best meme edition
>>Sup Forums
buen meme
>Ree id
our only savior.
>3000 rapefugees
I don't think so
>muh weed
Kill yourself reconquista cuando
Cuanta picardia :V
as long he donĀ“t take more i think is going to be okay, i am more worried of him not fucking up the economy.
a bilingual America would legitimize Latin America so much
Pinochet did nothing wrong.
no. fuck you.
your scummy "latinos" who cant even talk spanish have nothing to do with our people, dont mix shit. they are what ameriniggers are compared to noble africans: selfish, obnoxious, entitled, cultureless pieces of shit.
Why are you so mad? You're put words in my mouth that were never spoken. I actually hate weed and putting up a YouTube channel speaking against it and giving tips on how to quit it for good.
I really care about free speech and I'm glad it exists, what's so wrong about that?
Fuck off
Gracias Macri por dejar bien en claro que la Argentina solo recibira familias sirias que buscan refugio de clase media acomodada y alto IQ. Nada de malandras que terminan violando porque no la pueden poner como pasa en Europa.
>Its the taringa faggots with their retarded memes thread
>The Spanish empire could have been the most powerful and united country
>Implying it really exist
Hi Konoha
>tfw Mexican American
>tfw machine operater
>always speak English
>make Mexicans address me in English
Am I a Uncle Tom or what
>wants to increase military spending to the worlds 4th largest level
>is totally anti-communist
>TOTALLY anti-PC and anti-SJWs all the time
>wants to literally ban leftists from politics
>is for the privatization of non-essential shit and the overall decrease of taxation
>wants to defavelize the favelas
>wants to militarize public schools and leave them under the control of the army/military police
>says that on his government over 80.000 criminals will be killed yearly if possible
>he personally likes Trump and would like to get closer to him in case both of them win
Reminder to vote for Bolsonaro
que picardia
Kek. That fucked us hard up here. If you want a job working in some towns or cities outside of Quebec, you have to be bilingual.
Places in Northern Ontario, like Timmins are 50% french, so it's hard to get some jobs there. In Ottawa, there's tons of frogs as well.
Would you want to have to learn 2 languages to work a public service or government job?
He's a cool sun.
Dude if you want to suffer because you don't live in a parallel reality which doesn't exist and never will be you should at least be wishing that the English would've conquered South America instead. The Spaniards are lazy and part of the problem is the Andalucia mentality. Anglo culture overall is better in the sense that gets more shit done.
And I just want to be who I am, that's why I like my dude freedom lmao. As long as I'm not a parasite to the system, don't commit crime and have the opportunity to work and create wealth I feel as I'm having a pretty good life.
You're just an American. You Chicanos really have a hard mixed up identity crisis.
Why didn't USA manifest it's destiny on a you dirty Mexicans? If all of Latin America was USA, imagine how neat your lives would be.
It'd be pretty good but what's done is done.
Ya it will be neat. All that lies south of the border should become part of the us. it's a great idea
I'm all for it
Kek, then they'd have to worry about the Guatemalans coming in. You can't win.
He's a self-hating Injun who loves Spanish cock. Ignore him.
Yes. I bet you're a Trumpfag too.
If America eats us. We will fuck it from the inside out. Kek.
I am
>Not being a Trumpfag
hey that's a pretty cool sun you have there can we have it ?