I have a some friends who are political science majors and they've concluded that this will be the result on Nov 8th. Can you prove them wrong Sup Forums?
I have a some friends who are political science majors and they've concluded that this will be the result on Nov 8th...
>North Carolina
>New Hampshire
Into the trash it goes
347 to 191
>into the trash it goes
>into the trash it goes
>into the trash it goes
>into the trash it goes
>into the trash it goes
Are these the same people who predicted a Bernie victory?
those will all go blue, maybe not NH, maaaaybe not NC but the rest definitely will, also GA will go blue
>Trump loses every swing state
As opposed to Drumpf winning every swing state?
>political science majors
My best friend is a political science major. He's managing a Wallgreens.
i live in NC and i think we're going to go blue just because people are pissed as hell at dumb ass Pat McCroy
>political science majors
>political science majors
its like astrology except without cool mysticism
>Political Science Majors
I'd ask an astrologer to read the stars and tell me who's going to win an election before I ask a poli sci major
They're all stupid and don't know shit about 'merrica.
NH and NC go red, easily.
IA and NV go red in a tight race.
The whole thing comes down to FL, OH and PA. SAME AS ALWAYS!
>has friends
>shooting for quads
Well, ya had me for a second there Bub.
>also GA will go blue
yeah and illinois is safe republican this year
Ah well thank God your 20 year old friends who have been old enough to understand politics for MAYBE two elections have got this figured out.
My dad is a good friend of Donald. Mr. Trump got in the race to help Hillary win. He told my dad that he got REALLY pissed at the fact Jeb Bush was running for president and he wanted to do away with the party. Needless to say, he didn't think he would have such huge influence, and thought his border wall line was a throwaway to sucker some of the idiotic xenophobes who vote in the primaries. He didn't think he'd get a plurality of them though. He was ecstatic that he shoved Jeb out of the race, but he's been calling my dad sounding really nervous and per my dad he sounds terrified that he might win. My dad sent him some ideas on how to throw the election to Hillary while also saving face. Getting involved with Putin was my dad's idea. He also gave Mr. Trump another idea which I don't want to reveal on a board this public but needless to say, it will pretty much guarantee Hillary cleans up in every swing state. Which was what he got in the race to do originally. I kinda feel bad for his base of supporters who he got all gassed up about immigration and terrorism, two things he honestly doesn't care about and in fact he and my dad were joking the other day how Mr. Trump hired a bunch of foreign workers to work at his resort. Hint: the new idea my dad gave him involves the "t" word.
KEK has already declared that Trump will win.
Clinton will not win OH/FL which will be her downfall.
The October surprise will come from Wikileaks and will devastate her campaign leaving it a mess going into the final stretch.
KEK has willed it.. My post is his will, I am but his vessel.. KEK has spoken.
You can't prove them right lol. We haven't even had a debate yet, how can you even begin to forecast the outcome? But, I will say this. There were alot convinced that trumps run was a joke, and that he'd never even get the nomination.
>Michigan blue
Please we lie all the time, apparently you niggers don't know what irony is.
Nice pasta
Political science major here this is actually what will most likely will happen unless trump can flip PA which is unlikely
nigga you dumb
>Canadian intellectuals
You got mitt romney loss digits
So? My dad works at Nintendo.
this is possible but between MI, WI, IL, and MN one of those will probably go red.
>political science major
Nobody gives a fuck about your meaningless political science major. It doesn't qualify your opinion anymore than anyone else's.
When I was going to school for engineering, my boss was a political science major. I worked part time at a lonestar steakhouse
This is a BEST case scenario for Trump.
In this case, election goes to the house, and Trump wins that way.
The leftist salt mines will be at max production on that day.
Illinois - never
Minnesota - no way
Wisconsin - in the cards
Michigan - signs point to yes
>political science majors
>Can you prove them wrong Sup Forums?
I don't have to. They're fucking failures at life for picking such a worthless degree. Their life will consist of suffering and I don't really need to ad anything to that.
Poor stupid bastards.
There is ONLY "Black swan"scenario, ISiS does something Nasty in the US, then Trump wins
>Political Science
PoliSci major here (I'm finishing up law school though) and I concur with their judgement.
I don't know what part of NC you are in, but where I am most people seem to like him because of the bathroom law.
>I don't have to. They're fucking failures at life for picking such a worthless degree.
>He fell for the STEM meme
Degrees don't matter unless it's highly specified. Employers just want to see that you can stick it out for 4 years and that you're not a complete retard. Networking is FAR more important.
since 1862, not Republican has ever won without Ohio
Yea but since everyone has one good luck getting your resume seen, especially if YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE.
I agree on the networking part however. Trade school is also a good choice.
if NC goes blue i will literally fuck a goat on camera and upload to Sup Forums screen cap this
Well I'm not a political science major and I guess all but 1 state correctly in 2008.
Makes ya think huh?
>Trade school is also a good choice.
Agreed. I was lucky enough to come from a rural school where the importance of trade schools was taught to every student. A lot of people I graduated with went on into the textile industry, welding, carpentry, agriculture, etc. and are doing very well for themselves.
College isn't, and shouldn't, be for everyone. Trade work is hard work, but its rewarding work.
You do that every day. How about you burn a quran instead. Unless of course you are a serviceman on deployment, in which case that would be an acceptable bet.
0203 and i will take that bet
>i will literally fuck a goat on camera
So, the usual then?
>1 post by this ID
knew it
Michigan anons keep preaching that Trump's all-worker-man persona is resonating with a state dominated by failed democratic policies.
MI might go red, as some unions have already signalled their intentions.
My father stressed it alot to me in my youth. At the time I dismissed it, but I'm about to graduate from an auto tech program and currently have the best paying job I've had in my life so far, and it's entry level. I wish I had listened to him sooner.
Jarhead detected. Hows the hut while the chair force is up in the Sheraton?
>political science major
My brother was polisci major and his first job was manager at Taco Bell.
>>Networking is FAR more important.
Duh. That's how I got my current job.
But getting a Political Science degree is lowest of the low tier in terms of teaching you anything worthwhile. It's just a huge waste of money. Like most Liberal Arts degrees are.
my gooch is about 40% sand and dirt
this FOB has wifi which is nice though but the no AC just massive industrial fans
chair force gets there nice little bases in Kabul sitting in AC rooms piloting their little call of duty reapers
>My brother was polisci major and his first job was manager at Taco Bell.
They make like $45k a year, so that's pretty good.
Hell burn a quran while fucking a goat, it will be entertaining and leave us with one less work of bullshit.
Still burn a quran though even if NC goes red like it always does. Really just in general burn any quran you come across that you can get away with.
I'm a political science major, and this map sucks.
>t. PoliSci loser
Oh and I almost forgot, thank you for your service.
Utah and Arizona could go blue because of Johnson and the increase in Latino voters.
I'd most love to see Texas turn, and it will but not this time.
>All this anti-intellectualism in this thread
what are the qualifications one needs to fly one of these neet-sperg planes?
>Political Science degree is lowest of the low tier in terms of teaching you anything worthwhile
If you have shitty professors. Poli-Sci isn't just about politics, its critical thinking, problem solving, articulation, expressing complicated ideas in a digestible format. It's understanding not only how law works, but why. Exploring the political philosophy that shapes our very culture and mores. It is learning from some of the greatest minds and cultural influencers of the past 400 years and studying their works.
Of course, I wouldn't expect anyone on Sup Forums to understand that. Just keep shouting your
>political science LOL
Education isn't about getting a job; that's job training. You can get that in trade school. Getting an education is about being educated and understanding deeper thought.
>Trump baby's think he can win
literally everybody other than straight, white, male, evangelicals hate him
Like you needed an excuse, muhammed.
nearly all of them are college grads but i actually don't really know to be honest
its not NEARLY as difficult as being a pilot but the training is pretty mentally exhausting i've heard, pretty much nerds with a computer science background who get boners off droning people with hellfires
they pull like 18-20 hour shifts on those things and if you fuck up once with them your done
its honestly the perfect job for Sup Forums
Nigga plz
i am sure it is comforting for you to think that
Maine District 2 is going red.
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for correcting the record!
One could argue that other degrees more or less accomplish the same thing
>he had to pay money to get educated
Jesus man,didn't you go to a good public high school and have your parents make you learn the classics?
You go to college these days to get the education needed to get a career.
Not to lern to talk good lol fag
babies can't vote, there
Bruh, I know. My deployment was on a COP 6km south of Kandahar. Water bottle showers. Burning shit. 20km away at FOB KAF, airforce is sitting really nice billets. Fuck em.
>One could argue that other degrees more or less accomplish the same thing
True, but with different concentrations. Poli-Sci is just law and philosophy. That's how it SHOULD be, philosophy+some concentration.
One of my buddies controls drones for the army. No degree. He's a sgt
>20km away at FOB KAF, airforce is sitting really nice billets. Fuck em.
Sounds like somebody's jealous.
does he pilot them? a lot of enlisted dudes do work on drones that aren't actual pilots
i dont disbelieve you just means your friends a smart guy lol
I support Trump, and I identify as an athiest lesbian.
could easily go blue
Charlotte here. I we'll swing hillary 56/44 here. The same sort of numbers in Raleigh. Ashville will swing hillary hard. The rest of the state will carry trump.
NC red imo
Yes. This is the result. I am Daniel, I know my shit.
yeah its pretty bullshit. but i'm a 0203 so they HAVE to give me electricity and an internet connection so i havent gotten thrown in the real real deep shit in a long time, but i still gotta fucking go out with 0311's to create intel reports
but hell man i thank god for these big ass fans lol i know some dudes near wanat don't get anything CLOSE to the luxuries i take for granted fucking A i'm shitposting on Sup Forums could be A LOT worse
NC goes blue because the voter suppression law was overturned.
Do you drumpftards think you can actually win?
>ms paint filled all the individual states
>off-center name edits
>box filled the bar
>red shirts
What did you mean by this?
Prove you wrong? I'd need an argument first. All I've been given are numbers from people with a degree in which its very name is an oxymoron.
>Blue Utah.
Every fucking time.
also i made this in GIMP
That's not best case scenario, that's how far can I reach up my ass and pull this out.
I'll take 1/50.
>being this autistic
No president has won with out Ohio
Blacks don't vote here. Also we weren't a big plantation state like the rest of the south. We're mostly white, outside of the cities it's all trailers and mullets
>loses NC
>wins CO
>political science majors
Why are baristas predicting the election?