What's it like to not be American?
Pic related it's my dinner, cost $4.21 minus the soda
What's it like to not be American?
Pic related it's my dinner, cost $4.21 minus the soda
feels good not being a fat fuck
The Official Burger of Rand Paul in every way
diet pepsi
confirmed faggot
Also you paid too much. McDonalds gives you free medium fries with any purchase if you scan their app at the register.
God bless our wonderful nation and our way of life
>diet pepsi
What did he mean by this?
Gotta get the daily mcdubs
Did that diet pepsi come with a thong?
Something like that would be the equivalent of about 10USD here, no difference in quality.
At least I think so, I'm just going on the assumption that McDonalds is very slightly cheaper than Burger King since I don't know McDonald's prices.
its gonna cost you a lot more later
>not a quarterpounder
Relax, deutschmacher.
Don't lose your head. It's only bait.
...and also swipe a fat stack of cups for the campaign bus. Gotta be thrifty with that taxpayer funded budget.
why not just get a double quarter pounder since you want to be a fat fuck anyways
i had a large chili and a 10 piece tendie for around 5 dollars on the way home
Not a double bacon cheese burger with a double big mac...
>going inside McDonald's
God he looks like such a retard here, I'll never get over this.
diet soda tastes good man
$4.21 is a damn good value for a meal.
God Bless America.
You are a pretender, Canadian
I see through your guise
Not like it matters, you could eat that every day and not be fat, wont be healthy, but you wont be fat either
>Not knowing a mcdouble and mcchicken combine to form the mcgangbang
>being a pleb american
What is your life like?
Be German.
Go to McDonald's.
Get shot.
100% pure beef senpai
Am I the only American who despises McDonald's?
Wendy's is good.
Where's the food OP?
>Not burger king
Atleast burger king has the quadruple stacker.
Yes, get all that Monsanto-y goodness in you.
The only thing good is the ice cream. Nuggets are decent but used to be better.
Wendy's is good but so is McDonald's.
The $4 (or maybe $5 I don't remember) meal at Wendy'swhere you can get a jr bacon cheeseburger, nuggets, fries and a drink is a good deal
where are your vegetables?
I can eat better than that for a lot cheaper
That looks absolutely disgusting. The fries look soggy and the ketchup is way too bright red. Hamburgers wrapped in papers can't be too good as well.
mein neiger
Wendys is certainly better than Mcdonalds
You only really eat mcdonalds anymore because it's there
Let's see. By UK prices:
1.49 - Double cheeseburger
1.09 - Medium fries
2.99 - Chicken Sandwich
£5.47. In US dollars that's approximately $8.
Can you have other people make it for you for cheaper and everything? Not needing to prepare the food yourself is part of the charge
it's practically a salad
Had that today
Added a daves classic single with cheese for 1.99$ more
pretty dank for under 6.50 with tax
I'd actually be genuinely surprised
>Be German
>Go to school
>Get raped
>Take bus
>Get axed
>Go to store
>Get shot
>Go home and complain online
>Get arrested for hate speech
I used to go to a mcdonalds near my old high school that would make mcgangbangs for us. Pretty awesome.
Im not sure but i guess that would be something like 15 dollars or something.
I never go to Mcd in Norway because its expensive.
Feelsbadman. My ex said he wanted to take me to America then the faggot left me here. I'm gonna end it soon dw.
wtf quadruple burger? why wasn't i informed of the advances in burger technology?
going to bk tonight senpai
>I can eat better than that for a lot cheaper
>diet pepsi instead of diet coke
>wtf is that a small fry. You need to supersize that shit my nigger.
There's onion on the burger, and lettuce on the chicken sandwich.
Most Americans have pretty shitty diets.
I have grown to hate McDonald's. But it's mostly due to the shitty staff and crack heads who hang out there. I go to Chick-fil-A for a good meal (sure a couple of bucks more) and great staff.
Holy shit boys it's a Redcoat loyalist hiding out in America.
dont see anything wrong with this desu
that is better though
especially american mcdonalds, I don't know what the fuck it was but the buns tasted sweet, like as if they were pumped full of sugar
Why would you eat shit like that? Why dont you just cook a good meal? I am sure you could afford a couple of dollars more.
You could just prep and marinate some chicken, throw it into the oven for a while and eat it with some rice and broccoli/cauliflower. That is really fast, easy and good.
Nothing wrong with eating unhealthy sometimes but you should not do this too often ameribro. The world does not need another fat american.
are you summoning the mcdank OP? GOD BLESS AMERICA
gotta stick with the king
thats the high fructose corn syrup that is in everything americans eat
beans, next to nothing, rice, next to nothing, potatoes, next to nothing, bread, next to nothing, a tomato, next to nothing. yep, that's cheaper all right. good looking meal too. not high dining, but much more healthy than that shit at mcdonalds.
>he didn't spend the little bit of extra $$$ for superior Arby's
It's like you wanna fuck up on purpose
I'm willing to bet you don't have an In-N-Out in your area.
The only thing appetizing there is the glass of milk.
>eating le secret reddit menu
looks awesome, i'm thawing out some steak and about to throw it in the microwave with some A1 sauce
gonna be great
Numale detected.
fucking kek, what's the sauce on this?
>Every part of the meal is carbs
>Much more healthy than mcdonalds
Yeah, I'm with this guy
And the stuff you can make will keep you full, and not be as unhealthy *unless you chose it to be*
>fast food
I hope you like heart disease and cancer you fat fuck.
I love it, I just got back from McDonalds and worked their inability to use registers and Mexicans properly into a free meal.
High energy food for a high energy individual
>having only heard about something because you visited reddit, and thus assuming that is where it is from
>not knowing reddit is an aggregating site
Jesus fucking christ, you are a parody. I have never been to reddit in my life, sounds like you are quite familiar with it though.
you guys are fking retarded jack in the box is as good as it gets. wendys fking sandwiches taste like a dry salt lick. fresh my ass.
1. It doesn't matter what you eat only how much and how much you do
2. Broccoli and cauliflower are disgusting shit tier vegetables
3. Obviously the reason he bought food instead of cooking himself is because it's much faster and eliminates the need for cleanup.
McDonald's is more expensive than Burger king
You're right I live in the Midwest
>Eating Mcd's """"""chili""""""
The closest thing to fast food chili I've had is the Hatch Valley green chili fries from Goodtimes.
You bought all of that fucking junk food but still drink diet soda with it? The fuck?
Mfw washing all that fat & cholesterol down w/ a fuckin diet Pepsi
Who you foolin, tubbs?
I wonder how many Americans actually cook for themselves.
I always here them talking about which fast food store they're going to choose.
How many are physically addicted to sugar and fats?
>mfw an American calls a fizzy-pop "soda" near me
Arby's is fucking disgusting.
Every diet soda taste like shit.
>Not 1 dollar
>Not a great deal
The grimace would be dissapointed.
don't tread on me
>It doesn't matter what you eat only how much and how much you do
The fuck are you eating fellow burger? Milk, Coffee? Nah it can't be not in an American traditional Coffee Mug.Worcester sauce, Hard boiled egg with beans with bits of white shit, Some sort of potato or yam, and some non white bread with a tomato acting as butter? GTFO my country
He could just be Mormon
>fried potatoes, high fructose corn syrup infused ketchup, heavily processed "hamburger", soda
yeah, really healthy shit right there, friends.
you could literally inject pure carbs and it'd be healthier.
really makes you ((drink))
i'm alive solely because i don't have a gun to shoot myself with
The McGangbang is by far the worst and least creative fast food concoction.
I eat most of my meals at home, or left overs at work. The wife and I get take out like once a week. It's a treat for us. But I see your point.
About as many as you'd find here. For all the shit America gets about being fat, they're not so different from us. The KFC and HJs near my place always have their driveways clogged with fatties.
>How many are physically addicted to sugar and fats
Our entire dindu populace and about half of everyone else
That's the joke, senpai