What the fuck is this Sup Forums? What is wrong with your cuckbrits?
This was nearly three years ago, I'm sure it's worse.
I'm late seeing this obviously, but what the fuck?
What the fuck is this Sup Forums? What is wrong with your cuckbrits?
This was nearly three years ago, I'm sure it's worse.
I'm late seeing this obviously, but what the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this not akin to blackmail? Also, source please.
Google: Best guess for this image: unbelievable pictures of islam
Scratch that, dailymail.co.uk
Brits are fucked
I was forced to be part of christian studies/story times and learn about the sky jew, but I never gave a shit.
So edgy...
>sorry, we're going on holiday then!
problem solved
>I'm mormon and it's my religious holiday
Wew lad
I lived in Paris back in the days. More than half of the pupils in my public primary school were muslims. This kind of shit were strictly forbidden. Veils, kippas and visible religious signs were also strictly forbidden. How can this kind of shit happen in white populated areas
And if you didn't go? Would there be a note put on your school record for being a racist?
"Families were told to pay £5 per child for the Explore Islam trip next Wednesday to Staffordshire University, which would involve Year 4 and Year 6 children being shown Islamic artefacts."
Islamic Artifacts huh?
I would say these are islamic artifacts these days.
So they're on the field trip and told "If you dont convert to islam, someday we're going to shoot you dead - and your daddy and your mommy and even your filthy infidel grandma"
::children ghasp::
Next exhibit we shall see the beheading of infidels.
>I'm sure it's worse
Nah. The school got a lot of shit over it. That's why it made the News
>"""""accidentally""""" break kid's arm
>go to doctor and get a certificate
Problem solved.
What the fuck has not letting your kid go to a religious thing got to do with race?
Would they get a racial discrimination note if you refused to let them attend a field trip about witches?
I'm not referring to the school, I'm referring to the cuck level of Brits. Stop eating the fucking curry m8.
Who gives a shit?
>Searches for curry images.
looks like diarrhea.
You have a slight point.
Those pictures are from the Netherlands.
And as regards the letter, the teacher got a roasting from Parents and the local education Authority, she had to write a letter of apology to parents.
Us sane ones are trying mate. We did vote out the EU. Meanwhile Merkel 2.0 is going to rig her way into the White House and you burgers won't do shit
Good golly I feel culturally enriched
>I'm referring to the cuck level of Brits
You are in position to talk .. .seriously.
>tfw when your country has a secular education policy and any teacher that tried this would literally get fired.
I like the way you think mate.
if you show up with a lawyer, he could easily get this fucker on at least 10 things.
source: shitty law student
I know :( Fuck...
The thought of those girls getting raped in that class turns me on.
Chicken tikka balti with mushroom rice, chapattis and Greek yoghurt is good as fuck, probably my favourite quintessentially English dish.
>Greek yogurt
>English dish
the god damn thing was forced there was no way out of it
The school was forced to apologize mate. The other two pictures aren't related (or even in the UK).
I was memeing with the quintessentially English
Honestly though it completes the dish. Raitha has a tendency to be trash so shop-bought yoghurt is better. Fusion cuisine, yo.
not real, but i almost punched a hole in my wall for a moment.
it does look like shit, but it tastes good
>refusal to allow your child to attend this trip will result in a racia discrimination note being attached to your child's education record
Surely you could sue the absolute shit out of them for this.
Explain this England
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
Rochdale sex trafficking gang 2012
Rochdale sex trafficking gang 2016
Derby sex gang
Oxford sex gang
Bristol sex gang
Telford sex gang
Peterborough sex abuse case
Banbury sex gang
Aylesbury sex gang
Keighley sex gang
Chav sluts will do anything for a bottle of cider and a bit of weed
I guess darker brown gravy, broth, stew or soup is also shit too eh? Nice meme.
>Canadians are cucked XD a fucking leaf!!!!!
So why doesn't this shit happen here then? Throwing stones in a glass house
Weak damage control or you're admitting that British whites are literally nigger tier, either way it looks bad on you
Pretend to be Jewish
Sue for antisemitism
I remember when I was in elementary school and we constantly had to do all this Jewish and multiculti bullshit.
Sorry folks. Didn't work on me.
how would Sup Forums react if some mudshit sand dwelling refugees raped one of your female relatives?.
holy shit, how do these savages even stay alive, they must be in 24 hour protective custody..
You don't say?
Nigger this was subvertion, once it was out in the open this shit fell like a house of cards.
Scotland and Ireland might be cuckolds (having been subservient to the English for decades) but the English will not and would not stand for this. Extreme changes both in culture and police control have been implemented to control and destroy, or at least provide a counter narrative to the subvertion, what have you done?
Mrs Small is a big cunt
>90s, when I grew up: it was "indian style"
>this was not out of disrespect to native americans, we learned quite a bit about them
>brother becomes a teacher
>find out now that it's called "criss cross apple sauce" in younger grades and "criss cross" with older students
Fucking seriously political correctness has ruined everything
are you fucking new?
this has been talked to death now for 3 years you fucking new fag
>what have you done?
We didn't have to do anything about rape gangs enabled and protected by law enforcement and government officials here because it never happened here, you're acting proud about something that you should be ashamed about
What about the police officers who covered for them? I bet they're still employed, not even in prison where they belong. Same with the government who covered it up. You're cuck level is on Sweden or Germany tier. Literally having dozens of rape gangs in several different areas operating at the same time, your country is a joke.
>because it never happened here,
As far as you are aware.
I bet you any money you like that this problem was not restricted to Britain.
Are you fucking blind?
OP said he was late seeing it. Just don't open the thread asshole.
No joke, this has nearly happened to my mum and my girlfriend when they were out at night alone. No cuck jokes please, it was horrifying. She was followed for a good distance by some greasy drunken Muslim. The most upsetting thing about it is that there would have been no way to track him down. I know it would have broken her mentally, since she is fragile anyway. It still bothers me that it could have happened, and my powerlessness to have done anything about it since she was alone. Fucking Muslims. It's in their religion that they're able to rape non-believers with impunity. My mum, on the other hand, was followed by a pack of them in a car trying to persuade her into it. This is what you get for living in range of Bradford. Absolute fucking scum.
I've seen this argument a couple of times now, what's sad is people like you who live in countries where they cover up muslim child rape gangs seem to to think it's something normal that every country is experiencing, you should know that this is not a normal or common occurrence. I legitimately pity you.
Ignorance is bliss my friend . . .. enjoy your bliss.
>not simply informing the school/teacher that your child will not be attending as you do not want them indoctrinated
>not allowing them to place a scarlet letter in your child's file
>not immediately seeking judicial review of the teacher's decision and wasting the schools entire yearly budget dragging them through the courts and newspapers
I suppose being a lawyer has its advantages when your children are threatened like this
I remember that, in middle school, one of the field trips we had was to a mosque. The people there were nice and told us all about Islam, and we weren't necessarily forced to do anything, do we did practice ablution for "fun". All in all, it wasn't too bad.
Looking back at it, though, the whole thing did feel pretty weird and unnecessary. Sticking a "racial discrimination" note on your kid's record for refusing to attend something like that is clearly going too far.
>letting people that use comic sans even near your children
Not an argument.
Police and government officials are paid with tax dollars to protect their citizens against these kinds of things. This level of corruption is only present in Western Europe where the people are so soft that they can get away with it. Not even in America will you find roaming muslim rape gangs being actively protected by police and politicians. You are cucked.
The leaf thinks White little girls in Canada don't hang out with niggers and get passed around like a dude weed blunt in a rap video
It would never get to this. seeThe British Media is always Shock-Horror . . . .that's why you see so much on Sup Forums
>there are muslim rape gangs in my country that means they are everywhere
Meanwhile you can't provide even one piece of evidence to the contrary. I thought English people were supposed to be smart.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>You are cucked
Not an argument. Enjoy your ignorance and living in the dark.
As if they don't have parents.
Police and government officials are paid with tax dollars to protect their citizens against these kinds of things. This level of corruption is only present in Western Europe where the people are so soft that they can get away with it. Not even in America will you find roaming muslim rape gangs being actively protected by police and politicians.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I wasn't forced, unless you consider parental preference force. I call that decent parenting and maybe something a little like discipline.
I bet you were one of those kids whose parents always asked you which food you wanted to eat and half heartedly tried to reason with you about a healthier choice, but would give up after a little pushback, so now you're a skinny fat picky eater who is so spoiled that you don't even think higher laws of nature apply to you.
In my day the parents had to sign a permission slip to go on a field trip, and it was as easy as stuffing the slip in your pocket if you didn't want to go.
And they didn't send us on trips to fucking mosques. They sent us on field trips to boring LARP recreations of colonial murica.
Put the weed down its obvious you chinks can't handle it. My post has nothing to do with what you said
Go get raped by a Muslim, defeatist cuckolds like you deserve it.
Ha ha ha
You are more naive than I thought.
It's the same here mate, you can't be forced to go on these trips but like I said earlier, the Teacher was roasted by everybody and had to write an apology letter.
And the only time I ever went into a temple was when my friend of mixed parent (jew+christian) decided to have a bar mitzva so we all went along to be friends.
And his Christian dad wouldn't allow him to have satanic songs played on the PA in spite of how popular some of them were at the time.
Not an argument. I see you have nothing, you're putting up a nice little smug front though. You've got nothing to be smug about however, your country is a Muslim Caliphate. I hope you're raped by one of your muslim rulers, then maybe you won't be such a smarmy reddit cunt.
>It's the same here mate, you can't be forced to go on these trips
Either you get a doctor's note or your child will have a permanent black mark on their record and be labelled a racist.
Such is life in an Islamic Caliphate.
>Cover ankles
I've already said it's not true . . .do you have a problem understanding this?
Go back to eating your noodles Chang and try harder next time.
Read the thread. The teacher got shit for it and was forced to apologise
>....................YOU HAVE A LEAF ON YOUR FLAG XD XD XD
As expected from a sheltered virgin loser posting on Sup Forums at 3AM on a Friday night
Now your damage control is getting to new levels of Autism.
Putting religion in public education is STUPID, that is why we abandoned that shitty concept a long time ago.
>....................YOU HAVE A LEAF ON YOUR FLAG XD XD XD
As expected from a sheltered virgin loser posting on Sup Forums at 3AM on a Friday night
i own a headscarf that i bought in a market off some african
i like wearing it, it's comfy and it looks kinda nice
why do you guys make such big deals out of wearing scarfs on your head?
i tie it moroccan style btw
pic related
British faggot cuckstains rekt the fuck out ITT
They had to tuck their tail between their legs and leave the thread, fucking Islamic Caliphate cucks probably had to go prep their raghead bull
Never post on Sup Forums again, you nu-male rejects are a fucking disgrace
Thread designed to take the piss out of Britain backfired on you and you can't handle the bants.
>....................YOU HAVE A LEAF ON YOUR FLAG XD XD XD
As expected from a sheltered virgin loser posting on Sup Forums at 3AM on a Friday night
You lost.
Deal with it.
>....................YOU HAVE A LEAF ON YOUR FLAG XD XD XD
As expected from a sheltered virgin loser posting on Sup Forums at 3AM on a Friday night
>OP has never taken a World Religion course