ITT we post Leftist doublethink
ITT we post Leftist doublethink
Other urls found in this thread:
>GDP multiplier tier
Pic related is probably infamous at this point.
Pic related is what turned me against Liberalism forever.
Bringing up the native Americans as an argument to propose immigration.
That didn't work out too well for them, did it?
Also this.
>an image changed my political views
You are equivalent to a leftist
> ~10 blacks questionably killed the past four years.
> All cops must be racist.
> If you question this, you are a racist.
> Muslims alone kill thousands in the name of Allah past couple of years.
> Just a few bad apples soil Islam's name.
> If you question this, you are a 'racist.'
Any questions?
Oh hey Sweden. Glad to have you in here. Dare insult me, will you? Do you even know how bad your country is off? Let me remind you.
HAHAHAHA that britbong got red pilled hard. HAHAHAHAHA
A favourite of mine
The left claims Colonialism to be a great evil; yet, they endorse the Colonization of their own country. As always, the left has shown their two-faced nature. To the left, normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal; good is evil and evil is good. The left is comprised of a pack of truly psychotic freaks.
this one got me, god damnit
Based tibet.
>I almost had to counter his argument, but then I saw his flag :^)
All I'm saying is that it's retarded to base your opinion on social media and macro images on Sup Forums
>"this one retard turned me away broad ideological concept forever"
>Implying he shouldn't have locked Gilligan inside
>Nice to them
Can I get my truck now?
I need to be Nice to beaners
Keep talking you fucking parasite. Keep talking.
If that actually happened that's funny as hell
How does it feel to not have a country anymore? How does it feel to watch your entire nation commit suicide?
Is it a good feeling, Sven?
Is it?
is Sweden cured once and for all?
That country is literally going to meme itself into extinction.
>I'm a feminist
>Islam is wonderful
That's my favorite.
What do you think, friend?
As I said...what do you think?
>implying it hasn't already
Nah, better than a couple of years ago though.
good on you
Opinion and macro images are fueled by what happens in real life, so why shouldn't we?
Were you not listening?
We are borg, you will be assimilated. Why won't you assimilate?
Learn into news, broham. The only solution for Sweden left is to be vaporized in a cleansing fire.
This one made me kek. Good on ya, Britbro.
Africa is in chaos because they've shoved dozens of historically incompatible ethno-religious groups in the same nations
Depending on the nature of the people there, if it happened which it definitely didn't, only boho lib types care about Tibet. Hardcore lefties support China because China is ostensibly communist. They think Tibet is reactionary and right-wing.
Nice trips, Limey.
>Republics only incite fear-mongering to get people to vote for them
>If Trump wins we'll all die
>We need to stop having wars and pursue world peace
>Drumpf is a friend of Putin ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
Does anyone know if these quotes are legit?
I have to admit I'm really starting to turn around about the Jews, reluctantly. I like them as a group, I really do, but the evidence that essentially their interests run counter to ours and that their presence in Western societies are harmful is getting too big for me to keep denying it outright.
Google says yes, they are.
Back with more. Don't let this thread die. It has important knowledge and examples.
really makes u think.... hmm
Let it slide this once.
The funnies thing is that Keynesians actually believe that. It is like they have no idea that at some point in the future someone has to pay for that government stimulus.
One of my absolute faves.
This guy is absolutely hilarious, one of the best follows on twitter. The account was a parody of cuckservative pundit during the primaries and recently changed to hillary PR team.
The sad things is it's extremely believable.
fuck man
>The man had to speak for the wife
Typical Islam!
>wearing lipstick
For fucksake
oh god lolololololol
You can't be an alive dead black white gay straight woman man.
This slippery slope has ice under it's lubricant.
Pol btfo?
Why is this your favorite? It looks fake as fuck.
Wasn't just LGBT? Jesus they keep adding fucking letters
I'm confused by this. Who's calling who racist? Is the "if the bad guy isn't white it's racist" thought process the doublethink?
Nobody knows, It's some half assed desperate attempt at damage control which she herself probably doesn't even understand
She's just retarded. The others are calling her racist for assuming that the intruder is black even though he's obviously white on closer inspection.
Last I checked with Toronto, it was actually LGBTQ+2
Okay, I think I get it. (Although I wouldn't call that white, looks like a tanned kraut to me)
It is. If it's true the swedes are uncucking themselves. Half the countries housing will be burnt to the ground and many dead muslims, and swedes
>Header pic
How pathetic can these people make themselves before they finally snap and become full-on Nazis?
I think you mean (((Swedes)))
The fuck is the +2? Polyamory?
No its the number of braincells a liberal has in total.
Favorite doublethink
>Africa has so much conflict because artificial boundaries create unstable racial and religious diversity
>Racial and religious diversity in western nations is a good thing.
>lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited and queer
How do they come up with this shit
Remember how they justify it?
>In the long run, we're all dead
Nice reasoning there, faggots
Except most liberals don't think that all cops are racist. Come on now bro. Use your mind.
Straight out of /his/