Tfw my little brother fell for the Sup Forums meme

>tfw my little brother fell for the Sup Forums meme

Fuck man. I should have been looking out for him. Now he's shitting up Sup Forums with his stupid fucking memes as we speak.

based #MAGA
join us on /r/thedonald

>older sister is a sjw
>other sister's husband loves h3h3 and idubbz

Jesus the arguments they have are cringe as fuck

He really likes reddit, honestly that's how I think he got involved with Sup Forums

>fell for the Sup Forums meme years ago at a tender age
>now a fat neckbeard who shitposts on Sup Forums
was there ever a bright future for me
could things have been different

kys liberal cuck. Based trump will make america great again. You won't get our guns hilary shill. First amendment baby

You know what you have to do, user.
>Someone should edit this to have the Sup Forums logo on George and the Sup Forums logo on Lennie

He is calling everyone a cuck Jew nigger newfag as we speak


I would honestly probably walk out.
The normie obliviousness makes me cringe

Imagine being the person who unironically made this

What do I do bros? Should I try to confront him about it?

How's Trump?

Why do you dislike Obama? He's very popular abroad but I remembef it not being the case in Ameriland.

just tell him he is 56%

For real guys I don't know what to do about this. I don't want my brother to become a nazi.

Bad bait. Pol isn't just a scary Nazi boogieman board. Its a place with numerous different right wing ideologies.

What's wrong with pol? Sup Forums is much more racist than pol as of late.

Reddit is a left site. Just look at the front page.

>Sup Forums is more racist than Sup Forums

What if he's just a conservative guy and you're calling him a nazi because you're a liberal cuck?

It's true tho.
Add tax reform to the list.

Just beat him until he stops being an idiot.
That's how you treat little brothers.

Get a black gf, have your parents take in a lone afghan refugee kid, donate his birthday and christmas presents to Syria.

This seems more plausible.

Pol is not Nazi . They suck Jewish trumpestein's cock

I don't know if Sup Forums is overran by leftists lately or they fell for the agenda to make Sup Forums out to be the worst thing ever but they sound just like all the anti-trump subs on reddit and verified checkmarks on twitter.

And no, I'm not Sup Forums(I know that's your conditioned knee-jerk response)

I don't like Trump as a person, but j cow him as someone disposable to finally get things done that presidents before him didn't have the willpower to do. Israel for example, a law was passed in 1999 that states Jerusalem was the capitol of Israel but every president issued a "waiver" and would say "next time".

Tax reform is another thing. Everyone always said 35% corporate tax rate was to high but never changed it because it's hot popular.

Either way Trump is disposable he is being used to do all the shit jobs everyone doesn't want to do and is taking the hate eventually when he's lived his purpose we can cut him loose.

>Being pol
>Being an idiot
>Pick one.

Did your brother ever have a gf?

>being a conservative
>having a brain
Pick one.

Sounds like he's already smarter than you.

What makes you say that? Are you taking the KARA BOGAing seriously?

*turns to look behind cuckstool*

Just the obsession with Sup Forums lately. Daily screenshot threads from there, which prove they're not even coming here because they're completely unaware of the fact Sup Forums is obsessed with them when following the threads in the screenshots, making the accusations of Sup Forums left and right retarded(not that that kind of proof was needed for something so obvious anyway).

There's a couple of wild Sup Forumstards lurking about, but the screencaps I see are more related with general retardation happening so close to home. If Sup Forums didn't turn into r_td you'd be seeing screencaps from forum/reddit/twitter posts instead. It's not obsession as much as it is convenience. You no longer have to leave the site to get your cheap entertainment.

Hey, just like on reddit and twitter.

I've actually converted a few people to Sup Forums, but where I saw the irony and inconsistencies everyone else seems to have gone full fucking retard.

I now see the benefit behind leftist propaganda. People literally can't process raw information like sane, resonable adults. I wanted to spread the truth but you fuckers are happier not knowing.

Believe it or not, intersite rivalries predate reddit, twitter and Sup Forums. I could restructure that into "hey, just like on usenet in the good old days!" and suddenly it seems a lot better.

Believe it or not no one gives a shit about Sup Forums either way unless they're hyper political. You are literally the same as those people I already mentioned, using even the same terms.

What the hell kind of argument is that? Of course no-one cares about Sup Forums outside of them getting triggered about mutts or whatever. I don't even know what terms you're talking about but sure, have it your way my dude. You can think Sup Forums is a leftist shithole obsessed about Sup Forums if that lets you sleep better at night. Merry christmas and a happy new year.

You portrayed yourself as far more neutral than you are in the other thread, you probably don't realize you aren't though.

Is that some jrwish holiday I don't know about?

Just a the leftist minomon this site projecting their distress.

Only subhumans fall for the Sup Forums narrative.

I see far more retardation here.
Pol is the backbone of Sup Forums.

based "Pol"poster working the libcucks into a shoot

Fuck you jew

>Everyone is stupid except for me.


Just someone tired of the whining

Right. I'm done dealing with your paranoia. Get some sleep.

Salt left lost another election.

Paranoia is the obsession with Sup Forums sweeping Sup Forums. Get some help. I don't want to see that non-stop leftist meltdown on Sup Forums when it's already everywhere else. Sup Forums was never like this no matter how much you insist. It's slowly turning into another PC-only website. Even though PC crowd is very anti-PC towards non-minority groups.

Now I get it.
>accuse someone else of using reddit/twitter lingo
>use reddit/twitter lingo

Which part are you referring to?
>unironically having that saved on your computer
Yikes, it's all out now huh

Is this true?
I know you guys already stole Groyper

>cracking down on ISIS
>is still shitting on Iran and strengthening the Saudi-US-Israel alliance more than ever
Uh-uh sure...