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Goldust AND Stardust??? Holy fug
>Scooby Doo
>In a wacky races type situation
Someone really wants all of my money because that is genius.
>I like puppets.
The last movie was a good time and I expect more of the same.
I'm hype.
Is this from the same team that did the KISS movie?
>Los MAtadores
>That team isn't even a thing anymore
Ok, when they start these movies into production, is it really too much to ask that they use stars that will probably have a little more staying power?
>AJ Lee no longer with the company, so no chance of best Scooby wrasslin' waifu reappearing
when did the scooby doo movies become so fucking insane
Cody is also gone because they wouldn't let him move on from the Stardust gimmick .
Kofi without the rest of the New Day is odd, and im amazed they are not using their animated products to push Reigns.
>implying he's not the surprise hero at the end that fixes everything and solves every problem