What was life like before social media?

What was life like before social media?

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We were all slightly more innocent.

you could do some dumb shit like get a photograph of yourself naked at a party and the damage was limited to however many people it could be passed around to. Embarassing, yes, but it wouldn't get to your parents or employer or something.

I know I would do a lot more naughty things. Things that I wouldn't mind being witnessed by a few people, but wouldn't want to spread virally.

Now every faggot whips out his phone instantly whenever something juicy is happening.


no feminazis

It was good.



why weren't we born 3000 years ago Sup Forums?

>plenty of land to move to away from people you don't like
>capable of living off the land, living standards are pretty evenly distributed throughout the world
>minimal repercussions of raping and pillaging
>get a good team of your best lads together and run through your local villages from your wooden camp naked, armed, painted and shouting the names of your many gods while setting fires and making babies.
why now, why me?

More or less the same. The only difference is that now butthurt spreads like wildfire and then disappears overnight.

Life was more simple, you only had to deal with irl drama and usually people had much less extreme opinions. Nowadays you have to take online drama into consideration, eitheir with your family, at school or at work. I miss having only one life to care about.


All you had is your reputation.

Communications-wise? Email, AOL instant messenger and landlines were ways to get ahold of people though in a static way.

I miss my teens in the late 90s...

People actually called each other on the phone, and they would talk for hours at a time to catch up with each other what happened during the week. Like most people did this.
People would go out much more. You were a weirdo if you didn't like going outside regularly, and doing shit. It seems to be pretty common now.
It was pretty based
Getting laid was a lot harder though I will give you that.

People weren't as embarrassed to be themselves.

We were less entitled and more connected with traditional values and had stronger familial bonds.

how does social media result in a sense of entitlement?

The real question is what was life like before the internet?

>be me
>be old enough to remember going to the library to read actual books for school projects
>be old enough to remember using sneakernet
>be old enough to remember having to stand in a music shop listening to new albums on headphones to see if I liked them
>be old enough to remember the thrill of hiding porn mags from your parents
>be old enough to have owned an amiga 500 and having a favourite 3.5" floppy disk
>be old enough to remember being able to speak your mind and the worst that would happen is getting a punch in the face, not lynch mobbed by the entire internet after some fucker uploaded a video of you
>be old enough to remember memorising your friends phone numbers and calling them after school to discuss something
>be old enough to remember saving up your part time money from your supermarket job to buy a second hand megadrive (genesis) so you could play sonic 2.
>be old...
>be old

>What was life like before social media?

I miss it.

>pre-paid nokia
>never get any calls
>locked away from the world why normies are out having fun
>only have old videogame consoles with the same games to play over and over for entertainment
At least now I can pretend.

>Getting laid was a lot harder though I will give you that.

People like you that stayed inside were fucking rejects


I actually did the exact opposite.
I thought my post replied that.

If you deny the fact getting laid has become stupid easy with the rise of social media you aren't using it right.

Is that Wham?

Rare as fuck, based OP

Fuck man, I was too broke to have a computer or internet in the early 00s.

My dad had two volumes of outdated encyclopedias I'd use for projects that started with A through U, he didnt have V-Z so I had to go to the library for those.

Didn't get a phone until I was able to pay for it myself at 18, besides that it was landlines.

Because you get used to a sense of immediate reward/satisfaction/feedback for your comments/actions. You are enveloped in a false sense of importance and the solipsistic tendencies of your mind are strengthened further by your attention-grabbing activities on the internet.

I grew up in a small town. Everyone would meet up at the bowling alley, some would bowl but usually we would figure out whose parents weren't home, have one of the hot girls go play hey mister in front of the convenience store, get a couple racks of beer and a bottle of liquor. We would play drinking games, list to music and bullshit. It was awsome.

Less salty


Before internet (not only social media)

It was fun. No one stared at their cell phones (as if we had any) Everyday we were on the road to meet people.
We grouped up more. A normal day was 10-20 people hangout somewhere doing stuff together, talked about everything.
Heavily related on the official medias for news around the world.
Festivities were more crowded. That was the time where you actually met people from farer away.
Public libraries and encyclopedias were THE source for any quick answers (like google but much more complicated to use, although an uni-library is still the best choice for getting deep to the core of a specific problem).
We didn't pretend doing something, we did it or not.

Before social medias you had to face someone when you wanted to discredit him. The answer was quicker and could have a very deep impact.
We had to bully others in real life and seeing the consequences immediately.

All in all we weren't as PC as today.


glimpse of life before social media

