Why wouldn't you want to live in Japan?

Why wouldn't you want to live in Japan?

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You don't like rice?


because they won't let me in

But I'm going there in 30 days for a year.

Too crowded, too many earthquakes. Best get a QT from Japan and take it innawoods near your home

why would I want to live in a country with virtually no black people in it...

Because the girls that look like this are already dating yakuza and I don't know how to pick up average jap girls anyways.

You mean why wouldn't you, right?

But I do

Crap language, Shitty culture, and No good work.

because its not america

I did... it was awfull
>go to japan
>see a McDonalds
>I'm tired of eating rice and miso soup
>just want a damn burger
>head inside
>only Japanese people working there
>don't speak Japanese, figured I could order in English
>menu is mostly in English
>walk up to skinny little toothpick girl at the counter
>seriously, everyone in this country is smaller than your average 12 year old back in America. No wonder these twinks lost WWII
>anyway, walk up to him
>"I want-u a Hamubuga-u!" I say to the man
>"Yes sir, that will be 1,000 yen for the meal" he replies in Japanese
>scoff at him, ask him to repeat that in English since I don't speak Japanese
>he says it again, pointing to the register screen
>"Oka-yo I givu mon-nee" I say to the foreigner whom I cannot understand
>go sit down, the tiny bench strains under the weight of a red-blooded American
>a few moments later my burger is brought to me
>almost in tears, so ready for this
>take burger out of the bag
>wait a minute.... it looks odd...
>take a bite
>spit it out in disgust
>oh my god, I knew it!
>put burger down and investigate
>the bun is actually just white race shaped into a bun
>the patty is just brown rice shaped into a bug
>the lettuce is just rice dyed green
>the cheese is just rice dyed yellow
>I pull out my fries
>just rice pressed into the shape of french fries and dyed light yellow
>"no... this can't be..." I say, feeling faint
>I try to get some ketchup, maybe I'm seeing thing
>open the ketchup pack, a few grains of rice dyed a red color fall out
>open my coca cola drink. It's just rice dyed brown with chunks of clear rice floating around in there
>I'm freaking out, I drop my food and run from the building
>accidentally break the door down, only to watch it crumbled into a pile of rice
>I'm running down the street, my feet sinking into the road which is also rice
>I stop at a park to catch my breath
>sitting down on a bench, it crumbles into rice
>laying on the ground, sobbing
>it starts to rain rice

muh guns muh knives muh hunting muh uncensored porn

Literally the only thing I like about japan are their silly cartoons and I can get those just fine right where i am. there is no need to actually go there.

Need to understand Japanese more

Collectivist shithole that has no individual prospect for prosperity and a slave-like work culture - One of many. Sociopathic gooks can get fucked.

haha skill-less cuck

>"it starts to rain rice"

The work culture is disgusting

>"Why wouldn't you want to live in Japan?"
>implying I wouldn't
I wish I could run as far as possible from this place tbqh but I'm broke and most likely won't be of any help to japan anyway.

You should like the countryside and the mountains

Because they don't like outsiders.

because the japanese will never respect a white man

Yeah but all that is available right here at home. I don't need to travel to some silly xenophobic island country known for it's cartoons and bizarre pornography for that

I like red meat.

Can't speak Japanese. I would bang all of the repressed MILF whores over there though.

Because the women are xenophobic and aren't attracted to white guys

how hard is it to score japanese qts as a tall white man with a big penis?

I'm not a fan of the 9000-hour workweek, sorry.

Living there is expensive as fuck and the work environment is shit.

This is my plan, except I'm going to go innawoods with a Sami girl instead of a jap but they're basically the same

You need to be handsome too.
You can score with slags pretty easily.

is that a swimsuit? bitch needs a tribute

If they had acceptable gun laws and if I magically could learn Japanese over night, then yes.


Fairly easy if you can speak Jap.

Much harder to get a lasting relationship with the same level of qt though.

I like being payed for working overtime.

Like, all you do is go to a Roppongi night club and you dance with one and take her home. You don't even need to speak.

Hella comfy scenery. I'd love to go on a hike around the place.

I just got back from visiting Japan and it is very difficult.

You can score with a small segment of ugly Japanese women easily but those are the same women that every foreigner has fucked. Japanese people avoid using English and those women that involve themselves with foreigners are the same type of women that sleep with 100s of foreigners (not an exaggeration).


I'm Japanese and as long as you're not a NEET, in our culture, women don't care.

There are a lot of protests against the government to reform employment, and people shun anyone who doesn't work, they are considered subhuman, that's why lots of japanese kill themselves when they lose job or fail to get job.

>cold grim food
>tiresome work culture
>impossible to learn language

nah im good

Because I'm not a deluded virgin that believes my inability to function in society will disappear if I moved to another country.

Well I can only think of one reason and it's that I wouldn't be able to take my firearms with me... I'd have to pay monthly for storage or some shit.
Other than that, I'm fine with living there.

>Mfw this doesn't sounds so bad.

It's not like we Puerto Ricans don't eat rice every day... Sadly i'm allergic to iodine.

Because I'm not Japanese.

That's a tranny isn't it?


Bruh, don't you NEED iodine? Like, you can die from a deficiency.

This post almost makes me not want Donald to build the wall......almost

>mfw mama where is my rice I am ready to eject

>the bun is actually just white race shaped into a bun
What did he mean by this?

Because learning Chinese is hard

it's full of fucking JAPS , for God's sake

>shit-tier business culture
>impenetrable to outsiders
>if you manage to date a QT, she will be the Japanese equivalent of a coalburner
>the trains in Tokyo fucking stop running late at night
Japan has some beautiful art, interesting customs, and quality food, but it's a bad idea to actually live there. There's a reason why Japan has the finest escapist media in the world.

us yanks tend to fetishize japanese culture, especially CA. it would be awesome being there i love Jland but to assimilate into their society is different than a vacation. their neets levels have reach over 9000, hive-minded slave work culture, some are not accepting of gaijins





Don't want my peepee to be pixelated.

He meant "fuck off turkroach"


How easy is it to score German qts as a tall black man with an even bigger penis?

I know a lot of girls have refugee fever over there. Im thinking of visiting.

because austin, texas is too comfy

Because I have no fucking interest in doing so.

Because I'm not and never will be Japanese, I wouldn't want to live there out of respect for them.

It's a essential mineral, milk for example has it but on very very small quantities, see food has very concentrated quantities, so i'm allergic to all see food. But i can eat food seasoned with iodine sea salt and milk etc.

I just got diagnosed with thyroid problems, which i'm pretty sure it has to do due my lack of iodine.

Japan is one of the most expensive places in the world to live.

Japan is one of the most xenophobic cultures that really don't want foreigners in their country. YOU are the immigrant nobody wants there.

Japan has an incredibly repressive society where you don't show emotions or express sexuality. It has the biggest rate of depression and suicide of any nation.

Japan has terrible TV options. Your choices are variety shows, low-budget soap operas, anime, or reruns of Full House.

Japanese women have the bodies of preteens and smiles that look like they brush their teeth with grenades.

You can't own a gun in Japan. If you try to open-carry they will arrest you. #tyranny

Culture shock for one. Also even if I had a degree they wouldn't treat me as a Japanese.

No thanks.
I'll continue living in the greatest country in the world.
I do want to climb Fuji-san and bang qt cosplayers though.

Psst... IPZ-127


fucking hell

That is not a Japanese

Here are Japanese

Well at least some of them shave

>Japanese women have the bodies of preteens
That seems to be the case but what's with the JAV girls that have giant naturals?

wish I could detach my upper body so I could blow myself properly

Don't go to the parts of Germany near American bases, especially Rammstein AFB. The girls there are more used to Basketball-American dick according to some of my black battle buddies that were there a few years ago. It's not a novelty.

They really do arr rook same

Gonna need sauce on that pronto famalam.

honestly kek'd.

Japs will never fully accept you. And I love that country and people and culture so I don't want to impose on them.

Also, work wouldn't work since the language is a massive issue and I don't want to just be another teacher making $2000 a month.

Yellow fever sure is contagious...


Rub one out for me, Swedenbro.


I'm not rich enough idiot.

I-Is that not the s-same girl...?
A-am I really that racist?

Nice virus website asshole

>not watching uncensored JAV porn from the yakuza porn industry

You just have to put in some effort into understanding japanese :D Wakari masu ka?

I know right

Their women are surprisingly averse to the nonsensical, misnamed 'political ideology' known as communism