Is it the things he accomplished, the things he stood for/against, his childhood?
Why does Sup Forums love Hitler?
Is it the things he accomplished, the things he stood for/against, his childhood?
Why does Sup Forums love Hitler?
Why does Sup Forums love Hitler? He was right
He was a man who did what he believed was right. Weather it was right or wrong you cannot help but admire his dedication
Can't speak for all of Sup Forums but for me? The things he stood against and what he accomplished.
Because he did nothing wrong.
Because he was right in the end.
Lots of men do that though. What makes Hitler special?
If you really want to know it's because he got rid of the jews unlike the rest of the world who let them thrive.
So you think hitler killed 6,000,000 Jews?
I think Sup Forums leans generally towards the true red pill which is traditionalism.
But i guess there are also people who are still in their /natsoc/-stage.
Traditionalism as in fuck modern transportation, fuck modern medicine, fuck science, fuck electronics, and fuck ever using them to more fully understand our world?
I'm sure he didn't, but he expelled them from Germany and stopped them from fucking up the country.
Also you sound like you're from the FBI or something and you're trying to gain more information from us.
he was the only modern, western civilization, actual true leader that lived and died for his people.
He ran trenches in ww1, got rejected from his passion for art, and loved his country unconditionally and passionately. He failed several times in his life and lived in poverty but worked his hardest, knew the true meaning of despair. He kept pushing and fighting anyway.
He brought his country from complete economic turmoil to a powerhouse that made the world look in awe. He saw his countrymen and women selling their souls and bodies just for a loaf of bread, being robbed by banks, and used and abused by the rest of europe. He taught them to stand up tall and not be ashamed to be german anymore, but proud, and to show the world what they were capable of.
I should hate hitler, i'm half french and half indian. But I don't, it's hard to. His story is something out of a fiction novel and we haven't and probably won't see another people's leader like him again before the collapse of the world economy.
Right winger who is aware of Zionism here. Redpilled on economic manipulation and consolidation of political power. Aware of genetic differences between races. Hate leftards.
I also have no positive feelings towards Hitler. I feel he did a bunch of shit wrong. And it wasnt muh six gorillion. That shit didn't happen
>anti-social kid
>decent painter
>fought WW1
>almost beat up a superior officer for saying stupid shit
>wounded once, went back to the war
>wounded twice, lived
>got multiple medals for bravery and his service
>survived the weimar depression
>survived a failed commie coup
>survived a failed nazi coup
>went to jail, wrote a world best-seller
>leader of the most based political movement yet
>got elected
>turned Germany's economy around
>almost won a World War
That's all I know.
>decent painter
We both know this isn't true.
Oh come on, give the Fuhrer some credit.
Lol no OP you are being an idiot. Joking about Hitler can be fun, but the thing we need to remember is that they are JOKES.
At the end of the day he was a sick monster who killed 12 million Jewish people for no reason other than racism. You need a serious reality check if you think otherwise.
No one reply to this guy. It's fucking bait.
The world is drawn to Natsoc and HItler in general. I was at Barnes and Nobles last week and more than half the history books were about Nazis. Half the military books were about their tactics and battles.
Pic related
>those numbers
>missing what traditionalism is by a mile
Kill yourself
>inconsistent light source
>no edge control
>extremely poor repetition dot technique on all plants
>straight lines bend, spehre shapes are not symmetrical, generally very poor draftsmanship
>poor depthless perspective
>that complete fuckjob of the bushes and the fence
>that atrocious color palette
>no use of occlusive lighting
>no atmosphere, colors get clearer in the background
>obviously used hensler art supplies instead of superior castell
Calm down
Still better than what most painters will ever achieve.
Besides, try comparing his works to the works of those who got accepted into that art school.
every few hundred years a man comes along, burning up like a comet, and blazes a path through the annals of history.
alexander the great
genghis khan
etc etc
hitler is just the latest. We probably wont see another one for a while.
This. I don't care who you are you can't go around killing 15 million people even if they are Jews.
Well you're triggering me
>Trump loses
>All alt-right Autists on this board off themselves
>Suddenly the overall quality of Sup Forums improves overnight
Can't wait, it will be 2012 all over again.
He was told he had talent in arichtecture but was overall mediocre because he showed no ambition in the human form. I literally don't see anything wrong with this. After all, the human is the most important subject of art.
>being this picky about watercolour, one of the hardest mediums
>missing the point of going to an art school
also, straight lines arent supposed to be -straight- lines in art. Its not architecture drafting. It'll look very dull and lifeless.
>Why is Sup Forums so drawn to this man?
Hmmm,lets see.
>bad student
>failed collage
>drifted aimlessly(NEET)
>confirmed virgin up until at least the age of 40
>rose up from bottom to be the head of the most powerfull state in the world,at the time
>made his country strong
>lost the war,which makes him the underdog
>looked cool as fuck
>its gonna be like 2012 all over again
So exactly the same ?
>>confirmed virgin up until at least the age of 40
How do you confirm that?
>knows so little of art to not know and appreciate a golden line
There were like a million other artists as mediocre as Hitler at that time. I don't blame the instructors to pick more interesting folks over the hundreth fine arts amateur.
All of my what
Traditionalism socially not regressing technology you utter retard
Because he was a man who wanted to remove the Jewish influence from his country, no matter what other countries thought. He retook Germany and made it German again by reinstalling traditionally German moral values.
We live in the world that he wanted to prevent.
well,I should say CONFIRMED,100% virgin until the age of 30.
Most probably until the age of 40,because that's when he started to mingle with his niece Angela.
From the age 30 to 40(1919-1929) he was busy with building up his party,and there are no reports that he dated anyone.He was also in jail for a year.
Are you just memeing or are you really like pic related?
12 million.
Jesus you (((liberals))) keep lying and inflating the numbers and then wonder why people start becoming sceptical of it happening.
It seems to me that Hitler was one of the most important man of all time.
He saw what was coming and tried to stop it and almost won.
Now we have to live in that very dystopia he had forseen.
The cuckedness of the whites is embodied in the holocaust guilt .
Hitler, more than anything, firmly beliieved he was doing what was right for his country by removing bad elements from it. Gays, gypsies, jews and blacks specifically are the big ones he targeted. He then proceeded to start this idea of Germany first -- nationalism and pride in it -- after what had happened to Germany after the first world war.
Therein lies the problem with him losing: It showed that the world shouldn't be separated, but joined in multiculturalism.
>to pick more interesting folks
oh fuck you, this is what is wrong with modern art. Instead of picking and encouraging technical skills they pick the most meme students who shit paint out of their vaginas.
>Look at how interesting this is! this is clearly a depiction of the struggles of man!
Can't you get in jail for writing that,Hans?
because they're racists.duh
I dont think so since I phrased it like a personal opinion and not a propaganda slogan like "The Holocaust was the best thing ever, lets do it again!".
>implying Hitlet would respect basement dwelling Sup Forumsacks
But do you want to try again?
I totally condemn this worship of the most evil regime ever; eternal guilt be upon me.
Now I will delete my internet. (JA!).
he dared to dream of a perfect world but was thwarted. instead now we live his nightmare
Are you high?
The globalist intelligentsia hates him; therefore, he must have been the good guy.
Hitler was not part of the Establishment. Much like Trump, he was an independent man who developed his own genuine political beliefs and acted on them. A true patriot, he did what was best for his country and made every effort to defeat his enemies; thus, he fought the international cartel of private central banks, seizing control of the currency of his nation and issuing labor vouchers instead of the globalist gold-backed "money" that ultimately enriched the private bankers. The NS government's labor vouchers were backed by labor, not debt or monopolized resources. Hitler thus provided the blueprint for any nation that wants to challenge the international cartel of private central banking.
Hitler also named the Jew. Although his collaboration with the Zionists lead to the world's current problems, his courage in naming the Jew has made him a hero to the free peoples of the world. He marks a turning point wherein the infiltration undertaken by a Jewish intelligentsia was made clear and where an organized resistance was slowly assembled (a process still taking place today).
He unified his country, across class and occupation. He returned the dignity to physical work and considered programs aimed at improving the lifeblood of his people.
He was an impressive leader, not without his faults, but certainly better than a lot of what we have today.
Sup Forums is an objectivist board
We appreciate Randian heroes because we enjoy seeing the power of the individual come to fruition.
Beer halls are usually located below ground level.
worlds first rock star.
>Implying I'm not good to people
>Implying Sup Forums isn't satire
we want to be part of this, pic related.
also this
We are living in Hitler's shadow, the way those before us lived in the shadow of Napoleon, Julius Cesar and Alexander the Great.
Fuck rand
Probably one of the most accurate so far. He didn't come from much, but he had a vision. A vision he was jailed for attempting to realize before more and more rallied behind him and he could act on it.
It was a vision of hope for a people who had just been forced to live through first a devastating war, then a insidious and evil plot by Jewish communists to seize control of the country.
Germany needed this man more than he needed Germany, and that is why we are fascinated by him.
He literally did nothing wrong
>tfw sometimes I sit at that place, right where he stood, at night, have a beer and think about what was and what could have been
he's the only man that ever lived that could dicktrick his penis into a swastika
Hitler was a bitch ass nigga. Only newfags and clueless stormcucks actually like hi
Auch ein Rostbratwürstchen?
Fränkische > Nürnberger.
I really, really hate this bullshit. Hitler fucking ruined nothing. Hell, 1950s USA was literally the white mans utopia. Anglos fucking ruined it way later for everyone.
Say no more, senpai.
he tried to kill the banks
15 bazillion*
Where is that? That is not Nürnberg...
I don't know
Please don't reply to my posts, liberal retards.
You don't even know your own philosophy and spout the general knee-jerk reactions pre-programmed into you by the media.
Fuck rand
She's already fucked you, my friend.
Not sure if that is in München or Budapest...
There's a lot of really nice German buildings
This is all that remains, btw.
Holy crap that picture is sad.
I'm not sure where those were/are.
Was this real or is it completely fake?
Whoever decided that should be killed, or if already dead dug up and desecrated.