Movies only addicts will understand

Movies only addicts will understand.

>btw don't become an addict
>it isn't fun or cool

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Pure kino. Shame it was forgotten so quick. Shit was a blast


I've watched it 3 times since it came out, favorite movie so far

I haven't seen T2 yet but Trainspotting the first one was great. I've been in and out of rehabs and arrested and physically addicted to drugs. It all was a big part of my life for awhile. Addiction sucks
In the first Trainspotting, I really liked all the points he had for being addicted and choosing to get fucked up.

It's fucking miserable being addicted to drugs but it also had good moments. The misery far outweighed the enjoyment though. Trainspotting kind of romanticizes the whole being an addict thing and makes it seem kind of cool when it's really not

>Trainspotting kind of romanticizes the whole being an addict thing and makes it seem kind of cool when it's really not
I felt T2 addressed that. You should watch it, especially if you haven't watched the first one in a while. The theme of nostalgia will affect you more if your memory of the first one is distorted by the haze of time. I hadn't watched it since I was a teenager in the early 00s when I watched the sequel last week and the feel was really unique.

There's no such thing as addiction.

People take drugs because they enjoy it so much it cancels out any negatives. Same as anything else people choose to do.

>Trainspotting kind of romanticizes the whole being an addict thing and makes it seem kind of cool
Yeah like when he dives into a toilet, or when the baby dies

when i was living on the streets, i was high or drunk 24/7
it sucked sleeping out in the cold but during the day it was nice being able to get fucked up and go annoy people for change
i never experienced no babies dying or diving into a toilet

you're a moron

mad smackhead lashes out

no, just stating facts.

Trainspotting 1 is a bit more about addiction, T2 is more about being old, and the innate manchildness on all males.


Yeah, totally, that's why people keep smoking cigarettes for years despite getting no enjoyment from it.


Post YFW Begby is in the toilet stall next to you

Don't get addicted to alcohol guys.

That shit is not cool at all.

t. Lost a solid 4 years of my life and everything I built over decades

saw original at the theatre
pure awesome had no idea what it was before I went hadn't even seen a trailer
is new one online yet

Yea it is

that's truly garbage
you are young and have no knowledge of anything addictive and addiction
you pick

Watched a copy with no English subtitles and i couldn't understand a word



>tfw was a drug addict when the first one came out

Still a drug addict but hiv+ and hep c + when the second comes out

I actually liked this more than the original

Isn't it funny? They invented the English language yet can't speak it properly to communicate with other English speakers.

perhaps learn english

that a big say
can't wait
just gonna watch it now

all the sudden I am the same age as these guys
well not quite but it didn't seem like that when 5 years different when your 20

Nice science.

Then they should choose to stop.

Nicotine isn't a free-will inhibitor

>ad hominem

Young people are the stereotypical advocates for the addiction lie so I don't know where you pulled that from.

Experience tells me that the people who partake in those vices are also the same kind of people that make shitty decisions about relationships, jobs, money management etc.

Being a moron with weak willpower isn't a disease.

Plenty of rich people take drugs for fun and it doesn't ruin their lives. Because they aren't stupid

Completely forgot this had come out, going to download it now :^)

this is methat doesn't lessen the addiction but you are correct too
people can be addicts without being life fucked junkies
I have a job and a nice girl but I still smoke a pack a day and like a cold beer on weekends

Choose life
Choose Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and hope that someone, somewhere cares
Choose looking up old flames, wishing you’d done it all differently
And choose watching history repeat itself
Choose your future
Choose reality TV, slut shaming, revenge porn
Choose a zero hour contract, a two hour journey to work
And choose the same for your kids, only worse, and smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody’s kitchen
And then… take a deep breath
You’re an addict, so be addicted
Just be addicted to something else
Choose the ones you love
Choose your future
Choose life

Thread theme:


Boyle's music choices are impeccable as usual

'Choose life' was a well meaning slogan from a 1980's anti-drug campaign and we used to add things to it, so I might say for example, choose... designer lingerie, in the vain hope of kicking some life back into a dead relationship. Choose handbags, choose high-heeled shoes, cashmere and silk, to make yourself feel what passes for happy. Choose an iPhone made in China by a woman who jumped out of a window and stick it in the pocket of your jacket fresh from a South-Asian Firetrap. Choose Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and a thousand others ways to spew your bile across people you've never met. Choose updating your profile, tell the world what you had for breakfast and hope that someone, somewhere cares. Choose looking up old flames, desperate to believe that you don't look as bad as they do.

Was great, I moved away from Scotland 10yr ago and now live in Japan. Was nice to see my old city on the big screen. Was surprised that the cinema was full for its release

Who was the Qt with the strap on btw?

Choose live-blogging, from your first wank 'til your last breath; human interaction reduced to nothing more than data. Choose ten things you never knew about celebrities who've had surgery. Choose screaming about abortion. Choose rape jokes, slut-shaming, revenge porn and an endless tide of depressing misogyny. Choose 9/11 never happened, and if it did, it was the Jews. Choose a zero-hour contract and a two-hour journey to work. And choose the same for your kids, only worse, and maybe tell yourself that it's better that they never happened. And then sit back and smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody's fucking kitchen. Choose unfulfilled promise and wishing you'd done it all differently. Choose never learning from your own mistakes. Choose watching history repeat itself. Choose the slow reconciliation towards what you can get, rather than what you always hoped for. Settle for less and keep a brave face on it. Choose disappointment and choose losing the ones you love, then as they fall from view, a piece of you dies with them until you can see that one day in the future, piece by piece, they will all be gone and there'll be nothing left of you to call alive or dead. Choose your future, Veronika. Choose life.

Big fan of the first plus the book. Love the movie so much.

>Qt with the strap on
Anjela Nedyalkova
weird teeth but whatevs

>btw don't become an addict
>it isn't fun or cool

Who the fuck thinks being a poor fag addicted to drugs is fun or cool top kek.

This part was pretty cringy, but the rest of the movie was great imo.

>some whoore from Bulgaria

choose pleb
choose facebook
choose paying danny boyles 3million mortgage

>doesn't care. had sex.

Tfw I'm addicted to mmorpg and soda

Help me lads I don't wanna die young like some Korean In a internet cafe

yeah, somewhat, but intentionally. olding guy lectures the young girl.. she felt also fun, edicational and cingey at the same time

chopse kys

choose reddit
choose having extra white teeth.
choose cash grab

just finished it
great movie
better since I saw original when it came out
everything is much more affecting when it's 20 years later in the movie and real time

>t. Tyler Durden

just as good as the first

How are you even alive anymore? You should have died in like the 90's.

I liked how Ms. Thompson got her life together after Nucky's death

You deny there is addiction? I suggest you watch someone withdrawing from heroine, that should help.

I forgot this even existed, are there torrents out? I thought the first TS was kino when I was 14

And how many 'addicts' have physical symptoms this extreme?

They are morons for reaching that point in the first place. I'm not suggesting they go cold turkey in that scenario - but there are ways out by cutting down, using methadone etc

Why did Renton have a heart condition that literally never effected him again?
Why did Begbie break out of prison at the exact same time in 20 years that Renton was home?
How did Begbie know where Spud lived?
Why was 100k of government funding just allowed to be sent to Bulgaria?

>How did Begbie know where Spud lived?

Sickboy told him. Otherwise, it really wouldn't be hard to find his address.

>Why was 100k of government funding just allowed to be sent to Bulgaria?

Did you not watch the fucking scene where Spud fakes the signatures that allows the money to be put into her account via a money transfer?

Did your autism tell you that the bank would have flagged the money as special Scotland only cash or something?

>He can't understand real english

never change ameriburgers

Alcohol withdrawal is a killer and isnt uncommon.

yah and as user suggested you don't go cold turkey you taper or find assistance.

Just marathoned the first 30 minutes of this. I can't understand what they're saying.
Am I enjoying it?

>the entire movie is just stories that spud wrote
>possibly even both movies

zoned out completely once they started foreshadowing that.

best part of the movie

I have a fetish for scot's highlands

That's the first movie, pham.

oh nvm, i thought we were talking about Trainspotting in general

whats the music when that are going on about the football game? it's a fight music or something

Decent movie but complete shit compared to the first.

>tfw not an addict but feel like the only times I'm comfortable is when I'm drunk or on drugs

The orange hall scene is probably the most I've ever heard an audience laugh in the cinema. I was in tears.


kind of made it all seem very cliche
definitely implied both movies
>I have a name for your book
bravissimo nolan

Seriously? It's not even that funny though?

I don't need to be an astronaut to enjoy a sci-fi flick, just as I don't need to be a drug addict to enjoy a drama flick about drugs.

Replace "addict" with "old dude" and you might have something. Die before you get old, anons.

It might be the funniest scene in a movie in years. My theater was doubled over too. Made the experience of watching a relatively mediocre follow up to a classic much more bearable.

I agree I cringed here. I don't mind nostalgic factor and movie played it well most of the time, but here it was too obvious and in your face.
Also the singing part at nationalist bar was shitty-hollywood-comedy-tier, besides that movie overall was fantastic

Just curious but where are you guys from?

western yurop here


The toilet encounter between Begbie and Renton was pure kino.

If you can't find the humor in two former junkies infiltrating a Protestant pub to steal from people they perceive to be so stupid they can predict their pin numbers and winning them over with some shoddy piano playing and repeatedly screaming "No more Catholics" then you might be dead inside.

Land of the Free. There were like 8 people in my theater but the laughter was impossible to ignore.

I didn't think it fit in with the tone of the movie, it was a bit too goofy and felt out of place.

Just my opinion friendo, let's not start calling each other dumb faggots over it.

I didn't care for trainspotting and won't see the second one since it's likely more of the same. Boring movie. Simple as that.

It was classic Edinbugger scheming, which y'know perfectly fit into the whole theme of nostalgia and what not you dumb faggot.


It might not be your thing but boring? Really? It's like Snatch mixed with Requiem For A Dream.

That's an awful indicator.
In my experience with cinemas, no matter how serious or dramatic movie is, if anything even slightly comedic happens there's always will be retarded people that have to acknowledge it with over the top laughter.

There's a big difference between people laughing to indicate they understood a joke and people genuinely unable to control themselves with laughter.






If you haven't seen any of them, quit trying to compare your shit life to it


