How does good make you feel?

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proxy off, Laszlo

No, no one cares about your Honfoglalas shit. Stop spamming AoE threads with that stuff.

>tfw no pure qt loyal hungarian wife to start a family with

I forget Hungary exists.

>We will make our country family friendly
Completely empty words, seeing as plenty of Western countries have already tried to increase birth rates with generous social programs, maternity programs, etc. with little to no effect. At the end of the day, the modern-day lifestyle with everybody wanting to be a university graduate and every woman wanting to have a career of her own, is simply incompatible with high fertility. As soon as it becomes normal for a woman to have a career, then birth rates will inevitably free fall.

Also, it's hilarious how Eastern Europeans are always the ones pretending to be "pure conservative Christians" when by EVERY METRIC they're way more degenerate than Western Europe (lower birth rates, more abortions, more HIV, more drug usage, more emigration, etc.) Complete fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.


bravo Hungary!

the government should give me a qt virgin waifu, i'll be a fidesz voter for life

so it made you angry

Will livestream my suicide if at any point in the coming century, Hungary's birth rate will reach replacement rate.

>more HIV
rest is true except for drugs. also more divorces

Makes me feel like there's at least some sane people left in Europe. I wish them good luck.

>more abortions, more HIV, more drug usage
>lower birth rates
only because of the wave of extremely fertile "new westerners"


They need to accept BBC, future is liberal brown one race not nationalistic traditionalists wh*toids.

What the fuck

I dont think this is possible anywhere. Even in Qatar where everyone has unlimited welfare and women are second class citizens the birth rate is still low. Poland is said to be traditionalist but has one of the lowest birthrates in the world.

Poles in the UK have an above replacement birth rate though

REALLY BASED!!! Mad respect to them if true, can’t say the same about the rest of you eurotrash who literally hate your countries

admirable initiative

too bad it won't work, better countries have tried

Um, sweetie. Britain ENSLAVED people and had EMPIRE not other race would ever do anything so evil. We deserve to die out.

I wish Hungary luck I really do. Other countries need to do this.

"Family friendly" - how, specifically?

Glad that not every nation on this planet is controlled by rootless elites who care about nothing but amassing wealth at the expense of everyone else's quality of life

Why do men still need to make families, maybe some just aren't meant to

>Poles in the UK have an above replacement birth rate though
Polish mother paki/black father

>more abortions, more HIV, more drug usage
>"Eastern Europe" is one country
Absolutely retarded post, as expected from a leaf

East Europe is kill


Hopeful. Below-replacement birthrates in the developed world are a problem that should be taken seriously. Immigration just papers over the deeper causes of the birth rate decline.

>"Eastern Europe" is one country

>inb4 only gypsies make babies

So, it will be family friendly unless your family is not from hungary?

Russian junkies.

you just know when the meme is legit, and when its a cringe attempt from somee americunt to attempt to mock russians


translation: we'll push ultra-conservatives values and stay-at-home postcard moms rather than build a childcare network for working women. We will then wonder what the connection is between being a backwater 2nd world shithole and locking up half our workforce. The men, meanwhile, are begging in the streets of Europe, pretending to be Romanians (because who the fuck can tell anyway) and sending the money back home

Nice meme Hungry (not a typo)

"Family friendly" is usually means "we going to spend your taxmoney on retards who just mindlessly breeds"

Hung(a)ry BTFO

Let's be real, no immigrant would want to go hungary as long as they remain a 2nd world shithole. That's best for anti-immigration

I don't give a shit about fucking normies and their families.


Enjoy your gypsy clans making more children just for extra cash

Not implying anything, we have gone this through so many times that I didn't feel it necessary to post statistics or sources:

Amerifag here, so explain why Hungary is still in the EU?

This post is so true it redeems every single one made by canadians on Sup Forums before.

Aging and declining societies means less opportunities for business. If capitalism is unable to provide the necessary conditions, then something has to come.

Because they want to get that sweet Germoney. Hungarians don't have the balls to leave.

>If capitalism is unable to provide the necessary conditions, then something has to come

>something has to come

Indeed, comrade.

Eastern European did have above replacement birth rates back in the commie days. Fell bad man.

we sold ourselves in order not line up for bananas

>something has to come
Millions and millions of refugees come. Bye bye western yurop


Why should I feel emotions about this?

>third world shithole doing things a third world shithole would do

I feel nothing. and already said everything.

Based Hungary.

Pole on damage control, what's new.

>locking up half our workforce

This is the problem. Families should not be forced to have both members of the couple working.

Why is there a picture of Peruvians?

This. Even in places like Iran, women being placed in the workforce lowers birthrates far below 2.

Women are biologically incapable of loyalty, you cancerous tradcon.

no one is forcing anyone to have the couple work
but you do want expensive shit don't you?

Large populations are basically a massive boon for corporations. The actual people who have to live in highly population dense areas are negatively impacted more than the positives.

>i feel nothing, to prove this i read every comment and post in the thread, FUCK THOSE THIRD WORLDERS!!! i don't even think about them!

You're daft to think prices didn't massively overinflate the moment both husband and wife joining the work force became standard.

The DDR and the Nazis used a trick were the state gives people a credit for getting a good flat or a house and you could pay it off by making children. One baby a quarter of the credit.
it worked both times and produced a strong increase in fertility. Id be wary of gypsy scum abusing the fuck out of it. You need to do as Jobbik wants and put the nonassimilated gyppos into degypsification camps to become less subhuman while the outside world becomes family friendly idk.

oh fuck off
when was the golden time when only the man worked? When people were slaving away in factories and living in 7 in a 10 square meter shack in the slums
go ahead and do it if that's your thing

Religious in and off itself is the most extreme form of intellectual and moral "degeneracy" and I have no idea how these cretins managed to convince a handful of first-worlders that being regressive and hostile to modernity while at the same time hypocritically demanding the benefits of it, is a valid base of ethics. These people are objectively the worst humanity has to offer and retards from Sup Forums are glorifying them for it. It's nothing but tribalism.

The thing is women joining the work force was promoted as a means to prosperity, early retirement, and higher purchasing power per household. None of that happened.. Things stayed the same. Please go stick your industrial revolution analogies up your ass far away from me.

I hope Hungary gets nuked.

Great for them. Now they should do something about the fact that all their well-educated people would rather work abroad.

If you look at your local minorityquarter youll get the impression tribalists thrive in welfareworld. The only winning cosmopolitians are those in the highest income brackets.
Now we wanna be tribalists too again, dont blame pol for liking the stronger horse.

how is it not a means of prosperity? You literally bring more income to the household. Women working didn't begin as some kind of advertised commodity you fucking mong, it began as a necessity

they are all soros lackeys

The issue here is that the money earned by a working couple's household is worth the same as the money made when only one of the members of the couple worked, before it became standard for both husband and wife to wageslave their lives away, you stupid fuck.

fucking show me that you could get the same quality of life as you can now with only the man working and I'll come to Portugal and suck your dick
if you can't tho I'll still come to Portugal and ravage your asshole


The family trap is a highly effective form of limiting and directing/control male productivity. Every aspect of the process has been influenced by corporate greed and they know that a man is willing to work himself to death for is family, of which usually involves making rich businesses owners richer.
Look at how effectively these market forces have been able to create and capitalise on the marriage ritual: everything from the engagement ring to the wedding band, to the ceremony itself then the following expectation that the man is going to work for the next few dozen decades at minimum to entirely support another two or three people, not including himself. It encourages debt accumulation and basically gives women control of a man's money. Women spend far more than men on average.
Men who resist the plantation have been historically cast out or alienated from society. Even now it is seen as weird and wrong unless you are a famous millionaire actor, then you're a classy bachelor and not a "selfish man not doing his part for society". Generally speaking all women have the urge to breed and our societies have the male doing to support the female being if she so chooses at any time in her life to fulfil her biological urges. Men are not allowed self actualisation because unlike with women, it doesn't have a net benefit to the state and capitalist structures in general.
There are no wise female hermits because a women is ultimately a self serving being who uses her womb as a bargaining chip. She is celebrating for existing whereas the wise man is only celebrated by his male cohort, even then often only long after his death. During life, most of these men were deemed failures to the traditional forces of society and treated as such.

What a man wants from his life never enters the social equation, because he is nothing but a utility to society. Do we ask the shovel if it wants to dig?

C-can't it be both?

Agreed. The woman should get off her cunt and work a 40 hour week to support the family if she wants to breed so badly. After all, it's "her choice", isn't it?

I thought hungarians were whiter

this. the ideal family is a working woman and a neet husband raising the kids and playing vidya

let's not get too homoerotic here

>If you look at your local minorityquarter youll get the impression tribalists thrive in welfareworld
No, you don't. Australia isn't a highly religious backwards shithole like many European nations.

>Now we wanna be tribalists too again
So get the fuck out of modernity, you hypocritical pieces of shit. You can't have you cake and eat it.
Fuck I hate you anti-male, anti-intellectual traditionalists. You don't give a single fucking shit about human welfare and wellbeing and every society on earth which fosters tradcon values have the lowest living standards, highest rates of poverty, etc. Seriously, fuck off to some religious shithole in Africa if you want to live in a society with that ideology. For the meantime, you are nothing but an extreme minority wanting to demand that everyone else ruin their lives so you can postpone dealing with your existential angst and unwillingness to accept the realities of human biology.

Yeah this place is still full manlets that seem constantly mad. When i speak perfect english people think im being smug. Ive started talking shitty english and people seem to like me better for it.

>Norwegian spending christmas in hungary, ama

But you started it!

not this shit again

These posts were written by a homosexual.

>We'll make our country family friendly
What does this even mean? Because I'm CERTAIN that it won't mean an end to anti-male legislation.

>seeing as plenty of Western countries have already tried to increase birth rates with generous social programs, maternity programs, etc. with little to no effect.
Because it's taking the wrong approach altogether. These "generous social programs" are all about redividing wealth, and these "maternity programs" about getting women on the workfloor. The ideal situation would be, ironically enough, one with no state intervention at all.
>Women underearn compared to men due to their natural defects
>Women become dependent on men
>Marriage is acknowledged as a contract of mutual benefit, once it ends both parties take out of the marriage what they put into it (for the woman that's next to nothing)
>The man is certain that he won't get fucked over by divorce court
The sooner we stop obsessing with this notion of arbitrary equality and stop using government power to enforce a biological delusion, the sooner the natural balance between the genders will be restored. Not even going to get into your meme about Eastern Europe somehow being the worst place on earth, you're just factually wrong because these government actions only exist as "solutions" to the problem within the enforced paradigm of total gender equality. Do you know what this is like? It's like saying surgery doesn't work while failing to mention most major hospitals have a paradigm where they believe all knives are the same. No shit surgery doesn't work if you're using a fucking kitchen knife.

Gayer than you, Ahmed.

Ah you australian I didnt care for your flag at first, still a bit sleepy. Well you keep the savages out with you policies that is a good thing for you and lets your society keep integrity. Also if im not mistaken you are a bit more like the americans so not so much into that social nannystate stuff as us.

Now your angry sperging I dont get. You sit in a mostly meritocrativ paradise there that still can provide for its lower end without drowning in social issues aside from you fellating the abbos from time to time which doesnt seems to be a great burden.

I care about welfare but it must be sustainable and working for people who wouldnt do it for you is no fun nor a perspective you want to keep.
A generation of hedonists sold our ingroup out and now we eventually have to suffer for it if we dont kick the can down the road for our kids somehow if we even have some. Not everyone is so sheltered by geography as you are and severed from history due to being a comparable young colony popping out of nowwhere.

did you mean straighter

That's racist

> highly religious

Are you retarded jake?

if portugal was a member of european union brazil also can be an european cunt:\

This policy sounds very East Asiatic but westerners complain that's too conservative and totalistic.


>birthrates falling across entire western world
>this is fine, see, the world is overpopulated
>but we should import millions of people from countries with high birthrates to replace our labor force

You can't just give people a bit of money and expect them to have kids, low fertility is a symptom of deep social issues. Why do you fucking liberals think you can just dump money on every problem and it'll be ok?
Here's the real reason:
death of religion = death of close knit communities.
Mother and Father working = materialistic focused society aka missing the forest for the trees.
Equal right to vote to all individuals = individuals vote for what nets them a selfish gain instead of what benefits those who depend on them.
Normalization of porn and other social ills harms moral values
Destruction of moral values, ethnic and racial identity, traditions and community in favor of global economic markets = breakdown of nation from a united people invested in their future to a huge enclave of individuals concerned with their personal happiness, ultimately sacrificing happiness and not understanding why

Children are literally the future. You wanted double the working taxpayers but expected the same number of mothers? Get fucked, retard.

>what is inflation
absolute state of sh*Talian education

do you want to take over from the portuguese you actual mongol?
assfucking still applies