So after Reed and Doom...

So after Reed and Doom, in what order are the smartest men in the Marvel Universe placed if they are sorted by intelligence? And where would the smart DC characters fit in if they were included and Marvel characters made smarter artificially with powers and whatnot?

1. Reed
2. Doom
3. Pym
4. Stark
5. Banner
6. T'Challa
7. McCoy

T'Challa right after Pym, Stark down to just above McCoy

Would Bruce, Lex, Palmer, Kord, Stein, Sivana and Holt be the smartest of the DCU?

According to Reed, Peter is smarter but he gets distracted too easily and it keeps him from reaching his full potential.



And you forgot Morrow and Ivo

Luthor would probably be between Reed and Doom. Batman's not as smart as T'Challa but he doesn't take magical herb steroids, just regular steroids, but he would canonically be in the top 20 somewhere. Golden Age Dr. Siavana is Reed tier, every other version is pretty high up there. The Leader should be in there somewhere.

>Ranking intelligence as if it some power level
The dumbest shit Marvel tries to do.

Parker above Pym in raw intelligence as noted by Pym himself.

>The Leader should be in there somewhere.
Well, like I said in the original post, that's only if you include those enhanced by powers or technology. Then you'd have to include him and MODOK and then some.