Anybody else disappointed at this comic (except for the covers, which most people seem to like)?

Anybody else disappointed at this comic (except for the covers, which most people seem to like)?

I find it really puzzling that the first time this character gets her own comic, it uses almost none of her history and she interacts with basically no one from the rest of the Marvel universe except a floating witch ghost.

Vision's book feels much more like a real Scarlet Witch story even though she's only been in one issue.

No need to thank me.

ironically, though, he is the last writer who ever remembered she had friends. Literally the last time she and Carol spoke was in a Bendis comic.

How depressing.

Yeeah, it feels like they want to concentrate on the mystical side of SW, but in the end there's no real creativity and it all comes down to "ah, broken magic, I'll do an hex here and there"
From issue 3 on nothing interesting happens
The constant change of artists is off-putting and somehow they all ignore the new kinda cool costume
Wanda has no personality

What, did the Mighty Matriarchy not sell well? Go figure.

Robinson said he was going to give her a personality for the first time, but of course he hasn't.

Because these characters' personalities aren't about whether they're snarky or whatever, it comes from their history. Wanda's personality comes out in being the sort of person who would fall in love with a robot and not care that he was a robot, it has nothing to do with her dialogue.

I don't even know how it sells. Robinson said on Twitter it's going to last more than 12 issues, which is pretty good for today's market (most "ongoings" are just limited series anyway).

I suppose it probably pulls its weight on the strength of the Aja covers and the movie publicity, but it's just not a great book.

I actually never had a problem with the whole "witchcraft coming from womanhood" thing, because it's cool and kinda true in a traditional sense, but then an issue started with a priest going "I don't trust you because you're a woman in power!" and that's when the book kinda lost me

Robinson has a seriously bad "telling not showing" problem.

His idea of giving Wanda an arch-enemy was to have a guy show up and literally declare that he was now her arch-enemy.

The covers are gorgeous. I'm not even a covers guy and the ones for Scarlet Witch impress the fuck out of me.