking since boosted Greens and empowered Blues would trash everything else.

>willpower as an emotion
They call them emotions, but it's better to think of them as "drives". Each of the colors are things that motivate life, with green being pure motivation.

>tfw no gay lanterns

>But from there where do you go without impeding on local governments? Using the infinite power of your rage just to make sure space traffic is clear? And you can't do something like SWAT since that would create overlap or at least require them all to operate out of some gay ass space rainbow HQ.

Yeah you ran into the same wall I did in the same train of thought. What do you do with the other Lantern Corps if they all get their own jobs?

I'm thinking maybe even have the Blue, Purple and Green join forces and the rest are just trying to do their own thing. Yellow and Red are doing the same thing but they represent different ideologies on how to get that done. Different flavors of authoritarianism.

Orange? This is why I want the Darkstars back because that's the only way that's going to work. Orange is my favorite, but it's useless. Larfleeze is like a villain just to be one for the story and nothing more.

Are blues still completely useless unless a GL is around?

I've got to take issue with this.

>You can't do a "sad" or "happy" corps.

Actually you can.

Depression. Depression is the Great Destroyer. Depression renders men so useless they fucking kill themselves. Depression is that powerful. Depression destroys everything it touches, like a black hole. It's poetic that we name economic down turns Depressions because they literally, physically destroy everything. Even from normal wear and tear because nothing is being maintained. Depression wears down everything like water hits the rocky shores and turns them into softer mountains later.

I thought of The Greys being Depression but it didn't fit for what I wanted but it could.

the blues are all dead user

and no, now Walker can power up yellow lanterns too


>that bulge

I'm a medical student and I must say, from a cientific view, your idea is just essential. There can be no feelings without memory or time perception. The possibilities are extremely wide with this if well executed. I rather encourage you to pursuit that idea of yours.


It gave us larfleeze. No further discussion required

Depression is indeed a powerful emotion, but it's not a very useful one to build a corps around.

It's really good at sapping others

>and no, now Walker can power up yellow lanterns too

That's dumb. Fear is the one emotion that hope should work against, not for.

well to be fair he basically got tortured/brain raped into doing it

Continuing here, there also can be no memory, at least strong, long-lasting memory, without feelings. This memory-making system also involve widespread activation systems, which could be more well-used to describe willpower (the green light) rather than just as a feeling: willpower is correlated to noradrenalin, epinephrine, serotonin, dopamin. That way you could separate the green lanterns as their own thing, a corps essential to the big brain that the universe is - and the lack of the aforementioned components, just to mention, causes diseases such as alzheimer's or parkinson's.

I love the idea of the spectrum, just wish they would give it a break for a couple years

you can't wield depression as a weapon like rage and fear, it cannot empower you like will or hope.
That's thing even in the emotions that focus on affecting other rather than the user itself, the user needs to feel the main emotion to certain level to understand it, Even Sinestro corps members had to went trough the True Fear shell training in order to truly learn how to use their ring, Sinestro admitted his fear of chaos and what the guardians wanted for the universe is what allowed him to comunicate with Parrallax in the power battery when he was imprisoned the first time.
If you introduced depresion into the gl universe it would had to be something out of the weilders control, because you can't control depression you can't order depression to appear or go away, it would have to be like a force of nature that has no way or being control, it could be a good premise for a monster or a deadly force, but you can't build a corp around something you can't control.

It pretty much made GL for me. Blackest Night got me into comics. I was already interested before that, but only in Nightwing and Batman. After Blackest Night I became a full-time comics fan.
So I love all the corps, but lately all the focus seems to be on the Green (rightfully) and the Red (which just might be my least favorite).


They can protect themselves to some extent and I think the "give people what they want" power works without a nearby GL?

They also managed to power up a Indigo Lantern in New Guardians but idk how canon that is.

The problem with the concept is that The Green Lanterns stopped being cops or even heroes and just became... some weird sport team.

Seriously, the whole Rainbow Corps thing reminds of sport tournament, with teams competing to see who will rule the galaxy. It's always the same bullshit with Green vs. Yellow, Green vs. Red, Red vs. Yellow, Blue vs. Orange, Orange vs. Green, everybody vs. Black.

Or in another analogy a bunch of Power Rangers fighting other Power Rangers non-stop.

Take the new comics. Once again you've the Green Lanterns Corps fighting the Sinestro Corps and the Red Lanterns trying to start shit with the Green Lanterns protecting the Earth Sector.

Indigo isn't even a distinct segment of the color spectrum. Newton was a fucking wackadoodle.

Gteat, but overdone idea. Got me into the green lanterns I'm the first place.

Blackest Night was my intro to comics too and I do like the color corps for the most part but half of them still feel poorly defined and it feels like they struggle to come up with good arcs for GL now that don't involve crayola wankery

Sinestro Corps is a good idea. ONE Star Sapphire is a good idea. The rest only serve to dilute Green Lantern as a concept.

Oh, and fuck the entities. That shit's completely retarded.


This. A thousand times this.

The last Green Lantern comic to actual feel like an old school Green Lantern comic was Omega Men. Try to guess why.

I miss the ring being a technological thing. Fuck the magic bullshit that runs on emotion or the fucking entities. Fuck the thousands end of the world prophecies and the shady Guardians that created them. Fuck the various Corps each with their own coordinated color that do nothing but fight among themselves over nothing. Fuck the overabundance of human Lanterns that can only come from USA. Fuck the constant cross-overs that will end everything as we know it.

I just want to see my grey temples Hal Jordan on the beat resolving interplanetary crises and having problems holding a low-income job.

>Omega Men
Is that like DC Guardians of the Galaxy?

I really wish they'd tone down the scale of GL stories and do some stuff set on earth again

The Sonar story Venditti did was almost nice just to see Hal on Earth for the first time in literally years

I know GLs is ostensibly set on Earth but I'm still not convinced Humphries will be any good

Good idea, but willpower is not an emotion.

>I really wish they'd tone down the scale of GL stories and do some stuff set on earth again

I think this too but get shitposted if I bring it up.

I sort of boycott alien and cosmic stuff in comics because I'm so sick of it and how Earth has this schizoid view of itself. We're both the center of the universe and completely and primitive and backwards at the same time.

I'm making my own cape universe and there are just no aliens. Writing that and still trying to get the same feel as a comic cape universe is creative challenge but it forces me to think about "how can someone get super powers that's not 'an alien did it'?" And I have to come up with something else to fill that void.

Point being, it's just so over done and I want more focus on the Earth. GL is kind of an exception but with so many human lanterns you can literally have both. Have Hal in space and John Stewart on earth of vice versa, etc.

I agree with you on the technology/magic thing. I head canon that away thinking it's just technology that uses emotions?

(Also speaking of emotions how do we even know aliens FEEL at all. We humans have to assume a lot of things when we right about aliens, but we never stop to even think that feeling emotions itself might be strictly human!)

>I agree with you on the technology/magic thing. I head canon that away thinking it's just technology that uses emotions?

Was meant for

This is a good thread that's going to die when someone makes a "X CHARACTER IS CUTE!" thread and bump an actual discussion thread out of existence.

We could just do that in this thread! Kilowog a cute

That part with the greys is very similar to what has already been done in Sinestro's book with the pale bishop. Also willpower is very similar to courage, at least in the gl books. Hence the "you have the ability to overcome great fear".

Cool idea. Shame we only get B movie sci-fi shenanigans with GL space cops and some alien race we've never heard of before. Get somebody like Robinson in charge of the Emotional Spectrum so we can have a full on rainbow war with lantern diplomacy

>literally no villains except black hand

And they didn't even do that right! He went from a guy who shouted cliches while robbing banks to a death obsessed maniac who was bringing the literal end of the universe to Earth. It boggles my mind how Johns thought he should reinvent Black Hand.

>Non-green constructs aren't as elaborate or interesting

Maybe that's why the Guardians chose USA earthlings.

>Johns can't do villains
This is bait

>it boggles my mind Johns thougbt he should reinvent him
Really? You think Black hand should've stayed a bank robber with the dumbest gimmick? I guess that's why Johns is a published writer and you ain't.

I like it, but then again, I'm a huge faggot for factions and personifications of concepts.

Tbqh, it was fun to leave earth. The true problem arose when that idea was done to death, and we've sort of lost that fun spark that fueled the entirety of the green lanterns.

I think if Johns wanted to make an avatar of Death he should've made a new character rather than pull someone who is the least threatening of all of Hals rogues and turn him into a necrophiliac that murdered his family. It makes no sense.

For all its many, MANY faults Black Hand was amazing in Godhead, I wish that was his always his characterization.

Godhead Black Hand was a huge step in the right direction. Somehow Venditti managed to bring back 2 of Hals silver age villains and make them a little more modern while keeping what made them good despite the rest of his stuff being shit. I do severely miss the glorious cape that Sonar had

I am slightly miffed that Hal didn't actually get to confront Sonar and now he's going to be stuck in space forever again, but I did like the revamp of him

and Black Hand is probably the best thing about Venditti's whole run