He ain´t so sharp is he
He ain´t so sharp is he
Build wall
Mate stop being an idiot just because your jealous you are one of the subhumans who won't be allowed across the wall.
>Pablo doesn't know you can simulate tweets
Can someone post the edited version about going on Sup Forums? I love that shoop.
This is literally a fact.
Guess that makes me a #shill4hill
or you could vote third party
His grammar is not that bad. Start building wall faggot.
Stop reading Gawker. Liberals who refer to you as a "taco" and all your culture as a "taco bowl" and getting out the "taco bowl vote"
We will take your country after we build our wall, ya faggot
Funny thing about trump shills is they are poor losers at the margins of society.
Trump wins and they will still be poor losers at the margins of society.
They don't care about you. Fuck off
>or you could throw your vote away
Johnsonfag detected
Checks out to me.
Are all the shill threads the result of extra 5 million HRC gave them?
Wtf i hate Trump now
That is true tho. Vaccines are contaminated and contain ingredients that cause brain damage.
and the liberals will move to your neck of the woods. france is about to face a civil war and your dumb ass will die. liberals cant fight
what did he mean
you could partake in glorious revolution
wtf? im a #cruzmissle now
as long as it isnt SJW marxism
Stalin 2.0 for Emporor
It's the real one. Kikes photoshopped it to be about vaccines to discredit our Glorious God Emperor.
Now that's funny.
Also how can you find the link for a tweet to verify if it's legit with just the image of it. Do you have to man up and just scroll till your finger hurts or is there an easier way.
Bloody anarchist!
Dumb trump tweets thread
time to shut the shit down and start fresh
Still voting against Hillary.
He's right tho.
My project supervisor told me about someone getting fired for "coming up wiht the wrong results" when assessing vaccines.
It would have stopped funding
>mm--m-m-muh wall maymay
I'm anti-vaccinations because vaccinations allow for those who would otherwise be vulnerable to the targeted diseases are then free to spread their unfit genes throughout the population, corrupting the genes of those who might otherwise not be susceptible to them at all. In the event of some catastrophic event like severe economic hardship, those vaccines may not be available to serve the needs of the unfit, and millions of people will die.
Antibiotics proves to put us in a similar position, where those who would die off naturally are enabled to defeat death and breed with those who wouldn't.
We've been in a symbiotic relationship with nature for millions of years, and vaccinations are going to build a bubble between mankind and nature that he cannot feasibly escape.
We should be scaling back on vaccinations, not rolling forward with making them mandatory.
Ironically, you have to have the lack of empathy that can only be found in the autistic spectrum to allow yourself, your friends, your family, or others around you to die of measles when a preventative solution exists.
Ah, the dilemma between feelings and logic.
Sup Forums has been duped by cancerous memers and possibly targeted ad campaigns to follow this man. Sad that this board is paranoid of Jews but will follow this obvious chronic liar and greedy opportunist.
truth right there
Twitter has a search feature, genius.
>thinking that resistance is genetic
I hope that your kid dies
"Many such cases" can be a fact even in the official statistics of vaccines. They're a product like any other, and thus susceptible to manufacturing mistakes or blatant corruption. It's also quite impossible to know just what kind of an effect a standard vaccine might do to a nonstandard human. The effects of medication vary from race to race, individual to individual.
The moral argument about vaccines is a different story altogether. That is, is it okay to vaccinate all kids if a tiny minority is guaranteed to develop something bad from them? If someone doesn't want to take that risk, no matter how tiny, is it not their right?
>healthy young man goes to sri lankan etch-a-sketch trading post
>is exposed to many memes, infographics, and youtube jpeg slideshows
>many such cases
Counterpoint: Spanish Flu
the problem rises because by not vaccinating everybody we endanger those that can not be for one reason or another vaccinated. There are a few slots for herd immunity but those must be reserved for those who truly need them instead of kids of retarded parents,
Spicy meme my friendo
>not breast feeding your children
I hope that you get an abortion.
wtf i hate danold now
Low quality contaminated vaccines could and have been shown to contain mercury which has been linked to autism. There are a lot of cases where this has been observed but it's not a widespread concern because most drug companies comply to high manufacturing standards. What he said isn't unreasonable however I disagree if he's implying that vaccines themselves cause autism.
baby coffins are profitable field
His youngest son has autism, so he freaks out and blames the vaccines, when he should be blaming himself for fathering a child when he was 60. That causes autism.
Same with Robert de Niro and Chris-chans dad. Autism is guaranteed when you father a child as an old man.
And yet that doesn't answer my question. In the end, there's no real answer. It's the eternal argument between freedom and collective good. Whatever we do, we lose something.
autism doesn't stem from daddy issues you retard
My wife had a miscarriage of my first daughter's twin.
Life goes on.
>me gusta
Every time
>You have to agree with him on 100% of things to elect him over a criminal that will push our nation closer to collapse
why is capcha always fucking store front?
crafting a half decent argument against vaccination based on freedom is something I'd really like to see.
Really? That was the best example you could find? He's said way stupider shit
I too would like my country be ran by a terrorist
>die of measles
Autistic detected
Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available. In 2013, there were 145 700 measles deaths globally – about 400 deaths every day or 16 deaths every hour.
Can everyone stop pretending trump has a master plan for everything? Both him and hillary are monkeys. I could go to the us legally and take your "jobs" and there is nothing that monkey can do to stop me.
Are you sure it isn't the other way around?
Pretty sure it was confirmed the older the woman the more likely the baby will have issues including autism and down syndrome. Not the man.
u retarded?
the wall just got 10 ft taller
You're the retard. Reading comprehension.
Also, your House video only attempts to refute the argument that pharmaceutical companies are selling people potentially dangerous placebos.
I'm not stupid, I'm just a smarter condescending asshole than House.
No, I think you're retarded.
It's not vaccines that cause autism but endocrine disrupting chemicals that permeate our biosphere, they're in all of the cosmetics women use when pregnant. They're in pesticides, canned goods, plastics, any water supply (including your treated drinking water). That's also the reason most men can't grow beards anymore or have smaller penises, they're being feminized by these chemicals and there is almost no legislation against them, and none that I know of in 'Murrica.
That is, statistically, the truth.
There is a correlation between the two, but there isn't any proof of causation.
It would be worth it to research the cause of the correlation, and if vaccinations do have an positive effect towards autism.
"They are using our internet!!"
If somebody doesn't want to get things shot into them, it's their freedom to refuse.
Even disastrous consequences are wholly irrelevant. Of course, the individual would be punished if he spread a disease on purpose, but using terrorism as a justification for trampling on our rights is bloody retarded. If we always follow that argument, we'll be coaxed into giving away all of our freedoms one after another. And all it takes is just a few false flag operations.
People will always die and be in pain. If you can't prevent suffering without destroying something else, you can only accept it.
Your single mother doesn't know how to raise you properly or discipline you properly. Also doesn't know how to socialize you.
The doctors made up this word so single mothers had an excuse for their shit parenting and shit social skills kids.
Austism = Social Retard
It's NOT a real thing. I'm in my 30s, There was NEVER such a thing as "autism" when I was in elementary, jr high or high school.
It wasn't a word. It didn't exist. NO ONE ever said "I'm autistic"
Then there is the varying degrees of it. Some kids just shout shit, or kids can't even talk.
It's called SHIT PARENTING!!!
>People with polio in a first world country because they are scared of vaccines.
They have researched it. There's no link.
let's watch it again, shall we?
And really, arguing against vaccines with *global* statistics isn't too bright given that they are not readily availabe around the world.
Which dimension are we talking about here?
it's vaccines
or rather, the mercury that's in them
>Nigger kids living in shit with a diet consisting of dirt and weevils die from measles so healthy kids in America better get their aluminum injections!
there is correlation between increase in the amount of vaccinations and the increase in autism diagnosis. It possibly couldn't be because the diagnosis is nowdays given to people who were just a bit odd back in the days?
>Healthy young UNSUPERVISED child goes on Sup Forums because mommy bought him an IPad for their birthday so they would not bother mommy so much. Child RUINED - AUTISM aka SHIT PARENTING
Fixed it for you Mr.Trump
direct consequence of not using vaccine is harming yourself and others. That would be like arguing that parents should be allowed to chop their kids' legs of if they so please. For freedom!
>vaccines not having shit fuck heavy metal puke in them 30 years ago
there is no logner mercury in vaccines to please you retards. Could you now stop endangering the rest of us and take them?
I'd give her her 15th vaccine if you know what I mean
All I did was refute the apparent claim that people do not die of measles when in fact they do.
And I hope more of them do.
It is objectively demonstrable that the world population cannot continue to increase exponentially. This is literally what they discuss at Bilderberg Group meetings.
Fake link.
>He ain´t so sharp is he
He's just acting stupid so Americans will identify with him and vote him in.
A Mexican, calling literally anyone else unintelligent.
Healthy rich businessman goes to the Convention, gets pumped with the support of delegates whose support he doesn't deserve, doesn't feel good and changes - CORRUPTION. Many such cases!
Now, with all the joking aside, I will advise you to relinquish the delegates. You will inevitably betray your supporters, after all, Donald. You should give the delegates to someone who's willing to fulfill the wishes of the millions of Conservative activists who make up this nation. If you continue to refuse, however, I sadly can not guarantee your safety.
Come to think of it, I've never actually introduced you to my father, who you so viciously slandered, have I? I bet he would love to see your beautiful wife. You love your wife, don't you, Donald? I love my wife, Donald, which is why I was so deeply angered at you maligning her appearance. I have to wonder if you would still love your wife if something happened to her face, Donald? I hope we don't have to find the answer to that question.
He bans vaccines on his 4th term, new generations stop going to Sup Forums and become productive members of society.
don't worry I took all of them along with that healthy dose of autism ;^)
Fuck off.
You deserve the coming caliphate.
>Most studies examining autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and advanced paternal age have demonstrated an association between the two, although there also appears to be an increase with maternal age.[17]
Seems to be both.
well, the last part is a given here.
>pic me irl
Nonsense, this is "public health reasoning," which depends on arbitrarily conflating risk and reality some times but not others. A scientifically informed perspective would never conflate them. By the way, why are you glad that vaccine manufacturers were exempted from regulation, safety testing, or lawsuits? Is it because Black Science Man says vaccines are inherently safe?
Maybe he's talking from personal experience.
Maybe someone in the Trump family has AUTISM?
Lol you're fucking Mexican
Anything you say doesn't count
If he would literally stop being autistic for 1 second, he would win this election by a landslide.
What a shame.
When I take the political alignment quiz science is the ONLY thing I align with the dems on. I hate that being willfully science-illiterate has become a badge of honor for the right.