Why are American's so attached to their 2nd amendment?
Why are American's so attached to their 2nd amendment?
Why wouldn't we be?
Because it's one more freedom we have, even if some people don't like it.
Because 300,000,000+ guns in America is a big reason, if not the main reason global forces have not imposed full-blown, worldwide tyranny.
it's part of our constitution, and that doesn't just mean a piece of paper with words on it.
Because we know that only complete fucking idiots would count on the benevolence of government.
Because fuck you that's why
why would I vote for someone who wants to disarm me? it's really that simple
We intend to restore honor culture.
>e-equipping people with more guns will solve the problem!!!
>bunch of police dies to blm dindus
The US exists because of civilian gun ownership. Would you rather live in some shitty country where the parliament can be dissolved by some monarch?
Most people here in Texas have a gun, but don't fucking act like its their whole life its just a casual thing. It's a real poser thing to do, I guess like a gay person being a flaming homo and talking about being gay 100% of the time in your face.
Pretty rich coming from a country that pretends it has no problems while it also holds the title of "Rape Capital of the World" and its native infants are getting slaughtered by immigrants.
Because freedom? Because being the master of your own security is your right? What I don't understand is why there are so many delusional people who think the right to arms is "outdated" or "uncivilized".
The end result of that train of thought can be seen in Europe where they're hysterical about butter knives and prosecute young women for warding off rapists.
Careful not to form hatethoughts about the dindus
>Let's confiscate property, place people in prison and kill anyone who resists gun control.
>Homicide would be lower if we had more gun control.
so we dont have to be forced to be attached to our government if it starts working against us.
It is our defining quality and we are nothing without it. It is the crystallization of government limitation, negative rights, and a society with a low center of gravity. Watch In Search Of The Second Amendment.
This, remember what one person did in Dallas, image what just a couple thousand could do
>changes the subject to hide your butthurt
>g-give the police more gunnnnnnssssssss!!!!!!!!
it is literally the only thing that is stopping the American governement from enacting the same bullshit that is going on in Europe right now with these bullshit violations of freespeech.
You have a true right to self defence in the USA. Something that many people do not realize in other countries until they are a victim of violent crime and either get charged criminally for defending their selves or end up dead and forgotten.
Do not ever let the government take your guns America. They are LITERALLY the only reason Obama has not steam rolled you by now.
Because it's our right to.
That's literally the only argument ever needed for this.
Because. We. Can.
damn dude, that ass is on point fuccckk
Only slaves should not be allowed to arm themselves.
I don't have to adhere to your conversation topic. I'd rather make fun of the fact that you come from Sweden and you can't say anything about any other country. Not even Canada or Germany.
Are you a roo behind a proxy?
Why would anyone want to have less freedom?
You're right, I should change flag before taking a good shit on your silly amendments next time
see you then
Social geopolitics. USA is HUGE, and not densely populated. A regular drive for an American is equivalent to going to another country in Europe.
So the government actually had some trouble projecting power within its own borders. Which made self-defense much more crucial.
Affinity for guns is dictated by necessity for self-defense, which is directly tied to the government's ability to enforce its monopoly on violence.
>Gun control works
>It's a great use of public funds
>and that doesn't just mean a piece of paper with words on it.
Well it is, which is why you need the guns to protect it
because guns are really fun
You can't kill your past with a fork.
>taking a shit on your silly amendments
But you havent yet, all youve said is hurr durr someone got kilt buy guns
Stop changing subject
And then you misunderstood some guys graph
What we're attached to is our right to bear arms, which the 2nd amendment protects. The amendment itself doesn't actually give us anything, it just stops the government from taking away our guns.
That's why the government has only been able to whittle away at what kinds of guns people are able to own, because that's technically permitted by the wording of the amendment so long as they don't unduly restrict overall access to firearms.
For clarity: banning fully automatic functions on weapons is constitutional because the weapons can still be sold, just not with that particular function, so our right to keep and bear arms isn't really being infringed because we can still keep and bear arms. But if they were to pass a law that tried to restrict the sale of all weapons, that would be smacked down.
If one of our rights can be repealled, so can the rest. Once your Marxist overlords strip the people of the right to defend the ideals they hold dear, they will then begin to strip them of the other amendments promised by the bill of rights. How safe will you feel with a 5" wide probe up your colon to protect you from the evil rednecks then? Fuck you and the sick fantasies you drool over. 1984 is not sci-fi, it is fucking prophecy, and you deluded, amoral cucks are letting it become so without any consideration for your own race or species. I really hope there is a hell, so I can spit on you from two circles above.
pls tell me which countries are these.
good to see so much passion, I like it.
I'll take the bait even though you'll get assblasted and respond with shitposts like you already said you would.
>But you havent yet, all youve said is hurr durr someone got kilt buy guns
You always claim more guns will fix the problem. However, it apparently won't if people get killed despite being armed. How can you deny this?
>Stop changing subject
You started with >sweden yes, senpai
>And then you misunderstood some guys graph
I didn't look into the graphs because I just came here to laugh at you.
As soon as you lose your guns you get cucked.
Look at every nation that banned guns. Pure cuckoldry.
No matter how bad it gets you it can always get worse.
>based Iowa
Feels good to be in best state.
People who live in heavily populated areas who are not allowed to have guns don't care about it. They are even afraid of it. Because it's not something they are used to, and the only people who have guns in their areas are criminals. But the more rural the area. The more people need guns and like guns. It makes people feel safe. Especially, if you live like I do. Where the average police response time is 35-40 minutes. And we have called the sheriffs a LOT. So to sum it up. People in rural areas know how to use guns. And they have to use guns. Because if some psycho burglar or rapist wants to attack, the place they are going to do it is in a place where the average police response time is as long as possible. And on top of things like I just mentioned, we REALLY do NOT trust the government. And we never have. Ever since the first revolution. And why should we? The government tries to be you're freind while at the same time fucking your ass dry style.
Nigger deterrent
More guns and fewer niggers Swedecuck.
I'm tired of living in a state that labels me a racist and a psycho because I believe in the right of self defense and the countermeasures set against the inevitable wave of tyranny that is trying to drown this shell of a country. Of course I'm passionate, I'm fucking sick of it all! I'm sick of living around people who can't form an opinion without the media constructing it for them, and I'm sick and goddamn tired of the constant influx of Yankees and Californians into my once proud state! We were the home of the seat of the fucking Confederacy for god's sake, and I can't recall any racial tension in my equally mixed hometown until the Obama administration came into power. I'm sick of this divisive bullchickenhorsedonkeyshit clusterfuck of a state, or rather, what this diaspora has turned it into.
Americans love guns! And the rest of the World will never understand that.
And, Americans will never understand why the rest of the world does not love guns like they do...
Texas I just want you to know that every other state HATES you. We hate you even more than Florida
Because it's the only safeguard we have against a government tyranny.
I prefer it this way. America shouldn't worry about the opinions of the rest of the world. Why should we try and make everyone else happy?
Texas is one of the best States.
Disregard that cuck's comment
The rest of the world didn't need their own guns like the US did. We were the new world. What do you bring with you when you explore something new? A gun! They had trade markets and such in Europe to provide food and protection. But not in the US. We had the wild west and we had Indians to protect ourselfs from. People who don't like guns are actually just scared of them. We are not scared of them because we know how to use them. All the people who immigrated to the US hundreds of years ago, had to learn how to use guns in the wild knew world. Canadians are the exception to this because they are cucks who stayed with the English, who still cuck them to this day.
If you doubt this then just look at europe.
Each branch of the government is designed so that one is not any more powerful than the other.
The second amendment is a similar surety that the government doesn't become more powerful than the people.
Without it YOUR nothing but a nigger.
It is indeed
Although it seems like it is on the decline now.
Well that seals the deal then #Im with her
I'm not even a fucking Texan asswipe. Eat shit and die.
Texas is great if you moved to Texas or if you are from Texas. But for the rest of us. It's not. Texas is great. Just not great to hear about.
A fag in Texas somewhere just blew his nut because of you
If your punctuation is as bad as your history, I can assume you are just some 14 year old trap wanker on Sup Forums.
What is with this Texas shit for fuck's sake?
Sounds like trolling..
We care about the 2nd because it invokes the spirit of the nation. As a nation whose founding was basked in the sweet ideals of liberty, patriotic Americans believe that firearm ownership represents the pinnacle of the free man: that he exerts martial control over the land, and that the government is an entity that ought to fear him. The right to bear arms, just like the owner and producer of the nation's currency, is a vital question when ti comes to who has sovereignty over the country. Our currency has been infiltrated and is printed by a foreign power--our sovereignty is crippled. They are now trying to wrest guns away from us--what sovereignty will we have left? There will be us in one corner and an armed government in the other.
I have to say, sounds like a fitting time for another revolution..
Here is another reason why I carry a gun...
Cut me some slack, I'm drunk okay.
t. Jew York or commiefornia
Guns are fun
nice try, shlomo
Why are all europeans attached to their governments? It's like they're slaves.
Texas ALWAYS starts it
I hate when people act like this is a new thing. America has always loved guns. They've been a part of American culture for as long as there's been an America.
>falling for the inebriated jew
It is one of the founding principles of our culture user. Our nation came to be because of our defiance against tyranny. The founding fathers saw that in order for the people to be protected from the government they would have to be able to do so. The purpose is to protect our freedom from being taken away not by a foreign power but by ourselves. The idea that governments have not gone tyrannical in the past is laughable. All it takes is for certain conditions to be met and power can be taken away. When that day comes I will be proud to stand with my brothers and sisters to defend all that we as Americans stand for and to ensure that the future is free for the next generation.
Not an argument.
NC actually. I am the one who had to drive home 6 miles with groceries in a cooler today because even the air conditioning in my car can't stop my salad lettuce and ground beef from going bad before I make it home to the fridge.
It's ok user.
Holy fuck this webm is great
Not a Texan, farthest west I've been is Kentucky. Texas can't be a conglomerate of assholes like me with nothing better to do than rant on Sup Forums about something they have no control over..right?
Pick only one
>Why are American's so attached to their 1st amendment?
The only thing I can be sure that is true of this statement is.
>Texas = Conglomerate of Assholes.
Nothing else I can confirm user.
What in the hell is the context for this clip? I've seen it multiple times on /gif/ or /wsg/ but have been too lazy to look around. Do people really drop like that when hit with a tazer?
There's always good and bad associated with everything. This includes certain rights. You see only the bad.
Yes and no. Electricity will drop you like that. But most of us that get shocked aren't in a burger king hat running in our underwear while inebriated.
You have a Google, user, but it can be assumed he was tased. You can also kinda see the taser wires sticking out right above his trunks
Because we're not some pussy European country that'll just bend over and let whoever invades them take control. If you're going to invade America, you have to go through most of the gun owners also.
to be able to kill kikes like you when time is right.
I guess they don't realize just how much fun shooting guns is.
well, with those trips you're safe for now fagit
Because only slaves, serfs, and convicts can be told what to do. Which one are you OP?
Because it's the only thing holding the global elite back from full control, if they tried to push they would be massacred.