if america is so great why does it speak the language of a small european island
If america is so great why does it speak the language of a small european island
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Because we used to be part of their commonwealth.
Stop being so upset Dad.
Because you need a reason to invent a whole new language and impose it on your population.
If America is so great then why don't they have Great in their country's title?
Why are you speaking it then Ahmed? If a wheel works why fix what isn't broken?
>English english
>English at all
You can't even pronounce a hard r unless it doesn't even exist in the word
May aswell be Frenchmen
How transphobic of you.
>English people can't say R
We aren't the ones with the huge Chinese population dimwit
*of a country on a European Island. It's the ENGLISH language not the British language.
Lmao maple nigger with the bantz.
I always cringe when bongs say "Ameriker"
>you can't even pronounce a hard r unless it doesn't even exist in the word
I've never understood that one
>of a small european island
I suppose you only mean GEOGRAPHICALLY european. Isn´t it? Isn´t it?
We only need one name: AMERICA. The greatness is implied.
This thread is racist.
funny isn't it?
Because we initally came from a small European island that used to be the GOAT and then we decided to do our thing and become even greater while extending the legacy of Anglo superiority. Having said that, our huge mistake was allowing for immigration from non-germanic Europe. We should have limited it to Anglos and Protestant & Germanic nations. Sorry we dropped the ball on that one Mother England.
>Being proud of speaking such mediocre language
You will never know the joy of speaking a complex language.
This is the first time a Canadian shitpost has humored me. Thank you my leafy neighbor.
>You will never know the joy of speaking a complex language.
Says Mexico
Britain is England you nob, Wales is an extension of England and when you add Scotland and Northern Island you have Great Britain, aka Greater Britain
>American education
Come back when you learn how to capitalize your own language.
Stop this nonsense.
If the anglo-saxons were so great why there are so many french/latin words in english
Slavs are okay too desu
>Mexican intellectuals
Yes we have that; that's why our country is a compete crumbling shithole (unlike Mexico).
It's OK to be jealous; you can always go hang some more bags of water in trees, maybe that'll help calm ya down, little fella.
>British education
There is a reason that almost all important businessmen speak English you cactus fucking spic
you may as well be a research center for fecal matter with all he bullshit that comes out of your mouth
America's greatness is the flowering of English common law tradition
As soon as people from the Spanish sphere come here and adopt our language and laws, they are wildly successful
In their home country they are locked into the caste of their birth
Almost like language plays a role there
>You can't even pronounce a hard r
Err, what?
mfw I don't need to learn a foreign language because everyone speaks English.
Chillax, soon they'll be speaking español señor.