Brie Larson the Frontrunner to Play Captain Marvel

>After her Oscar-winning turn in “Room,” Brie Larson may be ready to step into the shoes of Marvel’s most popular female superhero.
>Sources tell Variety Marvel is in early talks with Larson to play Captain Marvel in the studio’s standalone project. It is unknown where things stand in negotiations but sources have told Variety she is the choice and Larson is leaning towards playing the part.

I like her. I'd be fine with this.

So they're going for a young version? I always thought of Carol as older than the other Marvel superheroines, but I assume the movie won't have much to do with the comics anyway.

Neat, an actual actress.

>Marvel’s most popular female superhero

This is the least true thing ever said.

>but I assume the movie won't have much to do with the comics anyway.
thank fuck

Her comics suck ass.

Nice, Larson is hot.

>boring plain ass white girl number #583
What, was Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Emily Blunt busy?

>Marvel’s most popular female superhero
>Sources tell Variety
If it's all the same I'll just wait for a less clickbaity source.