Is anyone else becoming more right wing because of all the social justice movements in the past few years?

Is anyone else becoming more right wing because of all the social justice movements in the past few years?

I described myself as liberal about 5 years ago, now I'm more conservative than ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a Fascist.
I was an Anarcho-Syndicalist in 2011.


We all know that feel bro

this me

if you're a white man, most leftists will want to put you in a concentration camp (regardless of your political views)

Stay woke.

Not really. I just try to ignore them, going on tumblr is enough to make my blood boil

Helps that I have no friends and talk to nobody but you guys.

Reminder that r/coontown changed lives

exactly what happened to me

>tfw you go from spreading Kony2012 to meming Trump into the Presidency
The most important lesson I've taken from the past few years is that I have no idea what my future holds, if I think I do I'm probably very wrong.

I used to be liberal on social issues, but now I have to lean to the right to avoid being mistaken for a crazy person.

I think a lot of the people on this site are.

Oh absolutely. It's amazing what settling down and having a family will do to you. I look at my son and wonder what sort of bizarre agendas will be forced down his throat when he's older.

That happend to me... I was a Grüne supporter and I despised the FPÖ, now it's the contrary

Libtards are doing this to themselves.

I was a libertarian back then. last few years made me much more authoritarian but not to an autistic level (yet)

I was a proud SJW 2011-2013, then I became a moderate liberal. Then I went to college and saw how degenerate lefties were and now I'm a white nationalist, but say I'm libertarian in public.

I remember having no real issues with blacks or gays in the 90s and early 2000s

Now gay is LGBTQABCDEFGETCETC and black people in civilized developed countries are acting like they're suffering under some kind of oppressive Super-Apartheid

This. I have joined the right because liberalism has decayed into a suicidal failure of a stance, being choked to death from the inside because it wont let go of it's belief in cultural Marxism. It basically went like this:

> Be liberal kid in liberal town
> Raised believing in personal freedom and equal rights
> Life is good
> Go to college
> Have a professor tell me that my opinion is wrong because I'm a "straight white male" who will never understand the truth
> She never offered a real argument other than using my race and sex to disqualify me
> See this behavior emerging among students
> See the left constantly play the role of apologists for the undisguised hatred of whites and males
> I am given no recourse besides self hate, and I must apologize for any success I experience
> Everyone is allowed pride but me
> I can't take it anymore
> The alt-right emerges
> For the first time I feel like it's OK to be proud of myself both as an idividual person and as a member of my race and sex
> It feels like breathing after being underwater for several minutes

I will never go back unless the left radically changes into a party that protects individual liberty and individual identity, rather than this collectivist, identitarian cultural marxist cancer that owns it.

My household growing up was completely liberal. After going to college I got to see firsthand just how toxic and hateful the left could be, justifying pure hate and bigotry all while ostensibly fighting for egalitarianism and an open society.

Was always a rightwing shitlord, its only gotten worse. Instead of dislike liberals I outright despise being around them or hearing them talk now.

Met a friend I used to shoot shit with, used to be a lefty libertarian, he's one putsch away from being a full blown nazi. Its hilarious how fast people (so long as they slightly lean to the right) are getting more and more right wing.

>got out of the Army
>considered myself very right wing
>slowly becoming more left
>everyone telling me I'm racist
>everyone saying I've got it easy in life
>literally, what?
>right wing as fuck now
>hate everyone and everything

it's so weird how that is these days.

then again everyone is a drama queen/attention whore.

Nope, I've always been on the right.

I grew up liberal and was a strong Obama supporter in 2008. Now I'm on the Trump train.

Gays (especially gay men) are becoming redpilled. I think that the looming threat of Islam is drawing them toward the right, and in the process exposing them to ideas that they would have never considered when they were insulated in near-universally liberal socio-political bubbles. They're starting to understand that they are being used by a party that takes their support for granted and doesn't allow free thought.

I used to be cool with black people too, I had a lot of black friends in highschool. I saw them as individuals with personalities and unique life experiences. Now lots of my former black friends are being eaten up by Black Lives Matter bullshit, and everyone of them is the same. They all have identical opinions, prescribed to them by liberal orthodoxy. They lost all individuality and free thought, BLM turned them into hateful robots.

I just hate the mass migration of cunts and normalshits into technology. Techno-utopians thought technology would change people, but it's the retards who are abusing technology and turning this sanctuary into another double-digit IQ trash hole.

There was a great golden era where the white male technocrats were a shining city on the hill, but now that's all being seized by cunts and niggers and just plain ol' idiots it makes me fucking sick. White males are never able to segregate ourselves because we make everyone else look too bad. They follow us and pollute us wherever we go.

I've always been a contrarian, so by default yea. when the majority is right wing I'll slide back to the left.

You have to go back

I was a leftist myself back in my school years, then I just stopped giving a fuck and got political neutral.

And then the SJWs had to demonise my video game hobby with sexism allegations and various other bullshit. So I got pissed at their oppression, call for censorship and political bullshit.
They basically forced me to be their enemy.

It's called maturing. My guess is you're about 23 maybe 24 years old.

Im Facist at this point (not nazi)

Because I realized... its all about doing whats right for the country even if it means that the government has to put some limits on what people do (commerce included).

Whereas communism is the death of the individual. Its like the fucking Borg. People become disposable and worthless. And whats good for the "state" is usually just whatever is good for whoever is running it.

im registered as an independent. just in case we get another Bush.

although it does look like libtards have finally gone too far. this is why both parties for decades huddled around the middle trying to appease the moderates, because they are the main voting bloc.

Hillary got royally fucked by acquiescing to bernouts while they are given her the cold shoulder.

I was pretty left wing and was one of those dumbasses who refused right wing views because "Republicans are evil people!", then I noticed leftists complain about dumb shit, and I started actually listening to Right wing views for once, and now I'm Pro-trump.

Thanks to SJWs accusing everyone of being evil people for no reason other than "MUH FEELINGS!", I leaned more right wing.

I just find it so fucking hilarious how these fucks are self described "Open minded", but then blow their top when Trump is pro-LGBT, saying "He doesn't mean that, because he's a republican! They're always racist man!", yet Clinton was against LGBT rights until 5 years ago when it became a hot topic.

Welcome to getting older and wiser user.
You'll look back and say 'how could I have been so dumb?'

Then realize you were a child.

I was too young to vote in 2008, but I remember being jealous of the seniors who were 18 during the elections because they got to vote for our Lord and Savior Obama. My entire political outlook at the time was basically just a dehumanizing hatred of George Bush and anyone who supported him. I felt really secure in my political views and I never considered that the only reason I had them was because I was never really exposed to opposing viewpoints, but rather only slanderous caricatures of them.

I was hoping to vote for Ted Cruz but I'll settle for Trump. Eight years of liberal domination in this country has done enough cultural damage that I'll honestly accept anything that will push back against it.

I waited my entire adolescence to vote Liberal, always thought they were the golden mean, the safe center ground

Ended up voting NDP, RIP Jack Layton, and then conservative

People on here dont realize that before Justin Trudeau Canadian "Liberal Party" and American/European "Liberal alignments" were not synonymous

I now find myself in a weird place, I support Canadian Socialism to a degree but feel it has gone full retard
That being said letting the conservative slash our socialist programs or sell our federal/provincial/municipal institutions is causes major problems for us.

Literally just want to go innawoods and hide from the world till the chinese or russians ...or americans start invading,..

No, I'm 27. I've been back to being conservative for a few years, but it's amped up the past year or so with Brexit, Trump, mass immigration and so on.

If I walk through town late at night, it's littered with homeless but apparently we can house and pay for thousands of supposed Syrians. It just makes me sick.

What sent me over the edge-- "Call of Duty." First, you could no longer see if it was niggers/Japs you were shooting.
Then, they gave a female shooter choice (!!!) with the carpet munching cunt Cara Delvigne as the "model" for the game.

Suddenly, every "game" was PC. Right now, all I can play i s"Witcher 3" where I don't have to worry about seeing a nigger or degeneracy.

And movies? Run through any channel, and see what your choices are. As always in their history, the Jews overplay their hand, a real man of the people arises, and the Jews find themselves in hot water.

And if Trump loses, whoever enters in 2020 will probably enter the WH in a tank.

I was extremely anti-cop even through the Mike Brown stuff. BLM shit changed my mind pretty quickly. I kind of regret not becoming a cop now, I've looked into joining as a reserve deputy. There should probably be changes in the hiring standards, training and practices of the police nationwide, but I'm not going to pretend I know what those changes would be.
I have this idea that when the cops's hands are so politically tied that they're literally getting the shit kicked out of them, it's going to be armed citizens saving the cops' asses. so yeah, fuck the police, but fuck the dindus etc. so much more.

pretty rare shit m8

absolutely. i voted for obama twice and was raised liberal because my parents are union tradespeople. disgusting sjw crybully culture pushed me away from the democratic party and i began opening up to conservative ideas.

the history of whites and subhumans everywhere.

whites create success, niggers move in, whites move out, everything turns to shit, blame whites, then chase after whites screaming about gibs.

you are me my friend. You are me.

Leftists obsess over cheap talking points, especially over moral panics and social policing. They honestly remind me of the Republicans of yesteryear, except that instead of being dominated by Religious interests, they are dominated by ideologies of cultural marxism and third-wave feminism.

They can't talk about policy, they can't engage you on economic policy, they know nothing of diplomacy, they don't understand the impact of the government programs they vote to support. They're microscopically focused on a small number of popular social issues (ex: gay marriage) and they venture no further.

The Liberals have been thoroughly cucked since at least Trudeau Sr.

>Literally just want to go innawoods and hide from the world

Exactly what I've done. This is a vast and beautiful country with many fine small communities dotted across it, where one can live cheaply amongst helpful neighbours who are not too close.

I'd like to think it's because I grew up and re-aligned my priorities but it honestly might be that.

Once I started earning money and thinking about my future realistically, I feel I steadily leaned more right fiscally and that affected my other views as well.

Also so much stupidity and degeneracy from the left. They don't even hide their spin because they know the majority of their audience will eat it up.

itt: political hipsters

fuck off you don't belong here

I'm curious user, what are your opinions on Bush?

This is you OP

Used to think of myself as a Conservative Democrat but I got tired of being called names and blamed for everything just because I'm a white man. I have a small business and employ a few people , i'm doing the right thing. Why should I be stigmatized by a bunch of unemployed leftists and whiny entitled brown people? Enough is enough, get a job and stop whining.


i went from voting green to wanting a race war and gassing of all sjws niggers muslims and jews

Being in the working world and paying taxes while watching women and/or minorities receive undeserved preferential treatment, plus getting married and having kids, are the two biggest causes of sanity among those normies who spent their youth being left-wing. Married women in particular are even more conservative politically than married men.


Pretty much the same.

Sounds about right. Back in the day many conservative lawyers and shit begged for censorship of violent stuff because "Muh morals, family values, god!", but now it's liberals doing it because "Muh feelings... or the feelings of my token black hispanic islamic gay transsexual friend"

It is because the political spectrum has moved so far to that those in the middle seem far right from a liberal progressive perspective.

This wont happen. Lets make not only America great, but the republican party. Theodore Roosevelt shit.

do you feel the need to post yourself in every thread you come across? it's sad desu senpai

I don't like the term fascist. Simply because it already means a very specific political movement that only really makes sense in the context of Italy in the twentieth century. To be blunt it's too damn foreign.

I prefer thinking of myself as a Jingo. It's a delightfully vague term that has a legitimate connection to American historical politics but doesn't really mean anything beyond America first and a willingness to commit all sorts of violence in the name of that ideal.

>trying to body shame
Leftist hypocrisy.

Young people don't often think about death, but as people get older, thoughts of their mortality creep in. Youthful rebelliousness and risk-taking abound without fear of ill-health and death.

Likewise when young, we might have thought of the west as being this mighty, oppressive regime and the "downtrodden" of the world as frail and powerless

But then we come to realize the west is the frail, sick entity and the very real death of nations is rapidly approaching. Likewise the supposed "downtrodden" of the world are actually fertile, massive, well-protected and winning.

The thing about the left is that you can't disagree with them. They feel they are right.

Even if you bring data and stats, they will have none of it. In fact, the more data you present, the likelier you are to be labeled something that will instantly cast you as an "outsider" - a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe.

And due to their love for labeling people, they create separations between people. You get people saying "Well as a LBGT Muslim, this is how I feel." These fucking people want to have their feelings heard and validated so badly, they don't realize they're perpetuating their own labels.

What I'm saying is fuck em, user

so far to the left*

why da white man no do his magic no mo

I usually call myself a traditional conservative, but counter-revolutionary works just as well -- because despite all the various labels (Marxism, socialism, feminism, SJWism etc.), the cancer eating away at the West goes back at least as far as the French Revolution, and possibly even further than that. "Equality" is the Big Lie originally designed to legitimize cruelty and the seizure of absolute power over the lives of individuals by a tiny elite.

How is that a bad thing ? Embrace the redpill and be proud

I think some of what Bush did was ok, the problem was he really ramped up the importation of illegals. Most people don't seem to know this for whatever reason and blame Obama, but Bush kicked that shit into high gear. He got swept along by his family's interests and Cheney's insane desire to wage war for israel and destablize the middle east.

His entire presidency was a giant clusterfuck because even behind closed doors he rarely exerted the kind of authority he should have. He was basically hamstrung by globalists think tanks and special interests and they ran that shit into the ground and way overplayed their hand.

wow so there's a cure

Without question. Just two years ago I would have described myself as a "Kennedy Democrat." I still would but the Overton Window has been shoved so far to the left that believing in God, country and treating people fairly is now far right behavior.

>And movies? Run through any channel, and see what your choices are.
They're remaking The Rocketeer with a black woman in the starring role.

I feel you user. Our countries problems are very similar.

I was always right-wing as a youth, because I was working-class. Socialism is a middle-class affectation; the affluent can afford it, but the poorer people have to live amongst the chaos caused by the ideals of the elite. Plus I always had a healthy respect for the truth and an appropriate contempt for fairy tales, but I realize that many young people are so inundated by lies on a daily basis that it is difficult for them to see through them and find out the facts.

I was a moderate centrist, then a libertarian, then national libertarian... starting to head even further to the right, something along the lines of Plato's benevolent dictator.

SJWs are radicalizing centrists ffs, so of course they're dragging the rational left towards the centre/right.

This, my views wouldn't have raised an eyebrow as recently as the 50s but people now would be disgusted if I didn't hide my power level.

> 2000s
> Republicans demonize videogames and censor sex because it offends their Christian dogmas and conservative sensibilities
> 2010s
> Liberals demonize videogames and censor sex because it offends their feminist dogmas and liberal sensibilities

I swear to god can we, as a society, just learn to keep moral policing the fuck away from politics?

I once had a place in my heart for those who live in the shadows, the families displaced by war in the Middle East, the underprivileged youths in the inner cities.
Now all I want is a wall to keep them out.

I used to be that faggot who talked about white privilege in college classes because I thought it would help equalize things. Then I realized that anti white was not a meme through first hand experience in leftist online groups.

I feel the same way user. There's homeless on the same corner to work everyday. I sometimes vacation in Seattle and they have a homeless problem so bad, their community has its own name - "The Jungle"

Yet we want to take in people who would give LESS of a shit about these people than we do.

Failing our countryman to entertain strangers.

>I'll slide back to the left.
I could see this happen for me in some sort of way if the Right gets too much power and fucks it up.
In the 80's the Conservatives called us evil demons and Satan worshipers because we rolled a couple of dices and played D&D.

Modern day feminists have taken control and is now using their power in the videogame localisation companies and various reviewer websites to sham certain types of games and influence bans of games they don't like.

But the Pendulum can always swing back, in fact it's happening right now:

It's funny how people think you're some sort of madman if you believe in gender roles that kept society stable, happy, and functional for centuries. I don't know why liberals can only see the changes they bring as pure, unquestionable progress rather than experimental social conditions that might be one day retracted.

It has to be this way for us to go to space.

Nature has a plan.




Yeah experiecing the same thing. Wouldn't say I ever considered myself liberal in the past. Started off not really liking trump. Consumed the MSM narrative. Decided I'd actually check out his stuff myself amd give him a fair shot back in December. Always have despised clinton because she's a two face camel dick licker. Didn't oppose bernie but once I saw him get cucked by blm last summer immediately lost respect for him. Now that I'm aware of the MSM narrative and have seen the manipulation of statements amd facts firsthand, I'm truly starting to hate the liberal mindset. I never really liked it to begin with but my level of vitriolfor it has become much higher recently. I guess it's because they walk around like a bunch of entitled pricks. They talk about how they are the "smarter" party but in reality they are just a bunch of pseudo intellectuals who parrot whatever dogshit huffpo or cnn says.

Yes. Once upon a time, I was a centrist who fought against the religious right. Now, I am still a centrist, but slightly right-leaning, and I fight primarily against the SJW left. The RR are now our allies.

I was literally a socialist until SJWs came around, then I realized that some humans need to be gassed for us to succeed as a species.

the past = bad is the core of modern liberalism. cuz segregation and house wives and shit

I think it's because the experiment in diversity has failed. We wanted to elevate blacks and women to our level, so we gave them preference for university enrollment and scholarships. The result was not a growth in intellectual and prosperous blacks and women, but rather a crowding of those demographics into social studies that offer nothing but political indoctrination disguised as an education.


still fairly left-wing, but highly critical of modern liberals. they've done everything in their power to alienate people who aren't gender-queer animorphs or whatever the fuck and it's tiring.

checked. In the same boat, I can barely pretend to suffer leftards. I won't bother to hide my disdain unless it's family or friends. Luckily my gf is redpilled to the max, so we don't have to pretend to be normies often. Everyone in our office is hard right too.


I went from a soft Ancap to genocidal fascist

>Republicans and soccer moms complain about violence in video games and how it makes people violent
>No one takes them seriously because it's just a bunch of dumb soccer moms and news anchors saying so. Later is proven false anyways
>Liberals complain about sideboob and "sexuality" in games, and how it makes people rape
>It's censored because a huge group of Tumblr feminists and their hivemind followers complained about it. Even if most of the people who complained never played the game and never will, and seriously had no interest in playing the game anyways.

I don't think (((progressive))) views can survive even a basic understanding of/respect for history unless you're just cherrypicking bits to feel white guilt over. They depend on seeing the story of the world as 'everything until we showed up was just poor naive savages but now we're here to fix everything'.

I'd say the refugee crisis + the tsunami of political correctness in the US has definately shaped my views to be more critical.

But I read the Sword of Truth series when when I was 15-16 and that had a much bigger impact, I value liberty more than conservatism, and staunchly oppose religion, just as much as I oppse the pseudo-religious beliefs of the modern politically correct left.

And I still vote to the left of the middle.

This. The left routinely demonizes anyone who doesn't meet the exact qualities of their post-modern egalitarian belief system, throwing away anything of value that great minds and great societies of the past had to offer if they happened to have old-fashioned beliefs on gender roles or racial relations. They think themselves heroes for uncovering casual racist beliefs of people born in the 1800s to justify campaigning to tear down anything celebrating them.

I'm still as liberal as I was 10 years ago. My views haven't changed, but everyone else around me has. For whatever reason, free speech and holding black people to the same standards is now considered "far-right".

Wtf is an Anarcho-Syndicalist

My friend claims to be one but he always re defines what it is and 'moves the goal posts' whenever he debates his views with me

I just just thinking the other day how I've come from being a know-nothing teenager who believes in all sorts of Liberal garbage, to someone with a far more centrist, realistic point of view. I don't agree with a lot of what the Republicans have to say, but at the same time the fucking Liberals aren't saying anything worth listening to either.

fucking this.

it's scary how the pendulum swings like so.

leave politics out of fiction.

>Bush signed off on Constellation Project for NASA
>would have had first trips back to the moon occurring next year
>Mars landing to follow, technology designed and tested over last 10 years would produce viable interplanetary vessels like pic related
>Obama cancels it almost right away, cites budgetary reasons, NASA only gets to keep developing Orion (command module) of project
>Shuttle program ends soon after, America buys flights on Russian Soyuz craft for next decade while private industry tries to meet contracts for human-rated vessels
>tfw dipshit Bush actually tried to help us into space and Obama killed it