Americans! Is your family voting for Trump? Or Clinton?

Americans! Is your family voting for Trump? Or Clinton?

Clinton. I have tried to redpill them but only my dad was half changing his mind with new facts. When's the next election for France?

My mom is voting Clinton, my brother bern, dad, probably Clinton. Me? Neither honestly

Most of my cousins will be voting Clinton, one might vote green.
I'll be grudgingly voting Clinton.


Mom took the Clinton pill hard. Dad at least acknowledges she's kinda shitty but he'll still vote for her over Trump.

Mom - Trump
Everyone else - I don't know

I fill in the mail in ballots. I control who they vote for


I'm voting Trump, one other is voting Johnson, everybody else is voting Clinton.

spic here, born here, voting for Trump, dad as well. Mom was on the hillary bluepill, but she might just vote Trump

>sister is an sjw who will undoubtedly write in boyknee

Cousin and uncle also voting Trump

Mom was a Bernie supporter now Jill

No idea for Brother and Father but no way would my Dad support Clinton

I'm voting for Trump

mom clinton i dont know about my dad

Mom and brother are definitely voting for Clinton. Dad could go either way but I will definitely convince him to vote Clinton over Trump.

#imwithher achmed

dad, sis, brother are all voting trump. my mother was a school teacher her whole life and will vote clinton cuz muh unions

Presidential election in April-May of 2017

#prayforMarine but she will never win and Juppé (center-right) will probably win

Lol forgot to turn off your proxy, huh?
>inb4 I'm on vacation

my family is voting for hillary clitoris and I'm voting for the donald

Mom voting for Clinton, dad and I voting for Trump

all of us are voting for trump thanks to me.

Kill yourself

Women in family Cliton and men are all voting Trump.

Da South were everyone votes identity politics....

they're all a bunch of dumb libs and i'm thinking about getting them all drunk so they don't bother going to vote


My mom was a Berniebot who is now voting Trump. Everyone else was voting Trump from the beginning.

My family and my mother's side is voting for trump.
Dunno about my dad's side though, they just might not vote in general.

My father is voting Trump out of spite for all of the regressives who throw accusations of racism, mysogyny, etc. at Trump. Everyone else thinks all candidates are terrible and they won't vote.
>t. Spic

I'm voting my conscious

No delegates for you.

git out

Nope, gotta make it past the election to witness the shitstorm of trumpbabies crying all over this website when you lose. Can't wait desu

Write in votes for Satan are not going to elect him.

everyone in my family is voting for Trump, except my sister-in-law, who is Mexican

Thread slider, SAGE

Most of mine is "this election is two bad choices". Only one other in my immediate family probably voting for trump, my dad. Thankfully extended family is all in for him and hates hillary


Trump, thankfully, although my state will go red anyway no matter what (Texas)

>Hillary will win

sorry did I trigger you in your safe space? lol

my dad is voting for Hillary.

I convinced my mom to vote for Trump.

My family is all voting Trump. Even my Grandfather who was a life long Democrat was going to vote for him before he passed away.

My Dad's voting for Trump.

My mom'll probably vote for (((Hillary)))

and on that day no delegates were doled out by the Donald

Trump. I honestly don't know anyone IRL that's voting Clinton.

All 34 members of my extended family are voting Johnson

New US Citizen. Not sure if he'll register to vote, but if he does, it would be Trump.

Doesn't like any of the candidates, but definitely hates Clinton

>older brother
NYC traditional republican. Wanted Kasich. Laments that Trump will "hand the election to the democrats". Apathetic and unlikely to vote at all.

Huge Trump supporter. New York's stupid laws on changing party registration prevented him from voting in the primaries (you have to change party affiliations in early october the prior year to vote in primaries in the spring, and he was registered independent) but I'm sure he'll vote in the general election.

All trump supporters, 3 out of four of them will probably actually vote.

I've managed to swing 2/5 voters to vote Trump

Working on the other 3 and some aunts/uncles/cousin over the next weeks

Dad's a hardcore Trump fan
Sister's a hardcore Bernie lover so probably gonna vote Jill if she's on the ballot
Other sister is completely undecided because she's a normie and fell for all the memes about le evil trump (she thinks Trump will enact the purge, she's kind of retarded) but she's also a cuckservative
No clue about my mother because she's a nice housewife and doesn't want to give her opinion on it

My entire family is voting Trump

Except my hippie aunt who's probably voting stein

Im voting trump, my parents were bernouts and now vote trump to spite hillary. My sister is not getting involved because quote "I got hurt, im not ready to love again". The rest is voting trump because catholic.

Checked and thanks I will be sure vote

He's going to win

Trump, they hate Clinton

Iowan, voting for Trump

> git out

git: 'out' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean one of these?

My parents will jump you if you so much as mention the name 'Hillary Clinton' in their house. They were between Sanders and Trump, but after Sanders' despicable actions the past few weeks, they realized Sanders is the same career politician as the rest of them and are now completely confident in Trump.

I certainly think he has a chance, but it's fairly unlikely (from an unbiased perspective).

>not posting the man page

my mother, father, and grandmother are all voting trump. not sure about my cousins though.

Both of my parents and many of my relatives are voting for Trump.

I am so is my dad but not my mom, she's cuban and fell for the "trump is a racist" meme

Trump all around with exception of my sister, who wanted Bernie because she needs Uncle Sam for a husband.

Me and my parents are definitely voting Trump. My only sibling will probably vote third party though, I managed to convince her Clinton is evil, but I could probably never convince her Trump is worth her vote.

I'm voting Trump. My immediate family usually votes however I do and follow my advice since they see me as knowledgeable on history and politics.

>t. American history teacher

>I wish death upon people who don't align with my vote
Really standing up for the ideals of American democracy, here

Entire family will vote Trump.

Feels good man.

My uncles and cousins are voting Trump. They're legal immigrants too.

Donald has maligned my wife and slandered my father. Unless he renounces his New York ways and surrenders the delegates, we will vote our conscience along with the hundreds of millions of Conservative activists in this country.

>Father: Trump
>Mother: Trump
>Sister: Most likely Trump

>He's for democracy

I tried to convince my mom to vote Trump

and it turned out that there was no need for it

infact she turned out to be more redpilled than I am

Nigger here. My mom, dad n I are the only ones in my family that can vote come november, but both my parents are voting Dem for "party loyalty". Not even because they like Clinton.

They don't like Trump either, but they like his Muslim ban because they both came from Nigeria and know how the mudslimes act up in northern Nigeria.

My wife and I are voting for Trump. Same with my parents. Same with her parents.

At least it's easy speaking politics when visiting the in-laws.


I have redpilled my entire family into voting for Trump

Unfortunately all my friends on Facebook are Bernouts or voting for Hillary.

I have been uploading tons of Trump related stuff on my newsfeed and already lost 5 friends. I will try to red pill them but it seems like a lost cause

He simply doesn't understand that this is the Priesthood rising.

Yes my fellow TrueConservative™

The Priesthood rises

Not too different from mine, but now that Bernie is out my sis is going Trump she has to work for a living.

Are your parents divorced or insane?


My Father is not voting for either candidate. In his words he said it's because "they're both corrupt'. Mom probably voting for Hillary because of "le first wooman". Most of my other realitives are probably voting for Hillary or not going to vote at all because they're democrats.

I'm voting for trump. The biggest reason I'm voting for him now is because I'm sick to death of identity politics and would like to get a break from it for atleast 4 years.

hivemind confirmed

I'm going for Trump and my mother seems to agree with me. Dad on the other hand hasn't really given a straight answer but it is known that he hates both.

My Grandpa wanted Bernie but now that he is out he said he is leaning more towards Trump. He said the Clintons made a show of the White House when they were in or something.
Mom was going to vote for Hillary but I convinced her to at least vote Bernie in primaries.
Then the bro is voting Hillary because "It's better than Trump" personally I think that's a stupid reason to vote for someone
The rest of my senpai doesn't vote.
I probably won't either

My African mom firmly believes Clinton will win.

Probably in the military, stationed in Japan.

Family is all voting Trump for the most part. Two of my aunts are poor and always vote Democrat. Even my female 18 year old cousin voted for Trump in Ohio.

My parents, myself and some friends I got registered are for Trump. My grandparents are undecided, they hate Clinton, but are scared of Trump. My sisters dont vote because they dont give a shit about things that arent themselves.

My mom hates Trump and hates it when I tell her I'm voting for him. My dad just laughs his ass off and says nothings, so I know he's voting for Trump too.

You cannot possibly defeat all of us, Donald. Just as it was the duty of the anointed Kings of old to transfer the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous, we will distribute your stolen delegates among ourselves.

Make the smartest deal of your life, Donald, or we will demonstrate that even a New York liberal can fear the Lord.

Same in my family - all Trump but the teacher
Unions = can no longer think for yourself

My dad doesn't vote, because he likes to bitch about whoever ends up winning for 4-8 years without any of the win/lose guilt.

My mom wants to vote Trump for some reason.

I'm voting Johnson.

Mom and sister are on the "girl power" power trip with Clinton. I am voting Trump (non meme, I really think he is a better choice). Dad, i don't know he says he never votes but he might this year because he seems very interested in what is going on with Trump. Always talking to me about him and he hates the Clintons and democrats in general since he is a gun-nut so he may go out and vote this year.

We will just cancel each other's votes out but whatever. That's family for ya.

About half for Trump and half for Clinton. They fight about it a lot.

My mom is crazy about Trump, but she may be the only person in the country that would be totally fine either way.
Brothers are for Trump.
Dad doesn't talk about politicians much.

Mom - Trump
Dad - Trump
Sister - Trump
Uncle - Trump
Uncle no.2 - Johnson
All my grandparents - Trump
All cousins - Mostly Trump

You can tell who the cuck of the family is.

My dad hates Hillary but also doesn't like trump. I tell him facts but I don't know if he'll vote. My mom will probably vote Hillary since she watches all those female talk shows that show Hillary is just like us.....

My mother was having nightmares about the jews taking over after the DNC.
So trump

That's rich coming from a Democrat. You like your elections rigged, don't you?

All Hillary except for me. I'm writing in The Prophet Mohammed for the second election in a row.

I find it waaaaay funnier this election though.