If Jews are so bad, and Islam is so good, how come Israel is the only first world country in the entire middle east?
> inb4 oil rich banana republics
If Jews are so bad, and Islam is so good, how come Israel is the only first world country in the entire middle east?
> inb4 oil rich banana republics
because the USA has turned it into a fortress of death.
Google Wayne Lambright, he has all the data.
They have a border wall.
OK then why haven't muslims done the same thing using the USA?
Checkmate waynis
They had economic and military aid from the US, The USSR and Germany, three respective superpowers, any country would be rich leeching off from them.
wayne is shilling for his youtube channel once again - what a surprise.
OK then so why haven't muslims done that if they are so BASED?
Checkmate camelfucker
we've got first world prices on everything and 3rd world salaries, we're a Banana Republic without the OIL, can anyone please nuke us? HALP!
Because muslims cannot guilt-trip the rest of the world? Because muslims didn't infiltrate our societies in the past, mixing their blood with ours to deceive us the way jews did?
you're a disgrace and will soon be booted to gaza
Paleostain OUT
Muslims are too shit do do anything but fuck goats and create deserts, you are correct
What would you say are your main reason - their shitty culture, lack of proper education and/or damaging religion?
Tens of billions of free shekels yearly from the rest of the world.
We need to nuke Israel.
Took you 2000 years to have your own shitty civilization.
Jews are only good in their containment facilities among their own kind.
>it's the Kiwi kike
Why don't you immigrate to Israel if you love it so much
Israel is pretty shit tier. Looks pretty undeveloped desu. When jews don't suck the blood of people they can't really form anything worthwhile.
Because divide and conquer strategy, they pretty much got the US and other nato countries to occupy the region for 10+ years
This coming from SA.
>Wife is from SA
>Visiting it with her every 2 years
>Country keeps degenerating
>The country has an actual racial law that only a low % of whites are allowed to work in every business.
So how's that 3G R150 for 2GB bandwith works for you user?
I was talking about the Muslims.
No. Well yes, but the american money gift caused inflations three times. Israel started out as an english colony which the jews harrashed into their home land. The jews, having placed themselves all over the globe, were able to gather all good natural ressources and plant them in Israel which was then an arrid desert. Israel started off with Kebutz which were ruled under socialist (kinda communist) laws that forced everyone to work hard. Because jews all over the world have always been well educated and placed in high positions of power they were able to build up a strong civilization fast. Their unionship and communities were strengthend due to their extreme nationalism (circumstances taken into consideration) which made a strong fellowship and work ethics. Don't get me wrong, jews in other countries are scum bags but Israeli citizens are hardworking nazi-tier people.
Unlike muslims who are always at war with eachother and all of the west.
We spend billions building their infrastructure instead of billions bombing their infrastructure.
Alright, I still feel bad for you tho.
If you're a jew or have heritage of one, then definitely dump that shithole.
No future there for anyone.
Also: they don't really have any socialist kebutz left to this day, they have something more similar to western democracy.
Shut the fuck up, how old are you anyway? do you even EARN a salary?
Don't - I'm doing alright for now.
He's just a Palestine dog on a proxy.
Just let israel pay back the money they got from the US and germany in the last 40-50 years. Current Syria will look like a holiday resort compared to the outcome.
The money caused inflation as I mentioned earlier.
Not really I think Norway summed it up quite nicely over here . The Jews took advantage of persecution in the past - it benefited them in the IQ department too.
>If Jews are so bad AND Islam so good
How to spot a kike with a loaded question
>If motor oil is less poisonous than bleach then CLEARLY you should drink motor oil
Just wait jew.
How nice, didn't actaully think anyone would bother reading my post.
Also yes, that was my point.
>Israelis are hard working Nazi tier
Tripfag. Let me guess - you're going to dump your usual 10 images
I, unlike many on here, take the time to read whatever someone has to post. I think it's extremely damaging to one's thinking abilities to automatically switch off from/rule out neutral or "pro" Jewish/Israel points.
Do you remember dumping that "Who controls your mind" image? You've done it quite often.
Because of decades of muh Holocaust gibmedats, US aid money and generous donations.
We'll come back to this in a few decades when the economically-inactive Haredi make up the largest ethnic group and run the country into the ground economically.
Can't really kill off the cultura franca, it is part of our western cancer.
Anyways, I was more refearing to their politics of war. All Israelis man and woman must enlist for the army. During hostage situatons they make no negotiations (I'm not sure if this have changed) but read about the hostage situation in Uganda sometime, they fucked over Idi Amin and the Rote Armee Fraction when they flew in and slautghered and army of niggers to free their hostages, all this during a faux negotiation with Idi Amin.
Sounds very healthy.
What does "gayest" city have to do with hard work, if I may ask? Let's out aside our disdain for degenerates for one second and analyze the situation. Do majority of the gay community work? Do they contribute greatly to the economy? You could have argued it from a different angle.
You're forgetting the "hundreds and hundreds of years amassing great wealth using nefarious practices shunned by European society" part.
It's antithetical to National Socialism you dense jew.
>muslims bar jews from owning land and working regular jobs
>christians bar jews from owning land and working regular jobs
>corner jews into usury
>no complaints until successful
Because they literally have all the money in the world to play with.
So you focused solely on the "Nazi" part - why add hardworking into the greentext then?
It's just a dumb argument.
Just go away. How much do you get paid for this shit? You are in literally every Jew thread.
USA money pumping in.
Also pic related is a direct rebuttal to your favoured "Who controls your mind" image you always post. Didn't think you'd blatantly lie.
I don't get paid anything. I just hate dumbed-down politics - it's what keeps us going in the same cycle.
>All Israelis man and woman must enlist for the army.
I wouldn't refer to compulsory military service (which for Orthodox Jews isn't a requirement) as bring Nazi-esque, so many nations throughout history have had compulsory military service. At best EARLY Israel's socialism somewhat resembled National Socialism, but that is not the case with the increased privatization of various once union controlled sectors.
If anything that double standard- racialism and ethnocentrism for us (Jews) but no one else really is angering.
Honestly it's becsuse you guys never want to discuss politics, you just post the same unreflected memes all the time.
Fucking Australians migrating to NZ and fucking it up :(
When the USA gives them billions of dollars a year to sell our military secrets to Russia and china, I dont see how they could be a third world country.
Sorry you guys had to find out this way.
Fucking kill yourselves useless scum.
0% below poverty line.
>Makes you think
because jews are dirty, evil, but smart
while mudslims are just bad in all aspects
none of them are good
>kevin macdonald
>omitting all non-jews
Also, if you're really for a conversation here: can you differentiate between leftists and conservatives (right-wing inc)?
They keep their money in other countries though. It's only really handouts that make it to Israel. See court or treasury building or whatever it was recently funded entirely by Rothschild donations.
Israel is only a first world country because it's propped up and donated to by extremely rich diaspora Jews with the cash to spare.
They are sneaky
Mussie just dumb
>implying every other country didn't make billions in oil revenue
Are you talking specifically about American aid to Israel - which is the highest from all combined?
That has jack shit to do with my post.
You're right. I was using nazi more as a brute, semi-draconian system with hard nationalist work ethics.
But forcing enlistment was a part of the nazi program just as earning citizenship through military service, of course it would be an association fallacy to claim that would make Israel a nazi state, but it is defenatly concordant with nationalism.
>omitting all non-jews
Because Jews are vastly over represented in movements that damaged western culture and goyim aren't?
How exactly does it disprove my assertion?
Lets make this simple because you are a simple person
Google- owned by Sergey Brin- Jew
Facebook- owned by Mark Zuckerberg- Jew
Oracle- owned by Larry Ellison- Jew
Viacom- owned by Sumner Redstone- Jew
Comcast/NBC -Brian L. Roberts- Jew
Should I go and keep embarrassing you or what? I feel like it is a waste of my time.
You didn't assert anything pal you just typed a load of irrelevant shit and pressed submit.
How much does America give Israel? How much is that, percentage wise, in comparison to Israel's GDP?
Ding ding ding!
Winner. This guy gets it.
It's compulsory because there really is no other choice. But guess how much soldiers are getting paid every month? I dare you.
Did you take a look at it properly? Now, why the fuck should I trust you if you post blatantly manipulated data? I never tweak any image/info I present - you can google it.
Which basicly sums up all of your post in this thread meme-lord.
Eh fuck it
Jew - Warner Co - Martin S. Davis
Jew - Dreamworks - Spielberg
Jew - Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television - Micheal D. Eisner
Jew - VIACOM - Sumner Murray Redstone, real name Rothstein
Jew - MTV - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Nickelodeon - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Universal Pictures - Stacey Snider
Do Jews - in comparison to Christians (and other "white" Americans) have a much, much smaller working class?
I didn't bring it up as a bad thing. I think military service should be mandatory if you wan't to be a citizent.
BBC: JEWS Danny Cohen(now unemployed) and Alan Yentob
ITV: JEW Jonathan Levi
Channel 4: JEW David Abrahams
Channel 5: JEW Murray Rothstein's Viacom
"Jewsnight" : JEW Ian Katz, JEW Emily Maitliss, etc etc etc
"Daily Politics": JEW Jo Coburn , etc
The Times: JEW Lord/Sir/Baron Daniel Finklestein, JEW David Aaronovitch, etc
The Telegraph: JEW Jonathan Seiken , etc etc etc
The Guardian: JEW Kathrine Viner , JEW
4 BILLION a year in aid from the US. What a fucking waste.
Yeah, you've got your pasta, we know - it means nothing. Especially since you blatantly edit your pictures with lies.
You're the definition of a Shill.
Jew - Sirius Satellite Radio - Scott Greenstein
Jew - Sony Pictures Chairman - Michael Lynton
Jew - Paramount Pictures - Bradley Alan Grey
Jew - 20th Century Fox - Sherry Lansing
Jew - News Corporation - Peter Chernin
Jew - Columbia Pictures - Kaufman
Jew - Warner Brothers - Barry M. Meyer
Jew - Reuters - Rothschilds
Jew - Associated Press - Rothschilds
Jew - The Young Turks - One Turk and 2 Jews. Creators Cenk Uygur (Shabbos goy), Ben Mankiewicz, Dave Koller
Jew - Clear Channel - Andrew Levin
Not counting the 2 billion given to Israel's neighbors so they play nice.
These men get it: Were the Arabs emerging global powers before we imposed Israel on them? Not by any means, but they weren't unstable terrorist shitholes either. The reason why Israel is so well off is that literally all the "Western" world sucks their dick. AIPAC is perhaps the single most important lobby in Washington today, with politicians fearing to lose their careers over being called an "antisemite" if they so much as criticize Jews or Israel. It has become so bad that will do virtually whatever Israel wants. We will send our young men and women to die for Israel because we're so afraid of being called upon to "check our white guilt." It's disgusting. Fuck Israel.
Carry on. It's nice when OMIT every non-Jew too.
It kind of defeats the purpose.
Anyone can fact check these kike.
>muh GDP
It measures the amount of goods produced but shouldn't those percentages be calculated compared with annual budget and not GDP? Rhetorical question btw.
It's not Israels fault that Americans are so fucking retarded.
I'll give you that things will likely change if Trump wins otherwise you better lube up.
Present it properly, so it's relative. What you're doing is called "shilling". Let alone the fact that you've edited your images with blatant lies.
Did Jews destroy the WASP power structure in America during the 1960's and purposely open the doors to non-white immigration and then by proxy push that on the rest of the world? Yes.
Less than 2 percent of the total US population, but 9 out of the top 20 richest Americans. Many of the richest jews created non-producing entities that serve no purpose in American society apart from distractions. Worthless people hanging onto a few notable achievements fleecing a nation before it dries up and dies like they had every nation they lived in prior.
This I can agree with but I'd still say that American jews differ from Israeli zionists.
How did they do this?
And so? Liberty - playing your game you created. Was all fine before though? Virtually non-existent working class too. Pic related is something that was worked on too - another rebuttal of your favoured image.
It's amazing what actual research presents. Again, answer me: do you blatantly lie or just post stuff you haven't done research on? Sounds like shilling to me.
I don't know - who was there besides them?
If they can't differentiate between left & right - they're either extremely autistic or blatantly avoid it to push their agenda. Shilling.
You're right! From Israel's point of view, they are winning big time!
The latter. As I mentioned earlier, it's the same retarded meme that's being forced through on the cost of actual political debates.
Here you go Enjoy the read, oh wait, you're not going to read it because you're a fucking shill
If you'd just nuke Palestine to oblivion you would probably don't have to pay Israel war money any longer.
If you were really clever you'd go and research those quotes. Look them up and then look up the people that said them. Start from the bottom (more recent times). See if you agree with them politically (and their views on sciences & mathematics). Then go to the top - so their reasoning for the comments - "Christ-Killers", spreaders of the Black Plagues?
The jews are our greatest allies!